5 TV News

Watership Down to return as new BBC animated series

Watership Down is being developed into a new BBC TV animated series.

The classic children's novel is being adapted by My Mad Fat Diary writer Tom Bidwell, who has also written episodes of EastEnders and Casualty, reports Broadcast.

Watership Down (1978)

The new series is expected to air in a family-friendly timeslot on BBC One, but this has yet to be confirmed.

Richard Adam's 1972 novel follows a group of rabbits who are forced to leave their warren and find new dwellings.

Watership Down (1978)

It became a successful animated film in 1978, starring John Hurt and Richard Briers among others, while the soundtrack contained 1979's best-selling single 'Bright Eyes' by Art Garfunkel.

It was later adapted into a children's TV series on CITV, running for 39 episodes from 1999 to 2001. It featured the likes of Stephen Fry, Rik Mayall, Phil Jupitus, Jane Horrocks, Dawn French and Stephen Mangan.

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