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Time Warner Chief: ‘Things Like Netflix are Welcome Additions’

Bloomberg News

Just an interesting tidbit for the Netflix nation, in Time Warner’s post-earnings call Chief Executive Jeff Bewkes struck a somewhat more polite tone than he sometimes has his comments on Netflix.

Things like Netflix are welcome additions to the infrastructure. They can monetize value for companies like Warner that maybe there wasn’t — in terms of efficiency for older product, wasn’t as available before. And they’re likely to remain complementary to the strong multi-channel brands that are getting stronger all the time and that are about to be more available on [video on demand].

Earlier in the call, according to a Thomson Reuters transcript, Bewkes fielded another question about Netflix, saying, “Our view of Netflix has been very consistent. I’ve tried at times to be humorous about it, sometimes to make a point.”

It seems Bewkes was alluding to his famous comment to the New York Times about the potential for Netflix remake the world of video. “It’s a little bit like, is the Albanian army going to take over the world?,” he told the Times. “I don’t think so.”

While such chest bumping is interesting, Bewkes’ comments last earnings season — in which he hinted that Time Warner would start raising the prices it charges Netflix for content  – were more relevant for Netflix shareholders.

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