
See Naomi Watts As a Therapist With a Dark Secret in Netflix’s Gypsy

Watts promises to do no harm in this first teaser—but the footage tells another story.
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“I will always provide a safe and trusting haven for my patients,” a placid Naomi Watts calmly intones in the first teaser for the Netflix series Gypsy, premiering exclusively on “I will remain objective in my relationships. I will not violate the physical boundaries of the patient. And will always do no harm.”

It’s a fairly standard rendition of the Hippocratic Oath, the sacred pledge to which physicians are expected to abide. But though Watts, playing therapist Jean Halloway, sounds sincere, the dramatic footage playing in the background as she recites her oath—which shows Jean engaging in some less-than-professional behavior, including what looks to be a sexual relationship with one of her patients—says otherwise. So does the official logline of the show, written by Hollywood newcomer Lisa Rubin and produced by a team including Watts herself:

Gypsy is a ten-part psychological thriller that follows Jean Halloway (Naomi Watts), a Manhattan therapist with a seemingly picturesque life who begins to develop intimate and illicit relationships with the people in her patients' lives. As the borders of Jean's professional life and personal fantasies become blurred, she descends into a world where the forces of desire and reality are disastrously at odds.

Seems like there will be plenty of sexually charged intrigue to go around in this drama—especially since several episodes of the series was directed by Sam Taylor Johnson, who helmed the first Fifty Shades of Grey film. The series, which also stars Billy Crudup as Jean’s husband and Lucy Boynton and Karl Glusman as two of her patients, will premiere on the streaming service June 30.