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Whedonesque - a community weblog about Joss Whedon
"If I kiss you, it'll make the sun go down."
11984 members | you are not logged in | 22 December 2015


May 02 2013

Vote in The SFX Awards 2013. The Avengers, The Cabin in the Woods, Joss Whedon, Drew Goddard, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr., Chris Hemsworth, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Loki and SHIELD have been nominated for various categories.

Yes, my biggest 'Hope for the Future' is SHIELD! Can it stand up to my high expectations?!
Other than that I spread my votes around, I was glad to see Brian K. Vaughan's 'SAGA' on the list for best comic (so of course I voted for that!). I was disappointed that Mark Ruffalo wasn't up for his Bruce Banner, but then I decided to vote for Peter Dinklage as best actor anyway (I'm surprised they didn't separate Best Actor & Actress categories for TV and movies).
They need to just hand Joss, et al. awards that say "Bestest Best in Everything" :)
@embers, you could have voted for anyone you wanted, there's a write-in option in every category.

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