Keep Cruelty History

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Our Campaigns

  • Bullfighting

    We campaign to end the suffering caused by all forms of bullfighting everywhere in the world.

  • Fighting Dogs

    Using dogs to fight other dogs, badgers and foxes is already banned. We aim to gain better enforcement.

  • Hunting

    Although banned in 2004, the hunters are determined to make it legal again. We help enforce the law and promote its strengths.

  • Greyhound Racing

    We want adequate welfare for racing greyhounds from breeding through to retirement.

  • Shooting

    We campaign to stop the shooting of large numbers of game birds for fun and to improve welfare in the farming of the birds.

  • Snaring

    We campain for an end to the manufacture, sale and use of all snares.

  • Trophy Hunting

    We put pressure on travel companies who offer killing holidays to stop.


From the blog

The League Video

Video Blog - 4th February 2011

We meet Sam the goat farmer, known to many as @fedupfarmer on Twitter. She's given up after thirteen...

Take Action


  • Email your MP and ensure he or she knows your views on a possible repeal of the Hunting Act.




Trophy Hunting

  • Email Tim Eyles, Managing Partner at the law firm Taylor Wessing and congratulate them for being brave enough to sponsor a competition which has highlighted the cruelty of trophy hunting.

Northern Ireland

  • Ask your MLA to vote in favour of permanent protection for the Irish hare.
