Event Listing Plugin

Boost Your Website Engagement with Events Discovery

Let your website visitors discover local events of their interest right on your website!

Easy to embed on any website!
Event listing plugin

Increase Site Metrics

Drive better engagement with unique events content

  • 1 (1)
    Increased Time-spent
  • 2 (1)
    Improved Search Ranking
  • 3 (2)
    No regular maintenance

Generate Plugin for Your Website

Select the city & category that matches your audience's interest, and get the code to showcase all the upcoming events on your website. 

Live Preview

All Events In Chicago

How to install this plugin?

As easy as copy-paste!

  • Create a New Page

    Create a page called "Events" on your website
  • Customize Plugin

    Customize the plugin using the search filters provided
  • Copy-Paste Code

    Get the code & add it to your websites on the Events page

Once the plugin is live on your website, please notify us at [email protected] along with your website link, and we may showcase your website on this page with a link back. 

Revenue Revenue

Monetize Your Audience with Event Marketing

Many of your visitors would be event creators as well! Refer AllEvents Event Promotional Plans to potential event creators and earn 10% recurring commission on every referral.

Looking for an advanced solution?