Erik Duijsens
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I create content for clients and businesses alike! I enjoy reviewing the best gear that makes MY life easy as well as OTHERS! Full time creator in the photo/video world!
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0:30Incredible sound at an affordable price point!
0:26Sound is out of this world
0:24Super quiet filter that works amazing
0:46Great light with tons of settings
1:07Great filter that is VERY quiet
3:26Best cage for handheld footage
2:26Smallrig cage on A7IV
2:13Best all around protection and travel case
0:26Cute cuddles for all ages
1:43Great entry level filter for all your video and photo needs!
0:50Fun for the summer!
1:09Has been going strong for 2 years now!
0:53Still one of the best lenses to buy for any Sony
0:54Makes cutting foam a breeze!
0:40Sturdy and easy to assemble
0:25Great quality and strength!
3:01Must have to protect the Osmo Pocket 3
1:18Great suction cup at affordable price!
1:34Sturdiest C-Clamp I've used!
2:16Protect your investment!
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