Deshawn "DeLa Doll" Thomas

Photo of Deshawn
Florida, USA
Florida State College
Movies, TV, Cartoons & Anime
  • Deshawn has been writing about TV, film, and pop culture since 2016.
  • Deshawn has previously written about media, cosplay, and pop culture on her own website as well, as for sites like Huffington Post and Black Girl Nerds.
  • Deshawn has always been passionate about writing and media analysis, which is why she chose to major in Communication & Media.


Deshawn is an enthusiastic lifelong consumer of movies, TV shows, books, and games. She discovered her passion for writing at the age of 5 and hasn’t put down the pen (or keyboard) since. Her love of writing and voracious appetite for media in all its glorious forms led to her pursuit of a degree in Communication & Media, and eventually to her decision to pursue a career as a writer. Deshawn’s first professional writing gig was as a Huffington Post contributor, and she has continued to freelance for various publications and write on her own blog since that time. Her fascination with analyzing and researching nearly everything she reads, watches, or plays has resulted in a healthy interest and active participation in fandom culture. She enjoys embodying her favorite characters through cosplay, and she has even served a press liaison for anime, comic book, and pop culture conventions. Additionally, Deshawn is a vocal advocate for meaningful diversity and representation in media.


Deshawn will be graduating with her B.S. in Communication & Media in 2022.
Stories By Deshawn "DeLa Doll" Thomas