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  • Series Premiere Date: Feb 1, 2013
Season #: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
House of Cards (2013) Image

Generally favorable reviews - based on 21 Critics What's this?

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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 91 Ratings

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  • Summary: The sixth and final season of the political drama sees Claire posed to take over as Commander in Chief.
  • Genre(s): Drama


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House Of Cards
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 10 out of 21
  2. Negative: 3 out of 21
  1. Reviewed by: Verne Gay
    Oct 30, 2018
    Like Walter White, she's the antihero we love to love--conflicted, intelligent, seductive, and human-all-too-human. Claire will be done in just eight episodes. A shame because she was just getting started. Claire's turn and she makes it count.
  2. Reviewed by: Erin Keane
    Oct 30, 2018
    Following Robin Wright through this season as she reveals Claire slowly and deliberately is worth a binge.
  3. Reviewed by: Mark A. Perigard
    Oct 29, 2018
    In this truncated season (only eight episodes as opposed to the usual 13), Wright remains outstanding. But “House” suffers from the same problem as HBO’s “Veep.” Both started as daring satires of the highest office in our land and both have been surpassed by our current reality in which every day brings a new tweet storm of chaos.
  4. Reviewed by: Daniel D'Addario
    Oct 23, 2018
    While the sixth and final season of House of Cards is as mixed a bag as the thrilling but uneven Netflix drama has yet produced, the good news is that Robin Wright is up to the task of anchoring the show.
  5. Reviewed by: Brian Lowry
    Nov 1, 2018
    There's no escaping the awkwardness that surrounds permeates this sixth and final season -- an inevitable byproduct of having to shuffle the deck, creatively speaking, after discarding one of its aces.
  6. Reviewed by: Spencer Kornhaber
    Nov 1, 2018
    The performances are excellent, maybe better than ever before. But Cards has always been a show whose plot contortions could confuse and whose incremental intrigue could bore, and those problems are worse now that everyone seems to be whispering. There are interesting ideas at play, though. ... Unfortunately, it isn’t until more than halfway through the eight-episode season that Claire’s big plan becomes clear.
  7. 25
    They are smothered by the ghost of Frank/Spacey, as well as a stifling atmosphere that’s partly a combo of the weightless writing and Netflix’s digital gloss. It was already stuffy with Spacey around, but without his Foghorn Leghorn hamming to distract us, it has become even more unbearable.

See all 21 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 0 out of 11
  2. Negative: 7 out of 11
  1. Nov 4, 2018
    It just unsuccessfully tries to tie the loose ends that the Kevin Spacey´s Francis Underwood sudden departure caused and with that misses mostIt just unsuccessfully tries to tie the loose ends that the Kevin Spacey´s Francis Underwood sudden departure caused and with that misses most of the important things that made the plot interesting and great, it goes from shocking scenes that move you to important things happening offscreen and the pace being hurried because of the lack of arguments in the plot to justify why it ended like this so it lacks a good structure and doesnt have much congruence, all of these things are clearly reflected in the number of episodes on the season going from 13 in all previous seasons to 8 episodes in this one, it makes you realize Robin Wright´s Claire Underwood on its own doesn't hold on to make the tv show as great as previously besides being the most important character since a season before, and what seems to be the thing that makes it all easier to swallow is Michael Kelly´s Doug Stamper with the character staying true to its self at first unlike other recurrent characters from previous seasons but the plot makes its end the most disappointing of them all in my opinion.
    It saddens me to see my favorite Netflix original series go from outstanding to disappointing and for reasons that had nothing to do with the show on itself.
  2. Nov 4, 2018
    I loved the series. I always enjoyed it, even its ups and downs it was always an incredible show and this season also had a good level butI loved the series. I always enjoyed it, even its ups and downs it was always an incredible show and this season also had a good level but it's incredibly evident that the lack of Francis Underwood was decisive for this final result.

    The last episode gives a very poor and anti-climatic resolution and is also extremely open and it's not because I was looking for happy ending in which Claire paid for everything she did but it feels like an empty and ambiguous ending.
    She got away with everything but then what? It was just that? Nor fair for the story, not fair for the characters and not fair for the audicence.

    I'm very disappointed with this ending.
  3. Nov 5, 2018
    The cast is stellar and a pleasure to watch but the story arc is fatally compromised by changes made necessary by events outside theThe cast is stellar and a pleasure to watch but the story arc is fatally compromised by changes made necessary by events outside the storyline. Really could never get engaged in the story, it felt like something cobbled together to give the show a wrap. the final scene in particular was a huge disappointment. Only because we were at minute 59 would the injury be fatal and that is a poor plot resolution for a show that for 5 seasons left us gob-smacked by its audaciousness. Expand
  4. Nov 6, 2018
    House of Cards hasn't been good in years, so I was actually looking forward to seeing Robin Wright take over from Spacey. Spacey's corny andHouse of Cards hasn't been good in years, so I was actually looking forward to seeing Robin Wright take over from Spacey. Spacey's corny and smarmy Foghorn Leghorn act and demeanor had gotten dull and tired, so I thought, maybe and hopefully Claire can pick things up.

    While Robin does a decent job, the show is still dull and stale. It's more of the same boring and irrelevant characters, plotting, scheming, and double-crossing. Claire's motives are so dumb, shallow, and petty, her actions so short-sighted, that she winds up playing the role of Frank anyway. You can watch the entire season and be unclear why she even wanted to be president in the first place, and what she wants to do with her power now that she has alienated everyone in her orbit, besides start a nuclear war over nothing and make proclamations about feminism so hollow and self-serving, especially after she dumps all over the all-female cabinet she personally hand picked by calling them sexist (!), that Gloria Steinem would eyeroll.

    House of Cards became a dumb soap opera masquerading as a classy thriller. I don’t think they really thought past the first two seasons. It’s usually pretty easy to tell when showrunners have run out of ideas from their original concept. House of Cards had the original BBC show as a guide until Frank became President, then had no idea what to do with its time. The show started its steady decline after then. It was way more fun to see him work his way up rather than flailing to keep everything under control which they have now passed on that to Claire. The original UK version ended it after three seasons, they should've followed that lead and ended it around four seasons and then start a spin-off series with Claire working her way up to President.
  5. Nov 3, 2018
    A spectacular nosedive for a once-great show. In season one, the show took multiple episodes to show us the careful preparations required forA spectacular nosedive for a once-great show. In season one, the show took multiple episodes to show us the careful preparations required for a single murder: the relationship-building required for a cover-up, the planning, the missteps, the moral hesitation of the conspirators, and the final, surprising, ruthless kiling. In season six, gunshot wounds appear in politically convenient victims, shot by offscreen snipers.

    The show goes full soap opera:
    -Women find themselves instantly pregnant by dead characters.
    -Characters return from the dead! Only to be killed off minutes later.
    -Paternity mysteries!
    -Kompromat falls into the lap of the main characters as soon as they disagree with someone.
    -The reading of the will, followed by the.. SECRET WILL!
    -Open talk of conspiracies to murder
    -Sibling billionaires
    -Who Shot J.R., except we wish we had been dreaming.

    I could go on and on, but this was a slap in the face to any fan of the show. The lack of Spacey really wasn't the problem, (though it was A problem) when faced with cringeworthy dialogue, flat-out stupid stories, a brand-new cast with zero character development, pointless episodes, and a multitude of loose ends that had been dangling since the first season.

    Somehow the show hamfistedly panders to the crowd that demanded Spacey's firing while showcasing the first woman president as a frail pawn. She doesn't give a state of the union address, watch covert strikes from the situation room, dole out wisdom during cabinet meetings, outwit the opposing political party, or give an inspirational speech to the nation.

    Instead, she goes to parties with billionaires. Attends funerals. She cries in bed. She's pushed around by her cabinet. She lets someone hold her hand while she signs a bill. She schemes, she chews scenery, she talks to the camera, but she rarely does anything presidential. She appoints an all-female cabinet! .....Then dumps all over them.

    I was tempted to abstain from watching Season 6 because the ending just wouldn't be what was intended from the start. I didn't realize that it would just be outright bad television that didn't resolve anything from the first season.
  6. Nov 4, 2018
    Huge fan of Season 1-5. Watched episode 1 of season 6 and will not continue with episode 2-8. Is it fair, then, for one who has not watchedHuge fan of Season 1-5. Watched episode 1 of season 6 and will not continue with episode 2-8. Is it fair, then, for one who has not watched the full season to give it a negative review? Perhaps not. But, I would ask, is it fair for episode 1's writing and storytelling to parody and disrespect everything that came before? (i.e. Claire to the camera/viewer: "Don't believe anything Francis previously told you".) Why taint fond memories of the first 5 seasons with whatever comes after? Expand
  7. Nov 5, 2018
    What an absolute abomination. This show went so far off the rails it is truly pathetic. Nobody in their right mind should even attempt toWhat an absolute abomination. This show went so far off the rails it is truly pathetic. Nobody in their right mind should even attempt to watch this final season. Do yourself a favor and don't watch past season 2.

    What an absolute joke.

See all 11 User Reviews

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