Union Info

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Local A
Wheel Show

Island Golf

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Clay Shoot

Rescue Race




Suggestions and ideas to help your union do a better job and rebuild our solidarity. This is your direct input link to provide feedback, suggestions and ideas only. Requests for assistance with a contract issue should be directed to your Union Steward or Business Rep. Feedback should not be used to seek individual assistance from the District Lodge, or to discuss pending grievances and/or internal union affairs.

Dec 2015/Jan 2016 Aero Mechanic Newspaper online
Click here to download the Dec 2015/Jan 2016 of the Aero

International Orders Steward Elections on January 20

As a result of charges filed in the District Vice President election earlier this year, International President R. Thomas Buffenbarger recalled and rewrote our District bylaws prior to his retirement on Jan. 1. A requirement of the new bylaws orders District 751 to hold Union Steward elections in the month of January. The election date has been set for January 20 at lunch time in the shop.

District 751’s goal is to ensure it is a fair election. Following are the guidelines that will be used to conduct the steward elections.
Any member wanting to be a Union Steward must self nominate between Jan 4 through 5 p.m. on Friday, January 15. Members can self nominate online, by email, fax, in person at the hall or over the phone. To self nominate, you must provide: Name, phone #, email address, Employee # or BEMSID, Employer, Work Location (city), Area/Shop/Building #, Shift, Job Code, Organization and ‘green sheet area code’ (if known).

Optional information: Provide the name of a member from your shop to be a potential teller and that person’s contact information.
NOTE: Tellers will be excused on paid Union business the day of the election Jan. 20. Tellers will be tasked with coming to the hall prior to shift start time for brief training and to pick up ballot box, ballots, and lists. They will set up a poll area in the plant, verify eligibility of voters in the work area, provide a ballot to each member who signs the list and shows picture ID, tally completed ballots in ballot box, return ballot box with tally sheet and voter sign in list to the halls with signatures of each teller.

Elections will only be held if there is more than one candidate in a shop/area on January 20 in the shop during lunch (location and time to be determined). Check back to this website for the self nomination form starting January 4.

Members can obtain a copy of the revised District bylaws at any Union Hall.

Economic Factors Result in Zero COLA effective Dec. 4, 2015

Calculations for the Dec. 4, 2015 quarterly cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for IAM members at Boeing resulted in a negative 5 cents based on the months of August, September and October. However, since no positive COLA has been generated since the prior COLA was rolled into the base rates, no reduction to the base rate will occur. Current accumulated COLA to date is minus 11 cents.

COLA is generated quarterly under the IAM-Boeing contract and is based on the federal government's Consumer Price Index.

Triumph Spokane Power Outage - November 18th 2015

Triumph Composite Systems, (TCS) contacted the union hall today to give an update on the power outage at the Spokane facility.  Avista is currently working on the system but does not have an immediate resolution to the problem.  Triumph has established a hotline # for employees to call in.  TCS is requesting employees to call in 2 hours before the beginning of this shift to verify if Triumph is open for operations. 


(509) 994-8705

Open Enrollment for Health Care Plans at Boeing Nov. 6 - Dec. 1Openenrollflyer
IAM 751 members working at Boeing will be asked to select their health and dental insurance coverage during the 2015 annual enrollment period, which runs Nov. 6 through Dec. 1. Any changes employees make during enrollment will go into effect on January 1, 2016. You should have received an information packet in the mail. Review enrollment materials, examine co-pays and out-of-pocket exprenses, and check list of network providers. Study the plans carefully before selecting coverage and review how different plans affect your out-of-pocket costs. Click here for a brief comparison of the plans. Click here to download the Union News flyers.




Health Assessment Required to Avoid Added Monthly Premium Surcharge; Screenings Optional With No Impact on Monthly Premiums
With The health assessment questionnaire for District 751 members working at Boeing is now available through Boeing’s TotalAccess. Since 2012, each year Union members and their spouses or partners covered by Boeing medical plans have to complete the health assessment questionnaires to avoid higher monthly out-of-pocket costs for health care in the coming year (up to $40 per month if both employee and spouse/partner fail to complete the assessment). This year’s health assessment can be taken between now and Dec. 1.

Keep in mind there are no wrong answers on the health assessment and to avoid the higher monthly cost, you DO NOT have to provide any numbers on the Health Assessment (I don’t know is a perfectly acceptable answer).

Health screenings (which Boeing classifies as Step 1 and implies must be done) ARE NOT REQUIRED for our members and have NO IMPACT on the deduction from your paycheck for medical benefits. Screenings are strictly voluntary.

The health assessment questionnaires are available online. Members can fill them out at work by logging on to the TotalAccess site and clicking the “My Well Being” tab. To answer the questionnaire at home, members can log on to TotalAccess by going to www.boeing.com/express, then entering their BEMSID and TotalAccess password, then clicking “My Well Being.”
Spouses or domestic partners enrolled in a Boeing-sponsored medical plan must go online at www.webmdhealth.com/boeing.
Union members who’d rather not answer the questionnaire online have the option of calling TotalAccess at (866) 473-2016 to request a paper form to be mailed to them, or have a TotalAccess representative ask them the questions right there on the phone.
REMEMBER: IAM members and their spouses/partners are not required to get ANY screenings, and you are not required to report any numbers to Boeing on the Health Assessment 

November 2015 Aero Mechanic Newspaper online
Click here to download the November 2015 of the Aero

October 2015 Aero Mechanic Newspaper online
Click here to download the October 2015 of the Aero

Join Team 751 in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk Snohomish County - Saturday, Oct. 17 - Port of Everett

Please join us on October 17th for the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer in Everett. Team 751 will be meeting in front of the Port of Everett Building at 9 a.m. for a team photo. The walk begins at 9:30 a.m. You can also make a donation to Team 751 to help support this cause and to “Finish this Fight.” Click here to join Team 751.

Making Strides of Snohomish County Saturday, October 17, 2015, Check in between 8 & 9 a.m.
Port Of Everett, 1620 W Marine View Dr., Everett, WA Map it

Take Part in Workshops for 2016 IAM Grand Lodge Convention

Members and retirees are invited to take part in workshops in late October to help determine the direction our Union takes going forward. The workshops are an opportunity for members to brainstorm ideas, suggestions and revisions to the IAM Constitution, which can only take place every four years at the Grand Lodge Convention. See below for specific dates and times. Mark your calendar and come ready to work with others to make revisions and strengthen our Union for the future.



Meeting Times

Seattle Union Hall
9125 15th Pl. S

(NOTE: Moved from Renton Hall)

Tuesday, Oct. 20

6:30 a.m., 11 a.m., and 3 p.m.

Auburn Union Hall
201 A St SW

Wed., Oct. 21

6:30 a.m., 11 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.

Everett Union Hall
8729 Airport Rd

Thurs, Oct. 22

6:30 a.m., 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.

The IAM Constitution lays out clear timelines to submit and pass such revisions. Since there is only a short window of time to make and submit revisions, District 751 is starting early, and asking for input and participation. The goal is to put together meaningful proposals and amendments for the locals to discuss and vote on.

Website provides opportunity to help a member's family

Our thoughts go out to IAM 751 member Eric Lehto, a machine repair mechanic in Auburn, whose 17-month old grandson, Drue Lehto, was brutally murdered on Sept. 27. Eric's son is struggling to cope with both the loss of his child but with paying for Drue's burial. His family has set up a website to help cover the expenses. If you would like to contribute, please visit https://www.gofundme.com/druelehto.

Regarding 737 Work to China

Recently, there have been media reports that Boeing has made a deal with China to open up a completion center to paint, install interiors, flight test and deliver already assembled 737s.  In a previous meeting with Renton’s 737 leadership we saw a brief presentation outlining Boeing’s perceived market conditions regarding sales of single aisle aircraft and the company’s desire to collaborate with China. We have asked the Company for details of what is intended with “collaboration”and have not received ANY information on “collaboration” or confirming or disputing the media reports. While we don’t know specifics of any such proposal, ANY shift of aerospace jobs from our bargaining unit or Washington State causes grave concern.

Your District 751 leadership is committed to explore all avenues – contractually, legally and legislatively – to preserve and protect jobs in keeping with the Fighting Machinists tradition.

 Our members have worked hard to deliver efficiencies and innovations, especially on the 737 line, that increased production rates to levels never seen before to make Boeing airplanes more competitive in the market place. In addition, we have sacrificed real benefits worth billions of dollars. We believe all of this, along with tax incentives from Washington State, should have earned our members and our state the right to secure this work.
 Our Union must reiterate that ANY movement of aerospace work from our members and other aerospace workers in Washington state gives rise for great concern. For decades, District 751 has fought for job security provisions to maintain and grow a skilled aerospace workforce in both our bargaining unit and Washington State.

 We understand the importance of selling airplanes to customers around the world; however, the work we perform here seems to be what is offered as a bargaining chip to fill aerospace manufacturing across the country and the world. Where is the commitment to our communities?

 The impact of any future deals that may take work from our membership in Washington justifies our fight for aerospace tax incentive accountability.
 We will continue to work hard to make sure legislators in the state of Washington understand they must secure a guaranteed number of jobs in any deal that gives billions of dollars in tax incentives. Every citizen in all of our communities should speak up to protest the loss of any aerospace jobs.

September 2015 Aero Mechanic Newspaper online
Click here
to download the September 2015 of the Aero

Per Union Contract: Overtime at Boeing on Holidays and Holidays Weekends is STRICTLY Voluntary
With the Labor Day holiday fast approaching and many shops on mandatory overtime, the Union felt it was important to educate members on contract language regarding holiday overtime.

Letter of Understanding #11 in the contract on page 146 states:

All overtime on a contractual holiday or on the weekend which immediately precedes a Monday holiday or immediately follows a Friday holiday shall be voluntary.

The only instance where overtime on a holiday weekend can be mandatory per LOU #11 is "where necessary for facilities maintenance."

Members can always volunteer for overtime on holiday weekends and the actual holidays, but this contract language ensures you have the option to spend the holiday weekends with family and friends.

Pension Value Plan Lump-Sum Buyout Offer for Salaried (NOT IAM) Workers
We have been getting questions on Boeing’s announcement pertaining to a lump-sum buyout offer on those eligible for the Pension Value Plan (PVP). Keep in mind the PVP is a pension for salaried workers and is not part of our collective bargaining agreement. Therefore, IAM members are not eligible for the PVP. However, some IAM members could have worked in a salaried role where they may have earned a PVP benefit. We have made inquiries to see if any IAM members who earned an accrued benefit in the PVP while on the salaried payroll will be eligible for this lump sum offer. We are awaiting a response from Boeing and will keep you informed.

If you know individuals on other payrolls with the PVP, you may want to pass along two articles with important information and questions anyone being offered a lump sum buyout should consider. Click on the articles below and share with anyone faced with this decision.
From the Pension Rights Center, Should you take your pension as a lump sum?

From Forbes.com, 8 Questions to Ask Before Taking a Pension Lump Sum Offer

IAM Union Contract Provides 2% General Wage Increase at Boeing effective Sept. 11, 2015
IAM members working at Boeing will receive a 2 percent General Wage Increase (GWI) effective Sept. 11, 2015. Employees at the maximum Grade A rate will receive their 2 percent as a lump sum percentage of each individual’s bargaining unit gross earnings as stated in Letter of Understanding #23. See table below for new maximum rates.

While calculations for the Sept. 11, 2015 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) resulted in 18 cents based on the months of May, June and July 2015, accumulated COLA to date was at a minus 24 cents prior to this quarter; therefore, no COLA will be added to or subtracted from the base pay. With the 18 cents for this quarter, the cumulative COLA is currently at a negative 6 cents.

Labor Grade







































Nomination/Election Schedule for 2015 Local Lodge Officers
Nominations and elections for Local Lodge Officers in 751-E, 751-F, 86 and 1123 shall be made as described in the table below (nominations in each first Local Lodge meeting in September, 2015 and elections in each first Local Lodge meeting in October, 2015), per the IAM Constitution.

Click here for details.

August 2015 Aero Mechanic Newspaper online
Click here
to download the August 2015 of the Aero

2015 Guide Dogs Golf Tournament a Success - Photos available to view.

Thanks to all who participated and volunteered to make the 2015 Guide Dogs of America Golf Tournament a success on July 19.

You can view and download 2015 golf tournament photos at:
From Machinists 751
Click on albums (middle button to the right of Photostream)
Then click, 2015 Golf Tourney Photos

Click on the photo of your choice, then hit arrow in lower right corner to download

Machinists Respond to McNerney's Threat: "The only Boeing job that should leave this country is his"

July 29: Machinists District 751 President Jon Holden issued the following statement in response to Jim McNerney’s threat today that Boeing was actively considering moving “key pieces” of its operations to other countries because Congress has not reauthorized the Ex-Im Bank’s charter, which expired on June 30"

"While we share his frustration with Congress and its failure to reauthorize the Ex-Im Bank, we are tired of Jim McNerney and his constant threats to take away our livelihoods and destroy our communities.

At District 751, we support the work of the Export-Import Bank. It is an important source of financing for some of the airlines that purchase the products that our members build. Any politician who is fighting reauthorization of the bank is working to destroy something that provides a win-win-win for America¹s economy, working people and taxpayers.

But for Jim McNerney to continue to threaten to take our jobs away is unacceptable. Our workers in Puget Sound generate billions of dollars in revenue for Boeing, and our state’s citizens are committed to providing $8.7 billion in tax relief that will also boost Boeing’s bottom line. Our members also have lobbied steadfastly for years in support of the Ex-Im Bank. And for that, all we get in return are more threats.

This is one more example of how Jim McNerney operated during his years as Boeing’s CEO -- threatening the livelihood of his employees and jeopardizing the communities they live in in order to get what he wants. Enough is enough. It is time for him to go. The only Boeing job that should leave this country is his.

This unfortunate episode also shows why we wanted the Washington Legislature to act on proposed Aerospace Tax Incentive Accountability legislation during the past session. So long as our state has no performance standards for aerospace companies that take a share of America’s richest tax breaks, our state’s economy will be subject to being held hostage and used as a bargaining chip whenever aerospace industry executives get in a fight with their opponents in Congress."

July 2015 Aero Mechanic Newspaper online
Click here
to download the July 2015 of the Aero

Boeing Will Pay High Price For McNerney's Mistake Of Treating Aviation Like It Was Any Other Industry

from Forbes.com
Yesterday’s announcement that Jim McNerney was retiring as Boeing BA -0.04% CEO wasn’t a major surprise – everyone knew he’d leave within a year or so – but it was rather abrupt and the timing was unexpected. He probably jumped, but there are certainly reasons to believe that he may have been nudged along in his move.

Under McNerney, Boeing’s stock price did very well. Cash flow was generally strong, and investors like short-term metrics like these. But he also leaves behind a toxic legacy that future leadership will need to deal with. Read Full Story here...

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