Customer Review

Reviewed in the United States on July 18, 2023
I’ve tried three robot vacuums before, starting with the original Roomba. I was pleasantly surprised by how far the technology has come. I was going to go with a Roborock, but I have had great luck with Eufy and have found their customer support to always be there for me, so I settled on the X9 Pro.

Unlike many, I don’t receive product for free, so if something doesn’t work, I’m the first to complain. The X9 works. I placed it in a nice open space, set it up and the Eufy app, and after charging up to a 100% it proceeded to map my house which is about 3000 sq ft on one floor with a pretty open floor plan (without the bedrooms, the total area that needs cleaning is about 1200sq ft).

Mapping was straight and easy, although I didn’t allow it to map the five bedrooms since they are all carpeted. I may do that later, but for now, we’re good.

The robot does a great job of cleaning the floors, stopping occasionally to clean the mop brushes. The vacuum is very good and we run it twice a week to remove the hair that our short haired shedding Jack Russell terriers leave around the house. The one annoyance is having to clear the vacuum bin, which happens a bit more than I’d like at this point. Moreover, there’s no sensor to tell me that the bin is full, so the vacuum will stop working if you don’t keep the bin clear (it will continue to mop, though).

UPDATE: Removing one star because of this. My dust bin is completely full after every cleaning so I wonder how much hair/dirt we are not picking up. Major miss on Eufy's part here.

We've had two snags. One on some shoelaces, which stopped the robot, and one case where it snagged one of our kitchen rugs. This happened before on our previous Eufy robot, but I believe it would happen with any brand, since the basic designs are all the same. The fact that it doesn't identify shoelaces is disappointing, since I've seen other brands do better in this area.

EDIT: this continues to happen, so I have to be careful to pick up shoes and the kitchen mats. It doesn’t snag on an actual rug, but hates the cheap Costco kitchen mats we’ve been using in front of the sink.

The battery lasts enough to do about 70% of our floor plan before it has to spend an hour or so recharging. Total time to completion for my house is about two hours. Not sure how that compares to competitors. Overall very good robot for the price point, especially for mopping, but the no self-emptying dust bin is a MAJOR miss. It could have been a winner, especially at this price.

One major kudos, though... Eufy Customer Support still excels in trying to help solve any issues. Secondly, while the base is quite sizable, the size of the water containers is such that you will not need to change/refill after every wash.
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