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Here’s Your First Look At ‘The Cuphead Show’ On Netflix

Erik Kain

There’s a new animated TV show coming to Netflix based on the wonderful—and very challenging—video game Cuphead.

This isn’t news, but it’s news to me. Good news! StudioMDHR’s game is such a frenetic, wacky, frustrating, awesome experience with such a cool art-style based on the old-school Fleischer Studios artwork of the 1920s and 30s. Fleischer Studios was in direct competition with Walt Disney Studios back in ye olde days, and introduced such characters as Betty Boop, Popeye the Sailor and Superman. Cuphead taps into this art-style for its quirky level and boss designs, as well as the look of its two main characters, Cuphead and Mugman.

In other words, it’s the perfect candidate for an animated TV show adaptation. Today, Netflix gave us our first glimpse of the behind-the-scenes work going into the program:

Cuphead is voiced by Tru Valentino, with Frank Todaro voicing Mugman. Showrunner C.J. Kettler is spearheading the production with Ego Plum composing. (Plum’s IMDB composer credits are rather colorful, by the way).

The Cuphead Show is “coming soon” to Netflix.

Erik Kain writes a widely read and respected blog about video games, entertainment and culture at Forbes. He is a Shorty Award-nominated journalist and critic whose work

Erik Kain writes a widely read and respected blog about video games, entertainment and culture at Forbes. He is a Shorty Award-nominated journalist and critic whose work has appeared in The Atlantic, The National Review, Mother Jones, True/Slant and elsewhere. Kain co-founded the political commentary blog The League Of Ordinary Gentlemen, whose members have gone on to write at multiple major publications including The New York Times and Slate. He lives in Arizona with his family.