
Honoring Stories Worth Telling Since 2009.

In 2009 New Media Film Festival® was announced in Second Life at Los Angeles Studios as an annual story and technology event, honoring stories worth telling. The festival brings together the work of established and emerging New Media Content Creators and video artists, from the US as well as internationally. A multiple award-winning Festival, a student custom career goals program and a we give back program.

“In the world of festivals, it is refreshing that there are no politics or pay to play at New Media Film Festival® and it is run by a team of caring and passionate people that put the creators first and respects the content, not the  profits.”

– Angelwood Films

About New Media Film Festival®

New Media is an infinite catalyst for story and technology.

We are fair across the board, have been diverse and inclusive since the beginning.

New Media Film Festival®  an innovative and award-winning festival created in 2009, celebrates global stories, technology, and platforms. We continually implement new opportunities outside the norm to bolster creators in media. Through our boundary-pushing ideology, we create an environment for creators to thrive. New Media Film Festival® is an infinite catalyst for story and technology. Not just any stories, but the stories worth telling. 

The rationale behind the festival is clear. New Media Film Festival® continues to show its lasting power and potential to evolve – there is scope for truly groundbreaking and compelling work in the world of storytelling. The festival is designed to both discover and cultivate highly creative work from emerging and seasoned content creators.  Your innovation will not go unnoticed. In fact, it will be seen by judges from Marvel, PBS, HBO, BBC, Rolling Stone, the Television Academy and more.


Sounding Board

Susan Johnston

Media Futurist – Innovator, believer in story, lover of life. Creates & implements things that help content & creators. Founder/Director New Media FIlm Festival®

Knighted for work in humanity & arts.

View Susan’s IMDB profile

David Leon

David  is an Emmy-nominated, multiple award-winning composer and music supervisor at ABC Television. Prior to The Academy Museum of Motion Pictures, Marvel, WB, Fox, Disney & more.

Dr. Maya Rockeymoore

Dr. Maya Rockeymoore Cummings

A social entrepreneur, speaker(CBS, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News and BET), writer (New York Times, The Atlantic, The Huffington Post, & the Washington Post among other publications), & strategist who’s on a mission to drive society toward inclusion.

Greg Palast

Palast has broken front-page stories for BBC Television Newsnight, The Guardian, Nation Magazine and now Rolling Stone Magazine. Greg Palast has been called the “most important investigative reporter of our time “up there with Woodward and Bernstein” (The Guardian).
erin gray

Erin Gray

Not only is Erin (Silver Spoons, Buck Rogers & the 25th Century), kind, funny, smart, talented & beautiful, as CEO Heroes for Hire she connects celebs & producers with events such as ComicCon.

nagin cox nasa jpl

Nagin Cox

Systems engineer & manager on multiple interplanetary robotic missions including NASA/JPL’s Galileo mission to Jupiter, the Mars Exploration Rover Missions & the Kepler telescope mission to search for Earth-like planets around other stars.

Randy Bellous

CEO Randy Bellous Productions, EP on multiple Award Winning Music & Film projects including NASA with Astronaut Leland Melvin.
simon and schuster

Bonnie Schneider

Simon & Schuster author of Taking the Heat: How Climate Change is Affecting Your Mind, Body & Spirit, and What You Can Do About It.

Newton Lee

Author/Editor on  Transhumanism,  Disney, Facebook, Google, Cybersecurity & Counterterrorism.
President of the award-winning, nonprofit Institute for Education, Research, and Scholarships.

Peter Miller

Peter joined NFL Films right after graduating from Ohio State where he worked in the international production operations department. He moved to PBS in 2017 & started his roll as a program screener.

Student Interns from:

“Thanks so much for everything! I learned so much from this program, and I definitely will be carrying these skills with me for my future endeavors. I enjoyed every project I was given, they really helped me expand my horizons.”

— Teju Kashyap, Student Intern

Festival Awards

multiple award winning new media film festival


Fill in our form to contact us for anything related to New Media Film Festival®. Our normal response time is the same day.



Los Angeles, California USA

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