30 Mar 1939
  • German pilot Hans Dieterie flew the Heinkel He 100 V8 at 463.82 mph to set a new world air speed record. ww2dbase [AC]
Pacific Ocean
  • Japanese troops occupied the Spratly Islands (Japanese: Shinnan Shoto) in the South China Sea. They were to be administered by Japanese authorities in Taiwan. The Japanese Navy would soon built a seaplane base and a submarine base on the island of Itu Aba (Japanese: Nagashima). ww2dbase [Spratly Islands, South China Sea | CPC]
  • British Ambassador in Poland Howard Kennard offered Poland a British-French-Polish agreement in which the three countries would mutually guarantee each others' borders; this agreement arose from the build-up of tension between Germany and Poland over Danzig. The Soviet Union was purposely excluded from the negotiations per Polish demands. ww2dbase [The Danzig Crisis | CPC]

Timeline Section Founder: Thomas Houlihan
Contributors: Alan Chanter, C. Peter Chen, Thomas Houlihan, Hugh Martyr, David Stubblebine
Special Thanks: Rory Curtis

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Famous WW2 Quote
"All that silly talk about the advance of science and such leaves me cold. Give me peace and a retarded science."

Thomas Dodd, late 1945

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