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Open Scholarship

About Open Scholarship

Launched in March 2012, Open Scholarship provides access to the scholarly output authored by the faculty, students, and staff of Washington University in St. Louis.

The current focus of Open Scholarship is on electronic theses and dissertations, undergraduate honors theses, and articles and other research by faculty, including openly available versions of articles submitted to peer-reviewed journals. The Open Scholarship site is also a platform for hosting open-access online journals based in the Washington University community.

The Open Scholarship portal strives to enhance the discoverability of repository content beyond what the original publisher provides and to showcase scholarship created in our academic community.

Digital Library Program Services (DLPS) provides tools and services to support the WashU community’s scholarly publishing and digital scholarship and the University Libraries’ digital collections and assets.

  • Humanities Digital Workshop | Project consulting and support for faculty in the humanities who wish to develop digital projects as part of their research
  • WUIT Research Computing Services | Supports research activities, including advanced or specialized storage, networks, and applications, research data services and software, and lab management systems
  • Arts & Sciences Computing | Flexible technology facilities and services to A&S faculty, graduate students, staff, and undergraduate students
  • Center for the Humanities | Facilitates the labor of humanists by nurturing innovative research, transformative pedagogy, and vibrant community engagement locally and globally
  • Center for Empirical Research in the Law | Designs products that enhance research and teaching about the law and legal institutions

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