Guillermo del Toro
Del Toro spoke about the challenges of making his Kazuo Ishiguro adaptation "The Buried Giant" and the threat of artificial intelligence on the creative community during a Portland Art Museum talk.
"It's hard to find a comparable film," Schrader said, while Guillermo del Toro similarly applauded Anderson's "essential voice" in cinema.
The Oscar winner said that studios have turned down five of his projects in the last two months and that he's gearing up to focus on animated films only.
"He would give me shit about how I was blocking [the scene]," Hader said. "I was like, 'Guillermo, it's not really your call, man.'"
From "Nosferatu" to recent Alfonso Cuarón and Thomas Vinterberg masterpieces, here are films that have earned del Toro's stamp of approval.
After his latest win, the "Pinocchio" director also reaffirmed his commitment to fund scholarships for aspiring Mexican animators for another decade.
The film, based on Ishiguro's "The Buried Giant," follows Del Toro's acclaimed "Pinocchio" animated feature.
"If you hear Beethoven or Mozart on your headphones, does it stop being great music?" the director of Netflix's "Bardo" said.
Jennifer Coolidge, Eddie Murphy, and Ana de Armas are among those being feted tonight.
In a conversation moderated by Alfonso Cuarón, del Toro and Alejandro G. Iñárritu opened up about the motifs that have defined their careers.
“The decisions that I make now are not based on my personal taste, but based on what the story requires,” the Oscar-winning production designer told IndieWire. “That’s when you realize the narrative power of the craft.”
Blanchett was ultimately cast as her "spirit animal" Spazzatura, a talking monkey whose Italian name translates to "garbage."
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