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  • Series Premiere Date: Mar 6, 2015
Season #: 1, 2, 3, 4
Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt Image

Universal acclaim - based on 6 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 27 Ratings

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  • Summary: The first six episodes of the fourth season of the comedy from Tina Fey and Robert Carlock will begin airing on May 30th with the other half out later in 2018.
  • Genre(s): Comedy


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Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
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Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 6 out of 6
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 6
  3. Negative: 0 out of 6
  1. Reviewed by: Verne Gay
    Jun 4, 2018
    Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt has still got it. Kimmy mixes it up with #MeToo, with stellar results.
  2. Reviewed by: Sadie Gennis
    Jun 8, 2018
    Honestly, the worst thing about Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt's fourth season is that it's being released in two parts, leaving Kimmy's journey — and our lives — feeling incomplete as a result.
  3. Reviewed by: Liz Shannon Miller
    May 23, 2018
    Kimmy Schmidt does take one of its boldest narrative swings yet with Season 4, a format-breaking homage to the insane popularity of true crime narratives that lacks the breadth and depth of other parody series like “American Vandal,” but still nails down its own spin, while also using the concept to add new insight into the characters.
  4. Reviewed by: Jen Chaney
    May 30, 2018
    Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt might be better at being Arrested Development at this point than Arrested Development itself. ... The guffaw-per-minute ratio on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt remains very, very high.
  5. Reviewed by: Alissa Wilkinson
    May 30, 2018
    Clearly, the darkness that’s always been present in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is finally breaking through in this fourth season, even though it’s also loaded with the same hysterical one-liners and fast-paced humor of the other seasons.
  6. Reviewed by: Sophie Gilbert
    May 31, 2018
    This season, the show jokes, over and over again, about how injustice is ingrained within every level of society. And it does it so relentlessly that even Kimmy can’t always see the sunny side. It’s funny, and terrible, because it’s true.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 2 out of 5
  2. Negative: 2 out of 5
  1. Jun 2, 2018
    Hilarious first half, too bad we have to wait til january for more episodes. The true crime episode was a fresh break that was spot on whileHilarious first half, too bad we have to wait til january for more episodes. The true crime episode was a fresh break that was spot on while keeping the Kimmie-style of humor. Expand
  2. Jun 4, 2018
    It's kind of weird how Kimmy Schmidt has kind of become irrelevant in her own show, but the rest of the cast really shines this season andIt's kind of weird how Kimmy Schmidt has kind of become irrelevant in her own show, but the rest of the cast really shines this season and their jokes are on point. They definitely managed to pick the show back up out of it's third season slump and really make you interested in these characters again. Unfortunately they decided to kinda take Kimmy in the least interesting direction, turning her into a social sounding board while the rest of the cast had fun. Fortunately her parts are also very minimal. It's definitely worth watching if you enjoyed the other seasons but kinda sad the writers clearly gave up on Kimmy herself, likely realizing that they re acclimated her to the modern world a little too quickly in the first two seasons. Expand
  3. Jun 21, 2018
    What began as a wonderful somewhat grounded (in reality) high concept satire that overcame it's absurd (read: dumb) elements, such as theWhat began as a wonderful somewhat grounded (in reality) high concept satire that overcame it's absurd (read: dumb) elements, such as the over-the-top cult leader character, quickly and sadly devolved to what is season 4. An uninspired low-brow comedy painted in the broadest of strokes with no respect to the characters or world originally created for it or for the audience. Sigh. Expand
  4. Jun 22, 2018
    After being HUGE fans since the beginning, it's sad to say that season 4 has been a real disappointment so far (we're up to episode 4... we'reAfter being HUGE fans since the beginning, it's sad to say that season 4 has been a real disappointment so far (we're up to episode 4... we're spreading them out to last since we have to wait till next year for more). Specifically:

    Episode 1 was a mess. Most of the jokes were weak re-hashes of ones from previous episodes, the characters weren't themselves, and the pacing was completely gimpy. Prime example: There's no way Kimmy would engage in the behavior she did in the office. She's evolved beyond being that naive, and from a comedy standpoint, it was a truly bad example of trying to be ironic and topical.

    Episode 2 was the highlight of the season so far. It's like everything was more back to normal, with the pace of humor being such that you need to go back and catch up (or pause to catch your breath). The characters were themselves, and all was right in "Kimmy" world. We thought the ship's course had been corrected, but alas...

    Episode 3 was a mix. While the idea of making it completely a mockumentary was clever, it ran out of gas about halfway through. It's hilarious to see DJ Fingablast struggling through his complete lack of self-awareness and intellect to attempt to connect with his hero. But basically once that happens, the episode becomes lost and rarely funny. While there was huge potential in poking fun at the "War on Men," there was little cleverness and wit in the humor, and it drifted toward a somber tone too often. A few elements were funny (Kimmy seeing herself in the mirror as a 16th-century Irish witch), but overall the ship ran aground.

    Episode 4 was sadly the first time in "Kimmy" history we've ever paused to see how much time was left in the episode (at about 10 minutes remaining). Eeesh. Not good. This episode is so horrible that you seriously wonder what happened. It was like a bunch of writer rejects from "Big Bang Theory" or "Two Broke Girls" had been given the job to write it. Again, the characters and pacing are completely off track. Lillian is especially disappointing. While we all know her wild and unconventional side, it's completely unbelievable that she would've gone to the conference and engaged in the behavior she did. Titus and Jacqueline were basically okay and reasonably in character. And Kimmy was a mix of off and on, funny and not. (Why would she have made that booger video? That makes no sense.) Mostly, however, it was undoubtedly the worst writing the show has ever given us. The jokes landed few and far between, and with nothing of the intensity of past seasons. There was nearly nothing even remotely clever in the way we've come to expect from the humor and situations. It was literally as if the writers were on strike and they had to bring in substitutes. The jokes were what you'd expect from hack Kimmy-fan writers to put out. And worst of all — and most inexplicably — there was a sudden abundance of sexual humor and innuendo that permeates the entire episode. (This is my "Big Bang Theory" reference above.) While there have been off-color jokes here and there throughout the series, this stupid episode seemed as if it was conceived and written by a 15-year-old boy in hormonal overdrive (or a pathetic, lonely, 50-year-old man). An "asses and glasses" orgy that Lillian participates in??? Seriously? What happened to the sweet and innocent quality of the human interactions that we had with Kimmy and Dong, Lillian and Bobby, or Titus and Mikey?

    Our working theory — you read it here first — is that the production of this season went completely out of whack due to Tina Fey being tied up with her "Mean Girls" show. Really, it's like Fey is not even involved because it has very little of her signature wit, charm, and character. This would explain the completely erratic pace, quality, and flow of the episodes so far. This would explain the weird split of the season into releases eight months apart. And most of all, this would explain the reports that the show will be finished after this season.

    We're still going to hold onto hope that the remaining episodes of this season (and in January) will be like our beloved "Kimmy" of the past, and hold onto hope that the rumored movie finale will be a perfect ending. But as of right this moment, our confidence is not high. If things don't turn around, this will truly be a sad way to close out one of the best shows TV has had to offer in a long time.

    Dearest Tina, please fix it!
  5. Jun 3, 2018
    The show just doesn't do it for me anymore after three seasons. I barely managed to watch first two episodes and I don't know if I can watchThe show just doesn't do it for me anymore after three seasons. I barely managed to watch first two episodes and I don't know if I can watch the rest of the season, maybe just for the sake of finishing the season to be done with this series for good. It somehow managed to become less and less funny with every new season. I hope Netflix does not renew for a fifth one. Expand


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