Join our Nirvana ‘Nevermind’ 20th anniversary online listening party

Tune in Monday 1pm for a communal celebration of the classic album

EDIT: Thanks to everyone who took part in our ‘Nevermind’ listening party. If you missed it, you can replay the liveblog as it happened by clicking on the widget below

To mark the 20th anniversary of Nirvana‘s legendary ‘Nevermind’ album, we thought we’d try a bit of an experiment: what happens when thousands of people listen to one album at the exact same moment, and talk about it in real time?

Starting at 1pm precisely (UK time) on Monday 26 September, we’re going to hit ‘play’ on ‘Nevermind’ here in the NME office – and we want as many of you as possible to do the same. With each track, we want to know: when did you first hear it? What memories does it evoke? What do you love (or even hate) about it?

You might even take a photo of yourself rocking out to the album and Tweet it to us (via @NMEmagazine) so we can share it with everyone else.


But you don’t have to be on Twitter to take part – you can just follow the action via the live-blog embedded below, and post comments.

If you are on Twitter, the hashtag is #Nevermindlive. We’ll RT the best comments we get. The only rule is that it all has to happen in real time: the full album, in sequence, no breaks.

Oh, and if you don’t own ‘Nevermind’, you can stream it here via the We7 embed further down the page. Let’s do this…


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