WARNING: The following contains spoilers for Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, now streaming on Netflix.

Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans brings in the major heroes from Trollhunters, Wizards and 3Below, with the Arcane Order summoning Titans to raze Earth and rebuild the planet. As such, characters who don't have powers or weapon skills, like Steve, are pushed to the side. But while the movie is meant to wrap up Guillermo del Toro's Tales of Arcadia series, it doesn't reimagine Steve as a warrior; instead, he experiences... an unexpected pregnancy.


It unfolds when Princess Aja and her human sidekick, Eli, arrive from Akiridion-5 to help the team. After months of missing her, Steve runs up and kisses her, but Aja pushes him off.

Steve is upset, wondering if she moved on to someone else, but Aja admits that, in her culture, the seventh kiss triggers a bio-reaction that leads to pregnancy. Steve is unfazed because, despite being a high-schooler, he thinks he's equipped to be a father. However, Aja drops another major bombshell: Steve will carry the kids. In a blink of an eye, Steve is pregnant, and as the film rolls on, his stomach swells and he goes through everything expected out of most pregnancies, including mood swings and binge-eating. Nevertheless, Steve becomes accustomed to it, avoiding battles while Aja appoints Eli as his midwife.

RELATED: Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans' Opening Scene Released Online

While he thought he was used to this, more news is to come, as Aja tells Steve there will be more than one baby. That causes him to panic, and he asks where, exactly, all of these kids are going to come out. She whispers in his ear, but the audience doesn't hear it in another subtle yet hilarious moment.

The crowning moment comes when the Fire Titan reaches Arcadia to kickstart the apocalypse. Thankfully, Eli hides Steve away in the hills, where he gives birth in a truck. Viewers don't see the process, but hearing him yelling about stretch marks and seeing a lot of blue birth-fluid shooting out the vehicle is more than enough to paint a vivid picture.

RELATED: Trollhunters: Colin O'Donoghue Celebrates The Magic Of Tales Of Arcadia & del Toro

Ultimately, after the Titan falls, Eli races back to find Aja and reveal their children -- Maja, Baja, Taja, Faja, Daja, Waja and Eli Jr. The latter's sentimental, as Steve bullied Eli a lot in school, so it brings their story full-circle. It also leaves fans wondering how would the Akiridion empire handle hybrids when it's time for Aja to pass the throne on.

Unfortunately, audiences may never know because the crew makes a decision to let Jim use the time stone to go back in time to the start of Trollhunters. It's all so he could save a few of their friends from dying, but it's odd because they don't factor in that this could erase their timeline and the kids Steve just had. No one cares at all, making it seem like these children are nothing more than expendable cogs in a shock factor arc.

Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans, based on Guillermo del Toro's Tales of Arcadia trilogy series, is now streaming on Netflix.

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