
You Love to Talk about Movies, TV, and Games.
Now Get Paid for It.

Collider is where fandoms and cinephiles meet. We don’t choose sides between Scorsese and Marvel because we love them both. Our coverage of entertainment news, features, and reviews works to bring our readers the best analysis coupled with a thoughtful, sharp personality that’s able to cut through the typical discourse to find the story between the stories. Rather than add to the noise, Collider shows why it’s the best source for the signal.

Founded in 2005, Collider has grown at a rapid pace and become a leader in the entertainment journalism community through our ability to break big stories (Borat 2? Yeah, we broke that) while making strong arguments on behalf of legendary flops like Waterworld or why secret gems like Lake Mungo keep us awake at night.

We pride ourselves on our close team of writers and editors who endeavor to create the best work possible while fostering an attitude of mutual respect and cooperation.

We are always working to further diversify the voices we put on Collider, and we proudly support BIPOC and LGBTQ+ writers and editors.

Here’s what people are saying about Collider

When it comes to joining the Collider team, we want to work with people who are not only passionate about entertainment, but who have done their homework.

Can you speak fluently about the 180-rule?

Do you explain to friends which streaming service is best for them?

Do you have strong feelings about the right way to play Animal Crossing?

Then we may have a place for you.

Careers at Collider

  • TV/Movie Feature Writer

    As a TV/Movie Feature Writer, you will be writing articles that provide more in-depth analysis of a variety of topical events, shows, or people in the entertainment industry.


    Please apply for this position through our job board by clicking this link: Collider TV/Movie Feature Writer.


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  • SEO Resource Writer

    As a Resource Writer, you will be focused on writing in-depth, extended lists, explainers, and guides with a heavy focus on SEO-driven keywords and evergreen content.


    Please apply to this position through our job board by clicking this link: Collider Resource Writer.


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  • List Writer

    As an Infotainment List Writer, you'll be looking for fun and unique ways to rank fan-favorite franchises in the movie and tv categories. List articles not only need description and opinion, they need analysis and context!


    Please apply to this position through our job board by clicking this link: Collider List Writer.


    All applications submitted below will be sent to a now invalid email, therefore will not be read. If you'd like your application to be considered for the List Writer position, please visit the link above.


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