THE 68TH EMMY(r) AWARDS - “The 68th Emmy Awards” broadcasts live from The Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles, Sunday, September 18 (7:00-11:00 p.m. EDT/4:00-8:00 p.m. PDT), on ABC and is hosted by Jimmy Kimmel. (ABC/Image Group LA)

Orphan Black's Tatiana Maslany Wins First Emmy Award: 'I Feel So Lucky'

Sunday’s Primetime Emmy Awards gave the Clone Club much reason to rejoice.

Tatiana Maslany — best known for playing… too many characters to count, honestly — took home the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Drama Series. It was her first Emmy win, having been nominated once before in 2015.

“I should have had this written down,” the Orphan Black star said with a laugh as she took the stage. “There are so many people I feel so indebted to.” She went on to thank the show’s creators for her “dream job,” as well as the show’s “incredible writers’ room, beautiful cast and crew.”

She concluded, “I feel so lucky to be on a show that puts women at the center. Thank you so much to the Academy. Thank you.”

Orphan Black wrapped its fourth season on BBC America this summer; its upcoming fifth season will be its last.

“I didn’t expect it at all,” Maslany told reporters backstage. “It’s such an honor. The category I’m in is all these woman I’ve looked up to so long and whose work I so admire. … I haven’t quite breathed yet since I got off the stage. Hopefully at some point it’ll sink in.”

On a scale from 1 to freaking out, how are you handling Maslany’s well-deserved win? Drop your thoughts in a comment below.

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  1. Joey says:

    On your scale, shouldn’t there be notches somewhere above freaking out? Because I’m pretty sure I’m far above that right now.

  2. Eric says:

    I am so happy. Tatiana deserves this, she’s been doing great work on the show for years. Very inspired pick, didn’t think it’d really happen.

  3. Amy says:

    When I warch Orphan Black, sometimes I forget I’m watching the same actress. This is so well deserved!

    • whispersd says:

      I’m well past that. I’ve been viewing them as distinct actresses for years. The one who plays Helena is nuts, but I really like the one who plays Cosima! And the one who plays Alison is _hilarious_!

    • Henrietta Sandwich says:

      That’s the reaction among loads of us! Sometimes I watch Helena for example being particularly feral and think “blimey, Alison could never do that!”

  4. Gabe says:

    I didn’t even WATCH the Emmys this year because I didn’t want to spend another 4 hours of my life bitterly screaming about Maslany not having an Emmy….. And NOW SHE HAS AN EMMY! I am SO ecstatic for her and, though it may seem weird, definitely proud of her. She totally deserves this.

  5. Luli says:

    More than a freak out!!!!!! I may have cried….

  6. Lysh says:

    I LOVE HER SO MUCH. I might have teared up a little. I honestly didn’t think she’d win; it’s such a great year for talented women, but it’s so deserved!

  7. Sheila says:

    I think acting awards are silly, but if anyone deserves one, it’s her. So many different characters, each one completely different! She’s great!

  8. So Happy says:

    I’m excited for Tatiana! It’s about time lol :D

  9. Reba says:

    Oh, totally freaking out!!! Though I was disappointed they didn’t show clips for the women like they did the men they probably thought it wouldn’t have been fair to the other nominees to show every single clone Tatiana slays!

    • Seun Fayiga says:

      Yes. That was really disappointing. Dont know why they didnt show her clip. At least people should see some clips of the performances being nominated. That should be the nom

    • Adam says:

      I agree with that completely, i was waiting for clips to be shown for the women, mainly so anyone who didn’t know Tatiana’s work on orphan black could see a little of it. Also, because i enjoyed the clips shown for the male actors, especially because i haven’t seen all the shows and the clips gave me a little taste of their performance before seeing someone win. So, i was very disappointed they didn’t do the same thing for the female actors.

  10. JJ Jones says:

    I AM FREAKING OUT!!!!! :D :D :D :D

  11. GeoDiva says:

    Even my husband said, “awesome”.

  12. Seun Fayiga says:

    I watched the whole show just because of her. But had to turn it off when it was her time. And boom! She won. I feel bad that i missed it live but i couldn’t bare watching her lose anymore. This is hers and no one else deserves it more. Even the actresses in her category know that.
    Thank God the Television Academy finaly voted wisely

  13. TAB says:

    I’m SO happy for her! I hope more people take notice of her talent. She was brilliant in Woman In Gold.

  14. niloofar says:

    Tatiana Maslany & Keri only deserving nominees.👏

  15. Ron says:

    Queen, yaaassss!!!! No one deserved it more. That was probably one of the toughest categories tonight, in my opinion. And all of them were worthy. But homegirl werked for that award. I had such an over-reaction to her win, but it was just so amazing to see her get recognized.

  16. Billy Bob Johnson says:

    Hardest working person in show business. Extremely well deserved.

  17. YES YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Et al. says:

    Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!

  19. webly3 says:

    This was the most happy Emmy win for me possibly ever. At first, I felt like the Emmy’s would never even acknowledge Tatiana Maslany’s existence. When they finally did, I thought she would never actually have a shot at winning. And now, I am really happy. She deserves this award for her continual amazing work. Now, let’s focus on getting Carrie Coon this Emmy next year.

  20. Lindasays says:

    I am thrilled. Well deserved. Should have given Tatiana too many Emmys to count. Wonderful. Congratulations to all the winners and nominees.

  21. Heather says:

    Freaking out times 1000

  22. DarkDefender says:

    Congrats to Tat!

  23. I just started watching Orphan Black a couple of weeks ago. I’d never heard of it or Tatiana Maslany before. I watched the first 3 season in a weekend! What an incredible show and what an incredible talent Ms. Maslany is! I was thinking she also should have been be nominated for Best Supporting Actress LOL. I only watched this Emmy show to catch a glimpse of her out of character and in the hopes that she would win. I’m so happy for her that she did! So well deserved!

  24. Grae chase says:

    Well deserved and long over due. Tat , you rock congrates

  25. Britt/Bratt says:

    It’s about time. Congrats Tatiana! I’m really happy for her.

  26. Jason Strauss says:

    Tatiana Maslany is the best actor ever! She just amazes me with her incredible talent. Orphan Black is bar non the best show television has ever seen. There are a few other very good shows but none that have an actor as talented as Tat!

  27. Congratulations to Maslany….she is amazing, well deserved!!

  28. B says:

    I stood up and shouted with joy when they read her name. I really didn’t think they’d do it. So well deserved

  29. The luckiest gods damn person on the face of the earth. And the most overrated actress on television. If ONLY people had been exposed to Continuum, they would have seen just how much Rachel Nichols acted RINGS around Maslany. The most undeserving Emmy winner ever?

    But then there’s Rami Malek.

  30. John Hogan says:

    I will join others in “the well deserved” statement.

  31. BrianR says:

    Its Fing awesome. Finally/

  32. Patrick Lyke says:

    I’m crying from happiness for Tatiana!!! I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!

  33. Spence says:

    I jumped out of my seat, screamed, and sat back down shaking out of pure joy. She deserves ALL the awards. Emmy’s did SO good this year, for that alone. (Now if only The Americans could’ve gotten little love)

  34. CW says:

    There were many excellent actors recognized tonight, both as nominees and as winners, and none more deserving than Tatiana. I’m very happy for her.

  35. bdp says:

    I didn’t watch the award show, never due. But so thrilled for her. I have no qualms in saying her’s is a most well deserved award.

  36. Xavier says:

    OMG! I’ve never been SO excited for any award win like this one! So DAMN happy for Tatiana!

  37. Christopher M says:

    Tatiana is SO amazing and she finallly was rewarded for her talent. She should have 4 of those trophies by now, but alas, justice reigns!

  38. Carol C says:

    I’m so thrilled for her ~ much deserved!

  39. Aimee says:

    The Emmy voters finally got one thing absolutely, completely right. I forgive them for all the other horrible mistakes. This makes it worth it!

  40. Karen says:

    I’ve been binge-watching all four seasons of Orphan Black in the UK, and can’t believe she hasn’t won awards already!

  41. Luis says:


  42. Mary Mullin says:

    So excited! You have deserved this award for every season ! Finally it’s happened. You are the most talented actress and actor ever!
    Just love to watch you . God bless you , Tatiana!

  43. Brian says:

    Of course ignore the Emmy’s and they do something different like get some awards right. She so deserved this award for her consistently brilliant work on ‘Orphan Black’. (Also kind of awesome that Louie Anderson won for ‘Baskets’!)