The former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis says the January 6 committee members are subpoenaing her because they're 'mad they can't date' her

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·2 min read
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  • Jenna Ellis
    American lawyer
  • Donald Trump
    Donald Trump
    45th President of the United States
  • Sidney Powell
    American attorney
Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell, right, attorneys for President Donald Trump, conduct a news conference at the Republican National Committee on lawsuits regarding the outcome of the 2020 presidential election on Thursday, November 19, 2020.
The former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis was among four Trump lawyers subpoenaed this week by the January 6 panel.Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images
  • Ellis said the January 6 panel's subpoena is because members are 'mad they can't date' her.

  • Ellis was subpoenaed by the panel, along with Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Boris Epshteyn.

  • She is being asked to produce documents by February 1 and appear for a deposition on February 8.

The former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis has a theory about why she was subpoenaed by the January 6 panel investigating the Capitol riot. 

"The committee is just mad they can't date me," Ellis tweeted on Wednesday.

Ellis tweeted the comment after she and three other former Trump lawyers — Rudy Giuliani, Sidney Powell, and Boris Epshteyn — were subpoenaed by the January 6 committee

Rep. Bennie Thompson, the chairman of the bipartisan panel, said in a statement that the four lawyers "advanced unsupported theories about election fraud, pushed efforts to overturn the election results, or were in direct contact with the former President about attempts to stop the counting of electoral votes."

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The committee is focused on Ellis because she wrote two memos outlining legal methods for how then-Vice President Mike Pence could prevent the certification of Electoral College votes. 

"The Select Committee's investigation has revealed credible evidence that you publicly promoted claims that the 2020 election was stolen and participated in attempts to disrupt or delay the certification of the election results based on your allegations," Thompson wrote in a Tuesday letter to Ellis.

Thompson added that Ellis "actively promoted claims of election fraud on behalf of former President Trump and sought to convince state legislators to take steps to overturn the election results."

The letter to Ellis requested that she produce documents to the panel by February 1 and appear for a deposition under oath on February 8. 

Read the original article on Business Insider

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