‘Below Deck Med’ Recap: Let’s Talk About That Lovely Lloyd Moment

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If you’re still wiping the tears from your eyes after that incredibly special Lloyd moment on Below Deck Mediterranean, you aren’t alone. On the latest episode of the Bravo series, deckhand Lloyd Spencer opened up to his crewmates about his personal life in one of the most touching moments we’re ever seen on this show.

We’ve gotten glimpses so far this season at Lloyd’s previous workplace experiences, both in yachting and on land, and he even opened up at the crew dinner about his last boss who said terribly mean stuff all the time. “Sexual orientation, race, it shouldn’t be part of it but it is,” Lloyd said in his interview.

He later gave bosun Malia White a huge compliment, telling her, “Thank you for being such a good boss. The entire deck crew is so happy.” And not just David!

As the night went on, the crew drank and danced on the boat, until Lloyd decided to open up to chief stew Katie Flood, telling her, “I came from a situation where it was a toxic work relationship, the worst situation of my life. I went from a job where I was god to 50 people and then I went to yachting and was treated like a piece of shit by my captain. He called me a [very, very not nice word],” he shared through tears.

“Like, I’m 90% straight,” he continued but Katie interrupted with, “Babe who cares? Does that matter? You’re a beautiful person, ok? You honestly are, your soul is like insane,” she tells him.

Malia and David get up from the couch to give him a hug and they all gather around him to embrace and support him in this incredibly sentimental moment, telling him, “Lloyd we support you.” Katie promises his old boss and negative past experience is “not your reality anymore,” and he shares, “This is the first time ever people wanted to talk to me.” Can someone pass me a box of tissues, please?

“You’re like the best human being any of us has ever met,” David tells him, as Lloyd is reassured by the group, “We need more people like you in the world,” and “Everyone here accepts you for everything you are.”

“Uh Lloyd, I went to college, I swung both ways, I still do!” Malia shares. She also tells him, “The guys that we have on deck, they aren’t those shitbag guys, they love you.”

In her interview, Malia also tears up discussing the situation, explaining, “This industry is still old school. It’s shit, it’s really shit.”

Lloyd also opens up in his interview, saying, “I talk about how I feel, my sexuality, those sorts of things with my best friend. The best description I’ve heard is the varying scale. If someone wants to be at one end of the sale, whatever, and if the scale wants to move up and down depending on where you are in your life.” He ultimately puts it best when he asks, “Why does anyone care?”

We also learn from him that, “It’s certainly something that I’ve had on my mind since I was in school, but had very few people to really talk about it and quite a few friendship groups where that wasn’t really a thing that would ever be discussed.”

Across all Below Deck franchises, we’ve rarely seen a moment so vulnerable, special, and uplifting in the form of the crew rallying together to support their pal. Kudos to Lloyd for sharing this with his co-workers and the world, as this message is likely to not only open eyes but hopefully open hearts and have people within the yachting industry and beyond think twice before they tease someone in this capacity. It’s also lovely to see that the team has created an environment for Lloyd (and his sick dance moves) to feel comfortable enough that he wanted to talk about this with them. Go back and watch it again and let it touch your heart, as we can all appreciate lovely moments like these.

Below Deck Mediterranean airs Monday at 9 pm ET/PT on Bravo, with episodes streaming one week early on Peacock.

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