Mark Hoppus RocksusPhoto: Christopher Polk

Coming to Fuse This Fall: A Different Spin with Mark Hoppus

Every week, Hoppus and his co-host will offer a place for music fans to discover and indulge their passions through interviews with artists and celebrities and musical performances by mainstream and emerging bands.

"A Different Spin with Mark Hoppus" will also feature music news, fun panel discussions and special reports from the show's correspondents, offering a humorous and entertaining spin on the music industry, including concert tours, festival and other music-related happenings.

Stay tuned for more news and updates about the show right here, and get ready for A Different Spin coming this September only on Fuse!

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Photos, News and More
See what Mark has been up to with all the latest Hoppus headlines gathered here for your viewing pleasure.

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In the News

Who's talking about A Different Spin? Everyone, that's who! Read a sampling of what people in the know have to say below.

Mark Hoppus gets TV show

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Radio 92.3FM

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And, of course, the official work from Mark himself.
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