One Day At A Time Finale Taping

One Day At A Time Finale Taping

If there’s only one episode to make it to for a live taping, it should be a season premiere or a finale. Since I’d made it to three (yikes!) other taping, I thought that the finale was the big one to shoot for. After the serendipity of events that transpired following the taping we didn’t get a seat for, I had two Audiences Unlimited priority tickets and I saved them.

For the finale.

Here There Be Tissues

About two weeks before the taping, Isabella Gomez tweeted this:

The last time anyone said that to me about the show, they were absolutely right. I put two packs of Kleenex in my bag, took a deep breath, went back for three more, and announced “Let’s do this thing!?”

Spoiler? We used three and a half packs. And we gave away some.

Good People Made Magic

The week before the taping, Mike Royce, one of the executive producers, reached out to make sure we were coming. When I said we were using the 90% sure Audience’s Unlimited pass, he asked if we wanted VIP tickets. I’m not an idiot. I said yes, but he didn’t have to.

But Mike is really cool and nice and wants to make sure people who want to see the show get to see the show, which is the way it should be. I wanted to thank him so I whipped up a batch of macaroons, packed them with the Kleenex, and we went up to LA one last time for the summer. As we lingered with coffee, watching people walk by, we saw a familiar face in a fan (Kayse) and went to say hi.

Of course we were seated in separate sections. Still it was great to see more LGBTQ fans there. We even got to meet one of her friends after. I love meeting more people who love what I love (though I do need a day after to recuperate).

You Know The Drill: No Spoilers!

Besides the fact that we cried, I can’t tell you anything. I can’t even show you a photo because looking at it, I worry it might give something away. It was a great episode. It was a good season finale. It makes me want season three. I feel so privileged to have seen Marcel and Isabella’s acting improve over the summer. I feel honored to be able to watch Rita Moreno from that close. I cried with joy seeing the representation of women and people of color working on this show.

After the episode, we were allowed to come to the set to thank people. Mike Royce accepted a box of homemade macaroons to share. Norman Lear hugged. Stephen Tobolowsky hugged. Marcel Ruiz high-fived. Isabella Gomez hugged (and is now sporting a pair of LezWatch TV pins). Todd Grinell hugged (especially when he found out I had made the macaroons by hand) and immediately put on a LezWatch TV pin. Gloria Calderón Kellett declared “oh you’re those ladies!”

And yeah, Rita Moreno hugged us too.

We are ded now.

When Will It Air?

Season two is expected to air in January 2018.

Not even the cast knows the exact date, but that was the month bandied about. I wish I had some secret I knew to obliquely hint at, but I don’t.

Season Three?

They don’t know if they get a third season yet. Rita said it would be a fucking shame if they didn’t. She also told people to use their fucking flash when taking her picture. Isabella and I lamented at Sense8‘s cancellation and chatted about what happens when shows like Doubt get canceled and end on cliffhangers! Which sucks!

Okay. Now what?

Do you like this show? Do you want to see more queer?

Rita Moreno: Queee-eeeeeer

Then you need to tell Netflix. They listen to social media, so tweet your heart out. Especially when you watch the new season. Tell them how much representation matters. Tell them how much seeing yourself matters. Tell them that even if it’s not you, it’s what you’ve wanted to see out there, because it’s what you see out there. Tell them it’s our world, and we want to see more of it.

And pack kleenex.

About Mika A. Epstein

Mika has been deep in fandom since she could say 'Trekkie.' With decades experience in running fansites, developing software, and organizing communities, she's taken on the challenge of delving into the recesses of television for queers long forgotten. Making this site with Tracy is nothing short of serendipity. Mika lives with her wife in Southern California. Of course she has a hybrid, but she'd rather ride her bicycle.

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