Customer Review

Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2023
While the tripod's maximum height, partial plastic assembly, and lack of a crank or space for a cold shoe light betray its humble goals as a budget-level product, this is actually a pretty solid and reliable little tripod. It's portable enough to stash in a larger backpack or the trunk of a small car. It's strong enough to support a modern mirrorless camera with a reasonably moderately heavy lens attached to it. (If you still use a dedicated palmcorder, it will work fine with it as well). It does not have a smooth swivel head intended for cinematography, but no budget tripod does and its ridiculous to complain about it. Yes, it will be a little shaky if you extend it to its full height - but all tripods tend to.

This is a fine tripod for home use with a desktop home studio. It is fine as a smaller, lighter tripod for travel photos. It works well for taking self-portraits or for keeping a camera steady for long exposures. I've used it every day since I bought it and I expect to be using this for a while, unless it happens to get run over by a truck.

If you're a pro, you'll want to pursue other options. For an enthusiastic amateur like me, it's just what I wanted to replace an older mini tripod I got as a gift years ago.
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