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October 12, 2006

NME to launch Irish NME called NME Ireland

danger @ 9:31 am

NME Ireland

NME, the most iconic music weekly in the world, today announces its expansion into the Republic of Ireland, with the launch of a dedicated Irish edition of the magazine, alongside the launch of Club NME Dublin, a regular showcase for new Irish music.

Full story. A Blogorrah commenter says

NME is shite. So is HotPress. It’s all a load of cock.

Club NME:

Meanwhile Club NME – well established in venues in venues across the UK as the live club night to break the hottest new music – opens its doors to Dublin’s live music fans for the first time at Voodoo Lounge on Thursday, 19 October. The venue will play host to the launch night party, after which Club NME Dublin will take up regular residency at The Hub, on Eustace Street. Dublin marks the second international city to host regular Club NME nights following the launch of Club NME LA at Spaceland, California last month.

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  1. Is it just me, or is this utterly pointless? Rather than create an Irish edition, why not just give the Irish music scene better coverage? I know some NME readers who are not going to be even slightly happy with this yoke.

    Comment by Keith — October 12, 2006 @ 10:11 am

  2. yeh, its all shite. just posing wankers and shit music. actually i’m just bitter, actually i’m not. but for fucks sake look at the cover. grow up lads. money is good. rock on. wheres my pay cheque. i’m bored now, gonna play music. i love money. nme, what toss. jaysus. hahahahaha

    Comment by krynn — October 12, 2006 @ 2:35 pm

  3. They should bring out a tarted-up fortnightly devoted to Saturday night ceili dancing instead. Call it De Valera’s Black Stockings, or something.

    Comment by Confucius — October 13, 2006 @ 12:36 pm

  4. NME to launch Irish edition…

    NME is to launch an Irish edition, with a preview edition published, it is set to be in stores on October 21. More… NME takes on market leader Hot Press with Irish edition, Brand Republic Ireland edition first step in…

    Trackback by Blurred Keys — October 16, 2006 @ 3:31 pm

  5. Irish NME: 8 pages; accepting local input…

    The new Irish edition of the NME will contain an eight page special section, and the magazine will accept content from local journalists and photographers. Speaking on Today FM’s ‘the Last Splash’, NME editor Conor McNicholas, said that the content…

    Trackback by Blurred Keys — October 16, 2006 @ 3:33 pm

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