“I have to admit to being smitten by… Phoebe Fox,” said The Daily Telegraph’s Charles Spencer of RADA’s sought-after 2010 graduate.

Not bad for her first London play (The Acid Test at the Royal Court, with fellow Star of Tomorrow Vanessa Kirby). Aged 24, Fox is not one of those acting Foxes; she is from a separate Fox dynasty entirely. Her father, Stuart, is a stalwart of London theatre, though her actress mother later retrained. “They did warn me,” says Fox. “And I do remember when they went without work and we scrimped and saved, but it still wasn’t enough to put me off.” Next up for Fox is the National Theatre’s There Is A War, and after that, she wants to work on the big screen. Casting directors already have their eye on her. “I arrive every day for work at the Royal Court and I cannot believe I’m here,” she says.

Contact: Grant Parsons - [email protected]