Cole Sand Interview: Being an actor “you can make so many friends!”

cole sand THE STAR SCOOP: You have been working so long! What is it about being an actor that you like so much?

COLE SAND: I like that you can make so many friends! You can also make so many enemies, but you can also make those enemies turn into your friends. To me it feels like a game to play. Which game will I play first? When I get a script, I’m like OK, I’m at this stage. I learn the lines and if I get a callback for it and I get the job, I think, great! On to the next stage.

THE STAR SCOOP: Do you prefer to be in movies or TV shows?

COLE SAND: I like every one. If you say, hey want to act in this? Or, you want to audition for this? Yeah! Of course!

THE STAR SCOOP: You’ve got some different movies in the works. Tell us about the characters and projects you’ve recently started working on.

COLE SAND: I am on a show called “Heart of Dixie.” I just shot my third episode. I will be playing Little Harley on the show. Very exciting. And, I play Henry on “Masters of Sex.”

THE STAR SCOOP: Is there a TV show or movie franchise you would like to get to work on in the future?

COLE SAND: Yes. I would love to be on the Ellen show. I saw this little kid singing on it, and oh man, I wished I was that kid. I really want to be on the Ellen show.

THE STAR SCOOP: You get to work with your brother a lot. What is that like for you?

COLE SAND: I think that’s the only time where we act like true, real big brother and little brother just helping each other out. I think that’s the only time you could call us brothers exactly, because, at times, we’re the complete opposite.

THE STAR SCOOP: You both like acting!

COLE SAND: That’s actually the one thing that we both like. Even though we’re twins, we’re the exact opposite. Jaden would just sit down and read a book, and I would just go outside and play ball for like two hours, and when I come back in, he’s still reading that book. I’m like, Jaden, want to play ball with me? And he says, nah.

THE STAR SCOOP: You’ve been acting for a long time. What do you like to do when you’re not acting?

COLE SAND: I love to play sports and nothing but sports!

THE STAR SCOOP: What’s your favorite sport?

COLE SAND: I only play competitive soccer so that’s my favorite sport to play but my favorite sport to watch would be College football or basketball.

THE STAR SCOOP: Is there anything else we should know about you?

COLE SAND: Let’s see…I am 10 years old and most people would guess I’m seven. I’ve just tested that out. I just got a new pair of glasses and I don’t know if Jaden told you, but I’ve been acting since I was nine months old. I can’t even remember my first job! I can’t even remember yesterday!

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