23 MAY — 02 JUNE 2024

23 MAY — 02 JUNE 2024


Opening and Closing

Surprise Films

International Competition

Competition that highlights new voices and looks into the future. Features and shorts that cross the boundaries of genre, form, geography, and also the human body and gaze, in a search of a dialogue – about the world and with the world.

National Competition

It brings together Portuguese feature and short films, most of which have their first world or national presentation at IndieLisboa.

* All featured films in this section will have descriptive subtitles (except “Gold Songs”).

Brand New

Competitive section for young filmmakers in age and willingness to experiment with cinema – it is the space par excellence for new voices in portuguese cinema.


With works by young filmmakers and established authors, this competitive section finds in singularity its norm. Films that reject established formulas, that awaken new languages and whose rebelliousness mirrors the spirit of the festival.


The link between cinema and music is at the epicentre of this competitive section. It delves not infrequently into the historical, political and social contexts that accompany the musical movements of the selected films.


A new cooperation network has emerged that brings together 7 festivals from 7 different countries, with the intention of encouraging the circulation of European titles. The section is competitive, itinerant and collaborative, with a selection of 7 chosen films representing all member countries.


For the younger audience, we have scheduled cinema screenings for all ages, for schools and families, including cinema for babies, workshops and activities, a film-debate, and so much more.

Retrospective Kamal Aljafari

Honouring the cinematographic work of Palestinian director Kamal Aljafari

Retrospective MFA

Tribute to the MFA’s Cultural Dynamisation and Civic Action Campaigns

Director’s Cut

Non-competitive section whose selection of films plunge into the memory of cinema as its main inspiration and raw material, and films that work on the visual cinematographic heritage.


Films highlighting relevant current issues, renowned
flmmakers, and premieres.

Mouth of Madness

If you feel a shiver down your spine, a pulsing anxiety that explodes into catharsis, an adrenaline rush or even a wicked laugh on the way, you’re in the Mouth of Madness.

This section is supported by FILMIN.

Cinema at the Pool

“Aquatic cinema” aka “watching flms foating in a pool”

European Short Film Network

5 short flms selected by 5 festivals in the European Short Film Network (ESFN).