Watch: Jenn Harris' Extra Intimate Sex Comedy Short 'She's Clean'

She's Clean Short Film

"They mostly just care that they're finally with a woman who is into her body for once." An award-winning short film written and directed by Jenn Harris is now online to watch. She's Clean originally debuted in 2022 and played at tons of film festivals throughout 2023, picking up a few awards along the way. Now it's out on Vimeo for everyone enjoy - view it below. Actress Jenn Harris stars in this a woman exploring her sexuality and searching for intimacy in the bathroom. The very NSFW short features a series of vignettes (mostly set in the shower) where this woman engages in (or at least attempts to) conversations with various men, discussing sexuality, emotions, relationships, and more. It is a quirky, smart, brutally honest comedy about how rare emotional compatibility really is. It is also a beautifully brave film where the actors bare all, and not just their bodies, also their feelings as they confess intimate revelations. Another terrific short film.


 Posted on June 13 in Short Film, To Watch | Comments

Watch: Disney Animation's Brand New Donald Duck Short 'D.I.Y. Duck'

D.I.Y. Duck Short Film

Everyone's favorite "Donald" is back! The iconic character Donald Duck returns in a brand new short film made by Disney Animation Studios. This premiered for streaming this past weekend to celebrate the 90th birthday, rather 90th anniversary, of the character created by the original Walt Disney and his animators (specifically Dick Lundy). The extra grumpy duck made his first cartoon appearance on June 9th, 1934 as a supporting character in the short The Wise Little Hen, and most recently appeared in Once Upon a Studio. The new short film is called D.I.Y. Duck, and it features Donald trying to fix a lightbulb in his home, going back-n-forth to the hardware store as more problems arise during his attempts to get the new bulb to work. Disney has also re-released a few remastered classic Donald Duck short films, including Crazy Over Daisy and Out on a Limb, with all of them launching for streaming on Disney+ for audiences to enjoy. This is only 2 mins long and it's classic cartoon comedy at its best. How many ducks does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


 Posted on June 10 in Animation, Short Film, To Watch | Comments

Watch: Funny, Cute 4-Minute Animated Short Film 'Zoon' w/ Axolotls

Zoon Short Film

Look at all these cute lil' buggers! Crawling around and being adorable. But wait, what happens next? This amusing 4-minute animated short film called Zoon is now online for everyone to watch. It first premiered at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival and has been screening at tons of other festivals for the past two years. Zoon is created and directed by German animation filmmaker Jonatan Schwenk, who really loves hybrid animation and always cooks up clever concepts in his funky stop-motion shorts. (He also did sound design for this short Rules of Play with his friend Merlin Flügel.) Residing in a swamp at the bottom of a nocturnal forest, a group of gleaming axolotls pursue lustful games. The creatures relish nuzzling one another & also nibbling their companions' limbs. One review says this is about "the beauty and cruelty of nature." Though I'd argue that what happens in the second half is more about the idiocy and careless of humanity, messing around with things they have no understanding of. As usual. Maybe you have another interpretation of this?


 Posted on June 6 in Animation, Short Film, To Watch | Comments

Watch: David Lynch's Dreamy Music Video for 'Sublime Eternal Love'

Sublime Eternal Love Music Video

Ready for a 3-minute excursion into the mind of David Lynch? Click play on this new music video created by the mastermind filmmaker David Lynch in his next collaboration with singer Chrystabell. This isn't the first time they've collaborated, this will be their third album together. The music video Lynch created is for one of the songs "Sublime Eternal Love" off of the new album called "Cellophane Memories" - arriving in August. There's not much to it, don't expecting anything totally crazy, but it is undeniably a Lynch creation for sure. Chrystabell & Lynch have had a relationship for years - in 1999, an agent introduced her. Together, they've released two albums before this one – This Train (2011) and Somewhere in the Nowhere (2016). She also appeared on the 2017 revival of Twin Peaks as Special Agent Tamara Preston. In an interview, Lynch explains he was inspired to make this "during a nighttime walk through a forest of tall trees" when a bright light became Chrystabell’s voice, and in signature Lynch fashion, "revealed a secret to him." Sure, why not?


 Posted on June 5 in Short Film, To Watch | Comments

Watch: 8 Yao-Chinese Folktale Animated Short Films from Shanghai

8 Yao-Chinese Folktale Animated Short Films

There's a fantastic set of animated shorts from China now available to watch online with English subtitles on YouTube. These eight unique Yao-Chinese Folktale Animated Short Films originally debuted last year on the Chinese social media site Bilibili. They're all made by the Shanghai Animation Film Studio, with different style including stop motion, 2D & 3D, and even a beautiful papercraft one. They're lovely to watch but let's be honest - they're essentially just Chinese propaganda. This description explains: "The stories look back to the past, and looks forward to the future, from nostalgia for the countryside to technological fantasy, from the theme of life to thinking about human nature, showing Chinese imagination and carrying Chinese national culture & philosophy." The titles are: Nobody aka Little Monster's Summer, Goose Mountain, She Wolf, Fool and God, Ship Down the Well, Null Island, Old Man Yang, and Fly to the Earth. You can view all 8 of them below. There's some mesmerizing animation in each one, even if you aren't into the stories much.


 Posted on June 4 in Animation, Short Film, To Watch | Comments

Eccentric Trailer for Experimental, Surreal Dance Short Film 'Catharsis'

Catharsis Trailer

"Your anger and anxiety rule your life." A festival trailer has launched for a surreal, experimental short film titled Catharsis, from a new filmmaker named Brian Logvinsky. For those curious, this will be premiering at the 2024 Tribeca Film Festival in New York City this summer, hence why this trailer is dropping now to build some early buzz. A dancer savant named Alex with serious anger issues is about to sabotage his life until a strange psychotherapist brings him to face the shadows of his subconscious mind... The short film runs 17 minutes and it's described as an "avant-garde, neo-noir film." Weaving surrealism, performance art and horror, this psychological story is a lifelong passion project for Logvinsky, drawing from his own Soviet-American heritage. Within the void of hypnosis, Alex faces his worst fears and darkest truths. Featuring an ensemble cast w/ Deborah Harry, Harrison Ball, Marc Geller, Jemima Kirke, Sasha Pivovarova, Zumi Rosow, & Cole Alexander. This is a distinct trailer that should get the attention of some viewers.


 Posted on May 30 in Indies, Short Film, To Watch, Trailer | Comments

Watch: Awkward Short 'See Saw' About One Guy's Online Data Leak

See Saw Short Film

"What do you mean, like, everything?" Would you freak out if your entire internet history and data archives were leaked online? How bad would it be? This very awkward, very dark comedy short called See Saw is about that happening. See Saw is an 11-minute short film written and directed by filmmaker Matt Porter. He's made tons of other shorts and a feature before this, but cooked up this one to make everyone feel extra paranoid about their online presence and potential hacks / leaks. Lock down all your data, folks! And make sure if it ever does leak, your life isn't ruined. Though perhaps it's inevitable nowadays? This stars David Brown as Glenn Harriston and Sierra Katow as his girlfriend. Matt reminds everyone: "put a post-it over your webcam and enjoy!" Is it wrong if I wanted to see exactly what from all his data was going viral? Ha ha.


 Posted on May 29 in Comedy, Short Film, To Watch | Comments

Watch: 'Bow To Your Wilderness' Mesmerizing Animated Music Video

Bow To Your Wilderness Music Video

"Give all the grace you got." Here's another experiential animated music video to enjoy. Los Angeles-based Chinese animator Danski Tang created this music video for the band called Sis and their new track "Bow To Your Wilderness". For those that aren't familiar with this musician already, Sis is the singer and the multi-instrumentalist Jenny Gillespie Mason - and her latest album is releasing soon called "Vibhuti." This mesmerizing music video for one song features a human running around in various psychedelic landscapes and abstract depictions of nature. (The backgrounds are all painted by an artist named Erwinson Lemus.) As usual, I enjoy featuring these animated music videos because they're so extraordinarily creative, exploring existential feelings and concepts that most music videos could never even dream of exploring. Dive right in.


 Posted on May 27 in Animation, Short Film, To Watch | Comments

Watch: Badass Stunt-Filled Wolverine Fan-Film Titled 'Logan the Wolf'

Logan the Wolf Fan Film

"Leave now! And tell your kind about me... Tell your kind a new God will soon rule!" Oh damn!! Holy hell this is awesome. A badass fan-film has debuted online called Logan the Wolf, made by a French stuntman / filmmaker / fight choreographer named Godefroy Ryckewaert. He's most recently worked as a fighter choreographer on The Witcher series, and also the upcoming The Crow remake. Set in a desolate, post-apocalyptic world, the 12-minute short film follows Logan as he navigates a hostile environment, facing both old and new enemies. The narrative focuses on Logan's struggle with the burden of his past. This looks like it's inspired by the underrated French action film Brotherhood of the Wolf. It reinvents Wolverine as if he were a fighter in a time with Vikings and fur-clad warriors. It's extremely violent & uber brutal, and is pretty much one giant 10 minute action sequence with kick ass stunt work from Ryckewaert's team. This fan film stars Maxime Ecoiffier as Logan. There's one another Marvel character who shows up in here, too. Enjoy.


 Posted on May 21 in Marvel, Short Film, To Watch | Comments

Watch: Martin Scorsese's New Chanel Ad Starring Timothée Chalamet

Scorsese's Chanel Ad

"So, when you're inside a role, do you destroy who you are?" "No, no – you reach into yourself... you find yourself. And only after that, are you free to be who you really are." There's another Martin Scorsese-directed advertisement to enjoy if you're into these kind of videos. Chanel just launched a new ad for their male perfume line called Bleu de Chanel, featuring celebrated actor Timothée Chalamet as the global ambassador. "The perfume of a man who chooses his way." These kind of promotions always seem so stale and strange - this works on people? The ad was shot by Scorsese and features Chalamet dealing with a late night talk show appearance, discussing his work as an actor and allowing himself to "be who you really are." Chanel adds that it's "an actor's conflict between celebrity and staying true to himself." It's only a 90 second video and goes by pretty fast, which is the norm for these kind of advertisements. And yes, it is a corporate commercial, but it's technically a new short film made by two masters of cinema so it's worth a look anyway.


 Posted on May 20 in Short Film, To Watch | Comments

Watch: Animated Short 'The Cocoon' About a Man Trapped in a Room

The Cocoon Short Film

How do you find your way out of a room with no doors? That's the conundrum in this animated short film titled The Cocoon, made by Chinese-Jewish American filmmaker David Shen Miller. After playing at a few film festivals last year, Omeleto has debuted the short online for everyone to watch. In the metaphorical The Cocoon, a trapped man goes to extreme lengths to clean a dirty room - coming to a realization about what it really takes to confront his trapped dilemma. "This intriguing animated short operates on a metaphorical level, using animation's inherent elasticity and freedom to explore deeply psychological terrain with a well-paced, compelling narrative." The idea in this is interesting, though the animation isn't top notch - it's a bit shaggy and obvious at times. Nonetheless, it's still an impactful little film. "He's given himself a Sisyphean task, with no real solution in sight, despite all his efforts. But then, he finds a way to transform the mess and imperfection around him into something else entirely." The Cocoon is only 9 minutes - give it a watch below.


 Posted on May 10 in Animation, Short Film, To Watch | Comments

Watch: Oscar-Nominated Stunning 'The Flying Sailor' Animated Short

The Flying Sailor

And away he goes... This mesmerizing animated short initially premiered in 2022 and is available online to watch thanks to The New Yorker. The Flying Sailor is the creation of a Canadian animation team known as "Tilby/Forbis". The short is directly inspired by the 1917 Halifax Explosion, particularly the account of a sailor who was blown away and found unharmed, but completely naked. It ended up nominated for Best Animated Short Film at the Oscars in 2023. In 1917, two ships collided in the Halifax Harbour, causing the largest accidental explosion in history. Among the tragic stories of the disaster is the remarkable account of a sailor who, blown skyward from the docks, flew 2KM before landing uphill, naked & unharmed. The Flying Sailor is a contemplation of his journey. Drawing on reports of traumatic shock & near-death experiences, animators Wendy Tilby & Amanda Forbis consider the kind of cataclysmic moment that pulls us from our path, strips us bare & utterly shifts our perspective. It is "an exhilarating meditation on a few seconds of a life, and a celebration of the wonder and fragility of being." Impossible to ever forget this film after viewing.


 Posted on May 8 in Animation, Short Film, To Watch | Comments



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