What We Do

Bizrate Insights helps you uncover issues across all channels to drive customer loyalty and improve business efficiency. Our standardized survey solutions allow you to benchmark scores, including Net Promoter Score, across your brands and channels as well as across our network. Our solutions include:

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Online Buyers

Want to know what your customers really think? Collect, review, and respond to real-time feedback from verified customers immediately post-purchase and following delivery.

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Online Shoppers & Visitors

Want to know why shoppers visit your site without buying? Our Site Abandonment Solution gathers actionable insights to decrease churn, increase conversion, and save-the-sale in real time.

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In-Store Shoppers & Buyers

Measure satisfaction from visitors and buyers in your brick-and-mortar stores. Learn what drives them to your store and how to steer them to your preferred channel.

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Call center representative

Call Center

Optimize customer satisfaction by collecting feedback following interaction – customer support or order placement – with a customer service representative.

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consumer panel using digital devices

Consumer Panel

Gain market insights using our diverse panel of over 2MM+ members. We can help you design the most effective strategy for your market research data needs.

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VitalSigns Dashboard

Listen. Analyze. Report. Act.

Data and comments are available in real-time with easy-to-use, intuitive reporting. Gain insights on the root causes of customer dissatisfaction. Create accountability and prioritize actions with your team to optimize the customer experience.

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“Bizrate Insights is a core partner in helping us measure how satisfied customers are with their experiences.”

Bill Crutchfield – Founder & CEO of Crutchfield

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