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To send a letter to the Guardian, click here. To send one to the Observer, click here
  • A child under a duvet in pyjamas

    Concern over children with long Covid and theories on its cause

    Letters: Readers respond to an article describing one child’s experience with the virus and how it has affected him and his family
  • Child walking hand in hand with adults

    There are too many children in care who could be looked after by their families

  • A teenage boy with a film camera in a studio

    The wider importance of media studies in the school curriculum

  • The 28th edition of the Duden

    Ein Wort für a fear of mentioning the war

  • Marks & Spencer store in Marble Arch, Oxford Street.

    New Marks & Spencer building will be a showcase for low-carbon design

  • Carla Denyer, the leader of the Green party of England and Wales, in ITV’s TV election debate.

    The case for and against a vote for the Green party

  • The normalisation of dehumanisation in the Israel-Palestine conflict

  • A lack of real progress on women in politics

  • A Labour landslide on 37% of the vote? That makes the case for PR

  • Labour’s offer: ‘dullifesto’ or a bold plan for Britain?

  • Students aren’t all superhuman – that’s why means-tested grants must return

  • What Sky-deprived Rishi Sunak should have said in that TV interview

  • We have abandoned our vulnerable children

  • No wonder overloaded women try to marry rich

Loads more stories and moves focus to first new story.
  • London, UK ‘Prince Albert alone with his thoughts in Hyde Park.’

    A pensive prince and petal power – readers’ best photos

  • Santorini, Greece ‘A sunny afternoon a few days before the busy season.’

    White heat and the scent of summer – readers’ best photos

    A selection of Guardian readers’ photographs from around the world
  • Glasgow, UK ‘The war memorial in Victoria Park framed by cherry blossom.’

    Bountiful blossom and food for the soul – readers’ best photos

    A selection of Guardian readers’ photographs from around the world
Loads more stories and moves focus to first new story.

Get in touch

  • Hands typing on the keyboard in the office.

    How to send a letter to the Guardian

  • The Guardian newspaper office in King's Cross, London

    How to send a letter to the Observer

    Do you have an opinion on anything you have read in the Observer online or in print? Then send us your letter to be considered for publication
  • Writing a letter

    How to make a complaint about Guardian or Observer content

    Find out about our Guardian and Observer Readers’ editors, how to complain about a piece that appeared online or in print and how the process works

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