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Guillermo del Toro on The Hobbit and Frankenstein
Source: Max Evry
October 5, 2008

The filmmaker formally known as Guillermo del Toro, now referred to ubiquitously as Guillermo "I'm making The Motherf****** 'Hobbit'" del Toro, appeared tonight at the Director's Guild of America in midtown Manhattan as part of The New Yorker Festival series of talks. During the conversation with New Yorker staff writer Daniel Zalewski, the director of such modern genre masterpieces as Pan's Labyrinth and the "Hellboy" series talked up some of his future projects, including the aforementioned two-film Tolkien adaptation as well as a new version of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein."

Currently at the beginning of pre-production on The Hobbit, del Toro discussed his process of gathering ideas, or "feeding his brain," in order to conceptualize his own vision of Middle Earth unique from where Peter Jackson went in his "Lord of the Rings" trilogy…

"I find you have to discipline yourself to write in the morning, and then watch and read in the afternoons stuff that seems relevant, even in a tangential way. For example, reading or watching World War I documentaries or books that I think inform 'The Hobbit,' strangely enough, because I believe it is a book born out of Tolkien's generation's experience with World War I and the disappointment of being in that field and seeing all those values kind of collapse. I think it's a turning point that you need to familiarize yourself with. I'm starting. Peter Jackson is such a fan of that historical moment and obsessive collector of World War I memorabilia, and he owns several genuine, life-size working reproductions of planes, tanks, cannons, ships! He has the perfect obsessive reproductions of uniforms of that time for armies of about 120 soldiers... each. I asked him which books he recommended… because I wouldn't be watching 'Krull' or 'The Dark Crystal,' I need to find my OWN way into the story. That's the same way I did 'Pan's Labyrinth' or 'Devil's Backbone,' by watching stuff you wouldn't think about.

"All my life I've been fascinated by dragons. I was born under the Chinese sign of The Dragon. All my life I'm collecting dragons. It's such a powerful symbol, and in the context of 'The Hobbit' it is used to cast its shadow through the entire narrative. Essentially, Smaug represents so many things: greed, pride… he's 'the Magnificent,' after all. The way his shadow is cast in the narrative you cannot then show it and have it be one thing, he has to be the embodiment of all those things. He's one of the few dragons that will have enormous scenes with lines. He has some of the most beautiful dialogues in those scenes! The design, I'm pretty sure that will be the last design we will sign off on, and the first design we have attempted. It is certainly a matter of turning every stone before figuring out what he looks like, because what he looks like will tell you what he is."

After he completes his work on the two "Hobbit" films in 2012, the prodigiously optimistic del Toro has a whole slew of projects to keep him occupied until 2017, including a new version of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, his long-delayed Lovecraft adaptation At the Mountains of Madness, a just-announced trilogy of vampire novels (the first of which he claims is already written), and his own version of Frankenstein.

Del Toro is an acknowledged fan of "Frankenstein." He has busts of Boris Karloff as the monster in his house. One of his biggest filmic influences, the 1973 Spanish film The Spirit of the Beehive, revolves around a showing of the classic Universal Frankenstein. He has raved about Bernie Wrightson's illustrated version and the original Frank Darabont script eventually filmed as Mary Shelley's Frankenstein by Kenneth Branagh in '94 and all-but-disowned by Darabont. Del Toro's version, however, sounds decidedly different…

"I'm not doing 'Mary Shelly's Frankenstein.' I'm doing an adventure story that involves the creature. I cannot say much, but it's not the central creation story, I'm not worried about that. The fact is I've been dreaming of doing a 'Frankenstein' movie since I was a child. The one thing I can promise is, compared to Kenneth Branagh, I will not appear shirtless in the movie!"

When pressed by a fan during the Q & A regarding the Wargs' appearance in The Hobbit, del Toro seemed like a child dying to spill the big secret he has but forcing himself to show restraint, joking that "Warner Brothers has a sniper right here in the theater."

"There will be different sensibilities involved in this movie than there were in the original trilogy. First of all, because we have the travelogues in 'The Hobbit' which goes to places and variations on races that were not addressed in the trilogy. My belief on the 'Wargs' issue is that the classical incarnation of the demonic wolf in Nordic mythology is not a hyena-shaped creature. It is a wolf. The archetype is a wolf, so we're going to go back to the slender, archetypical wolf that is, I think, the inspiration for Tolkien. Listen… if we were having a drink two years from now I would spill the beans, because I'm a pretty easy guy about spilling the beans, but I can't in this instance I can't because it's three years from now... believe me, I am jumping up-and-down inside this fat body!"

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Posted by: Chris on October 5, 2008 at 01:12:40

Cannot wait, Toro doing Frankenstein would be GREAT!!


Posted by: Aussie Critic on October 5, 2008 at 01:17:03

Im way more excited that he and PJ are working together to bring the Hobbit to life! Words of advice to Mr Guillermo del Toro; Don't F@#!k it up!

Posted by: the_movie_guy on October 5, 2008 at 01:19:47

Guillermo del Toro is a f#@*%^! genius!

The Hobbit will be a MASTERPIECE.

Pan's Labyrinth
Blade 2
Hellboy 2
Devil's Backbone

All brilliant IMHO.

Posted by: Darum on October 5, 2008 at 01:20:50

I like del toros work but I dont know where he went wrong with Hellboy I bc that didn't even seem like he put effort into creating that. 2 was better but still not that good. Pans Labyrinth and Blade 2 are very well done though. I think the Hobbit will be great.

Posted by: O. B. van Ken O. B. on October 5, 2008 at 01:31:58

I like del Toro and his work, but I'm afraid "The Hobbit" won't be made for me.

I love "The Lord of the Rings"-books and -movies, but "The Hobbit" was a children's book. And it'll be a children's movie - Jackson and del Toro already said that themselves in their online discussion with fans a couple of months ago. Do you remember? Singing and dancing elves, rhyming trolls, talking animals, and so on. Great for children, but definitely not what "The Lord of the Rings"-fans expect. Nevertheless, it's close to the book. So, even if I don't like this approach, it's definitely true to Tolkien's book.

del Toro sounds a bit overexcited. Soooo many projects, and he's only for the really big ones: Frankenstein, Cthulu, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde... Cool down, Mr. del Toro. One movie after the other. Don't break your own magic. I'm afraid you could burn out, so breeeeathe, concentrate, my dear Padawan. ;-)

Posted by: Agent 47 on October 5, 2008 at 01:36:00

why does everyone like him? seriously, he is over ****ing rated and the only reason people like him because they are jumping on the band wagon of Pans Labrynth, he's a hack, he is going to destroy Frankenstein, my god make this poor excuse for a film maker stop, $20 says he give Frankenstein's monster 12 eyes...

Posted by: Dr. Doc on October 5, 2008 at 01:52:15

Del Toro doing Frankenstein would be epic !!!

i want it now though !!! not when im 30 !!!

Posted by: Michael on October 5, 2008 at 02:01:36

I sure hope Del Toro doesn't go all "Pan's Labyrinth" on The Hobbit. As a huge HUGE fan of Jackson's Lord of The Rings Trilogy, all I want to see is the exact same style film. Del Toro can direct if Jackson won't, but please please do I say to him, don't get all weird with it and ruin such a great thing that was created with LOTR. While I've enjoyed Del Toro's films, I don't put them on anywhere near the level as LOTR. Be careful with this one Guillermo! I don't want to see another one of my favorite series screwed up like what I feel happened with Indiana Jones earlier this year. And that was with the same filmmakers!

Posted by: Pierre Spengler on October 5, 2008 at 02:04:57

Marvel Comics SHOULD hire Del Toro to do a WICKED Dr. Strange for them!!! :D

Posted by: Pecos Bill on October 5, 2008 at 02:36:21

@O. B. van Ken O. B.

Eh, in that very same Q&A, Del Toro *and* Peter Jackson confirmed that they'll be going for a "Hard PG-13" rating for The Hobbit. It'll be as much for adults as the LotR trilogy was, it definitely will not be aimed at little kids.

Posted by: tb4000 on October 5, 2008 at 02:37:59

I'll be honest, if they decide to remake Wizard of Oz, I'd be fine with him directing it.

Posted by: Vote for Indy on October 5, 2008 at 03:18:16

OB Van I can agree with you I'm starting to feel like this won't be the same film we saw with LOTR I think it will be somthing totally different but with the same cast who can go wrong right right.......

Posted by: O. B. van Ken O. B. on October 5, 2008 at 04:17:18

@Pecos Bill
You're right, they said that. Which makes it a bit awkward. On the one hand, they confirm the story about the dancing elves, talking animals, etc., and on the other hand they want it PG13. Quite a contradiction - if it's true to the novel, it doesn't have to be PG13. After all, it's a children's book. Do they want to add guts and bloods to dancing elves and babbling animals? Not a good idea.

But let's see the outcome. They definitely lost me in the Q&A when they answered my question about staying true to the novel. I would have preferred a different "Hobbit". A "Hobbit" like "The Lord of the Rings"-movies. But they don't want to d

Posted by: O. B. van Ken O. B. on October 5, 2008 at 04:21:12

o it like this.

Damn. Accidentially clicke the "Submit Comments"-button. So, there's the rest of the sentence. :-)

Posted by: RatBastard on October 5, 2008 at 05:49:54

I concur that he would be the man to do a Dr. Strange!

Posted by: Beren on October 5, 2008 at 06:40:10

As far as I was aware they stated in that same Q&A that they would be keeping true to PJ's vision of middle-earth seen in the LotR trilogy whilst at the same time making some subtle changes. This was subsequently reinforced with the explanation that the middle-earth seen in the Hobbit is a very different place to the one seen almost sixty years later in the LotR trilogy.

Posted by: nees on October 5, 2008 at 07:36:36

agent 47: i think you're making a pointless assumption. first of all, who really cares if people didn't know who del toro was before pan's labyrinth? that was the movie that made people notice him - there is *nothing* wrong with that. and second, don't you think that people probably like his other movies as well, to consider themselves fans? personally, i've loved del toro ever since i saw blade ii, and i've loved every single one of his movies that i've seen. i don't care if he makes the hobbit, or frankenstein, or whatever movie. as long as he keeps directing, i'll be happy.
and exactly what do you consider a hack? somebody who genuinely enjoys their work and puts themselves out there? i'm sort of confused with where you're coming from with that statement. i don't like peter jackson, but you don't see me calling him a hack. i mean, really, wtfayta.

Posted by: AAy on October 5, 2008 at 07:59:13

I hear Ron Pearlman will be doing the voice of Smaug. I hope he does a good English accent (English English, not American English).

This isn't a dig at Americans but it would ruin it so much if Middle-Earth all of a sudden had American accents in it after it's been British through all of LOTR. Anyone agree?

(seriously, nothing against Americans here, just when it comes to accents in middle-earth) ;)

Posted by: Leroy Brown on October 5, 2008 at 08:09:50

Yeah right, he's a hack and you're a nobody. Before Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson was a name no one knew, but critics decried his vision and take on the Lord of the Rings, but man they were proved wrong.

Regarding accents, the main characters Bilbo Baggins spoke with a somewhat British accent while his boy-pal Samwise spoke with an Americanized accent but with a lilt of nobility.

Posted by: AAy on October 5, 2008 at 08:17:26

Bilbo was played by Ian Holme, who is British so his accent wasn't "somewhat" British, it was completely British. Sam's accent was meant to be from an area of England known as "the west country" (where everyone seems to sound like ye olde farmers) and the actor (Sean Astin) sometimes let so of his own American accent accidentally slip through.

THAT i don't mind, as long as 95% of the time they can do a convincing English accent.

Posted by: Ben on October 5, 2008 at 08:17:34

Did Viggo use an accent in the movies? I don't really think so.

Posted by: AAy on October 5, 2008 at 08:19:01

Are you deaf? He's American in real life and he put on a great English accent! (Viggo)

Posted by: O. B. van Ken O. B. on October 5, 2008 at 08:37:33

"they would be keeping true to PJ's vision of middle-earth seen in the LotR trilogy"
"some subtle changes"
"the middle-earth seen in the Hobbit is a very different place to the one seen almost sixty years later in the LotR trilogy"

Spot the contradiction. ;-) Obvious, isn't it?

They're changing A LOT. No subtle changes, but major changes. Trolls speaking in rhymes, dancing elves, ranting animals, - these are MAJOR changes. It's like turning Middle Earth into the woods near Hogwarts in the Harry Potter movies. You call this subtle?

Again: "The Hobbit" movie and the "bridge-the-gap"-movie could be great. But they'll have a TOTALLY differnt tone compared to Jackson's trilogy. And, thus, a different appeal to a maybe different audience (Potter fans?).

But it's del Toro's movie, so if he thinks that this is the way to go, he should do it. Whether I like it or not - why should he care?

Posted by: A Tolkien fan on October 5, 2008 at 09:06:14

Dear Mr. GDT: Please don't overdo it with Smaug. He is only one part of the story.

Above all, remember the story. While the "monsters" are important, the STORY is what's most important. PJ always remembered that, and you must, too. A movie full of cutsey characters and monsters is nothing without the story.

I am excited to see what you and the team come up with. Trust the team at WETA. They are a brilliant bunch.

Best of luck to you.

Posted by: Cerebral Excess on October 5, 2008 at 09:18:35

I like Del Toro's style. I'm looking forward to something unique yet not a complete departure from Pete Jackson's trilogy. When it comes to creature's, Del Toro's imagination is very creative, so I think Smaug is sure to be a show-stopper. I just hope the set design and some of the characters isn't too far removed from the trilogy and is faithful to John Howe's and Alan Lee's inspiration.

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