Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Keep Visual Studio automatically updated and secure through Microsoft Update

Visual Studio is coming to Microsoft Update! We’re pleased to announce that starting in August 2024, developers who are not part of an organization managed by an IT administrator can choose to receive monthly Visual Studio security updates through the Microsoft Update (MU) system on "patch Tuesdays".  This new update option will be ...

Easily navigate code delegates while debugging

Delegates are everywhere in modern code; a delegate is a type that represents references to methods with a particular parameter list and return type. Developers use delegates to pass methods as arguments to other methods. One example you may be familiar with is with event handlers. Handlers are methods you can invoke through delegates. ...

Bosch widely adopts Visual Studio for their C++ remote Linux projects

The Bosch security camera team was seeking a unified development setup for their team and recently re-evaluated Visual Studio as a solution for their C++ projects and remote Linux development needs. Their experience with Visual Studio 2022 featured notable improvements relevant to their workflows such as seamless GDB and CMake/WSL integrations ...

Catch up on the latest Git tooling features in 17.10 GA

We believe that boosting the productivity of your development and team collaboration helps you produce better software solutions. That’s why the Visual Studio Version Control team has delivered new features, streamlining your inner loop and code review experiences. You’ll get AI support writing commit messages, pull request descriptions, ...

Giving our Azure marketplace images a makeover

We previously announced the addition of new, optimized Azure VM image offers to help you create and test your applications faster and more easily on Azure VMs and the Microsoft Dev Box service. As we continue to evolve and optimize our offers, we're introducing more developer-optimized VM images and deprecating our older non-optimized offers. ...

A modern Extension Manager has arrived with Visual Studio 17.10

We’re bringing our updated Extension Manager to all users! Over the last year, we’ve made our updated Extension Manager available as an optional preview feature and have been asking you to let us know what you think. Based on your incredible feedback, we’re now ready to offer the new Extension Manager as an on-by-default preview feature ...

VisualStudio.Extensibility 17.10: Debug your extensions with the Diagnostics Explorer

Imagine creating extensions that run faster and smoother than ever before! If you haven't been following along lately, we've been working on improving the VisualStudio.Extensibility SDK. VisualStudio.Extensibility helps you build extensions that run outside the main IDE process for improved performance and reliability. With it comes a sleek ...