
Two people were arrested a day before the summer solstice, which typically draws many visitors to the site.
The 21-year-old man was photographed near the erratic Steamboat Geyser, park officials said.
Diesel the donkey, who disappeared in 2019, appears to be thriving with some new companions in the California wild.
Though its impact could be limited, the decision fits into a broader pattern of the court siding with corporations and kneecapping the power of federal regulators.
The Métis have always played a pivotal role in land protection and conservation. They're not about to slow down now.
Tim Sheehy was on the board of the Property and Environment Research Center, which promotes “free market environmentalism” and previously advocated for privatizing federal lands.
“This is a crisis,” says one public housing technician with no air conditioning.
“The birth of this calf is both a blessing and warning. We must do more,” said Chief Arvol Looking Horse, the spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota and the Nakota Oyate in South Dakota.
The high-stakes race in Montana is getting heated as Tester and Tim Sheehy focus on a key issue impacting the state.