This Week in Games

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This Week in Games - One Direct-ion

After almost two years, Nintendo delivered another full-length Nintendo Direct to the world, and the internet's attention turned once again to the house of Mario to see what sort of joyous surprises they would unveil. ― Well, hi there! If you missed it, you should check out This Week in Anime, where I guested to talk about the action-packed fanservice fiesta Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture! This was a...

This Week in Games - To the Moon!

Final Fantasy XIV sets its sights on space and introduces its blue pachyderm tribe in This Week in Games! ― Hi folks! I'm sitting here counting down the hours until I can download Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury. Yes, I have it on Wii U, but I am extremely willing (read: a sucker) to pay full MSRP to once again play through one of the best Mario games with a few new bits. Also, I'm not sure wher...

This Week in Games - Stadia Events

Google leaves the game-making business, the Sonic series gets a VA change-up ahead of a new Netflix series, and Windjammers has an open beta? All the latest in games this week is right here! ― Hey TWIG followers! How's your week going? We're into February now, and there still aren't enough PS5s to go around. But that's okay, because there's still plenty of good stuff to play on current-gen systems. S...

This Week in Games - What Is Even Going On

…LOOK, EXPLAINING FINANCE STUFF WASN'T IN MY JOB DESCRIPTION, OKAY? ― Hiya, folks! Just a heads-up: This Week in Games is probably going to be a Friday thing from now on. This benefits me because game companies, for whatever reason, just love dumping news on Thursdays, leaving me to either delay the column or look horribly out of date. Hopefully Friday publication solves this issue somewhat. As much ...

This Week in Games - Yes Ma'am

Resident Evil Village reignited Heidi (and everyone's) desire to be stepped on by an intimidating woman. ― Hi folks! We're past January 20th and the USA didn't implode, so I think that's certainly cause for celebration! Normally around this time of year I'd be off at MAGfest hanging out with my friends in the DC metro area, playing arcade games and attending panels and concerts until ungodly hours in...

This Week in Games - All The King's Fighters

Updates on KOFXV, Cham Cham is finally, finally back in the main Samurai Shodown roster, and Cyberpunk devs wants you to know they're really sorry. ― Hi folks. Today's one of those days where I can't really form a coherent introduction to the column. But that's okay, because there's plenty of interesting news to look at! THE KING OF FIGHTERS IS BACK, BABY You may recall that last week there were a Ki...

This Week in Games - Full Moon Fever

The visual novel that opened the floodgates for one of the biggest franchises is coming back! Heidi discusses what made the game so important in THIS WEEK IN GAMES. ― Hello again! I was prepared to write this week about two big game announcements: one that's a huge visual novel that laid the foundations for a media titan, and one that's a fighting game. The former we'll get to shortly, because the la...

This Week in Games - That's Not Very Cyberpunk of You

It's time to talk about the biggest gaming disappointment of 2020. My man Keanu deserved better. ― Ho ho ho, Merry TWIGmas everyone! A little late, I know, but we're still in the holiday spirit. Though I was hoping DHL Santa would drop off my Astro City Mini in time to discuss for this column... it is not to be. Alas! That will have to wait for a future column. In the meantime… well, remember how las...

This Week in Games - The Game Awards 2020 Roundup

Cloud's long-time foe descends on Smash, Vin Diesel claims the throne in Ark Survival Evolved 2, and Dragon Age 4 is here to remind you it still exists. ― Heya folks! I'm here with a special weekend edition of This Week in Games, covering the yearly WORLD PREMIERE trailer showcase/hot mess that is The Game Awards! It's been a strange year for gaming and the world at large. Perhaps The Game Awards wou...

This Week in Games - Bazooka Blast

The holiday season is upon us but Father Christmas both giveth and taketh. Fortunately, Persona is in the "giveth" category while gaming retailer GameStop is not fairing nearly as well. ALSO: Tune in for a special Sunday TWIG for the Game Awards! ― Hello again! Welcome to This Week in Games, where we are ABSOLUTELY NOT going to talk about Cyberpunk 2077, because you can go literally anywhere else on ...

This Week in Games - The Old Frontier

Heidi weighs in on the mine-riddled ethical conundrum of SNK's latest shareholder, the latest updates to King of Fighters, and the SaGa Frontier remaster! ― Hello again! How was your holiday weekend? Good, I hope! We've got some news to dissect this week, and there's some very serious stuff we need to talk about. But before that... HEY!! YOU!! Yeah, YOU!!! Are you a SEGA NERD??? Because you'll have t...

This Week in Games - Shibuya Style

In this abysmal hell year, it might not seem like there's much to be thankful for, but I must strongly disagree. This year, I'm thankful for all of the folks who spoke up against abusers and bad practices in the game industry. ― Heya folks! It's Thanksgiving here in the States, where normally we gather with friends and family over a big traditionally cooked dinner. However, in the hell year of 2020, ...

This Week in Games - Scramble Spirits

Well, it appears that, once again, Square-Enix is hinting at a thing. And it's very obvious what game this announcement is related to if you've played it. ― Hey hey! It's the middle of November, and that means… uh, nothing! It's not quite The Holidays yet, but also past the Spooky Season, leaving us sitting here in an odd state of limbo as the days get darker faster and temperatures get colder and co...

This Week in Games - That New Console Smell

Obviously, the BIG thing this week is the launch of the Xbox Series consoles and the PlayStation 5! Also: SEGA says 'bye-bye' to arcades? Heidi has all the gaming news you need to know this week! ― Hey again, folks! You might have noticed I wasn't around for This Week in Games last week, but that's okay – everyone was too busy determining the fate of the free world. As far as gaming news goes, last w...

This Week in Games - New Retro Memories

New release announcements got our hearts rumbling for the past. OG Fire Emblem, new Science Adventure visual novels, and more! ― Heya folks! October is wrapping up, PlayStation 5s are making their ways into the hands of various media outlets… and Cyberpunk 2077 got delayed again in the worst way possible. I swear, CD Projekt Red is doing their damnedest to make me care less about a game I already was...

This Week in Games - Phantom Season

So, what the heck was Phantom Breaker? The game series is getting a revival in one of the most random game announcements this week! ― Hooray, it's the spooky season! Yes, that wonderful time of year when overindulging on candy, cosplaying in public, and obsessing over supernatural phenomena are all 100% socially acceptable! Though, ah, this Halloween season is looking significantly less social with t...

This Week in Games - Big Dogs and Little Extras

Heidi looks into the Level-5 rumors and confirms that yes, you can pet the dog in Guilty Gear Strive. ― As I've mentioned many times before here on This Week in Games, I absolutely love it when old game-related prototypes and designs get dug up. Usually, we only see this stuff through means that are in a legal gray area (at best): somebody has an old ROM that they conveniently never returned to the o...

This Week in Games - When Anime Mobile Games Die

Heidi checks out the upcoming Monster Hunter game, and reminiscences about the anime mobile game casualties of 2020. ― Hello again! Well, um… pretty slow week for gaming news, huh? Let's see… Cyberpunk 2077 went gold and kicked off a bunch of talk about industry crunch again, which is a conversation we're still afraid to have as an industry… Masahiro Sakurai showed off more Alex and Steve gameplay fo...

This Week in Games - A New (Old) Challenger Approaches!


This Week in Games - You Will Be Assimilated

RIP 3DS. The game-changing handheld is finally put out to pasture. Meanwhile, Microsoft scoops up fan-favorite game developing studios including Bethesda. It's all in here for This Week in Games! ― Hey all! Tokyo Game Show is starting up as I write this (Wednesday night), and announcements streams are scheduled to go on for a few days. Sometimes I delay the column a bit when I know some big announcem...

This Week in Games - M-M-M-MONSTER NEWSWEEK!!!!

Sony finally released the details on the upcoming PlayStation 5, leaving people scrambling for available pre-order slots. PLUS: New Final Fantasy, Disgaea, Rune Factory, and more! ― Hey, remember last week when there was a bunch of news? Pffft, that was nothing. This week we've got big ol capital-letters NEXT GEN CONSOLE NEWS. Which is why I'm using the opening paragraphs to highlight this week's coo...

This Week in Games - Poorly Kept Secrets

It's a big week in games as Heidi runs down the technical deets on the next-gen XBox console, all those Mario 35th anniversary announcements, and the head-scratching Shenmue anime! ― Well, I might be in the midst of the apocalypse right now, but before I try contracting any demons to serve me in the war for the new world, I should probably get at least one This Week in Games out! It's a crazy week fi...

This Week in Games - Do You Remember?

Sakura Wars gets a whole new iteration and Heidi breaks down the upcoming gaming announcements at TGS and where to watch! ― Hey everybody! It's September! And it's the best day in September, because it's my birthday! Well, it is when I'm writing this, anyway. When I think of September, I think of "September." The song. And then I think about Elite Beat Agents. Man, wasn't Elite Beat Agents great? I d...

This Week in Games - Hard Drop

Get the skinny on the latest Nintendo Direct announcements, a surprise revamp of the once forgotten Monster World IV, and the unfortunate implosion of Lab Zero Games. ― Before we dive into this week's news, let's look at a recent announcement that took me by surprise. That green-haired girl you see above is Asha, the heroine of Monster World IV, one of the later entries in the confusingly-named-and-n...

This Week in Games - Top Epic App Store BETRAYALS!!!

Heidi breaks down the ongoing Fortnite slapfight between Epic and Apple PLUS an exclusive interview with Sakura Wars game director Tetsuya Ohtsubo! ― Hiya, friends of the column! It's been a bit of a slow news week, save for one really big story and a special interview. We'll get to those in a bit. As I write this, Sega is gearing up to announce more games that will be on the Astro City Mini micro-ar...

This Week in Games - Delays of our Lives

We heard you like Dante from the Devil May Cry series so we put him in Nocturne from the Shin Megami Tensei series, unless you prefer Kuzunoha Raidou from the Kuzunoha Raidou series. ― Hey all! How've you been holding up? Keeping entertained? It feels like everybody's going in hard on Fall Guys right now, thanks to it being free on PS Plus. It's nice to see a battle-royale game outside of the typical...

This Week in Games - Back to Schools

It's fighting games and swimsuits as Street Fighter lays out its future plans. Also who asked for more Pikmin? ― Hey all! It's TWIG time again. Are you folks playing anything interesting? Right now, I've been sucked into gacha hell thanks to the Fate/Grand Order summer event. FGO always goes all-out with making its seasonal events exceptionally goofy, and this year's has been a lot of fun so far, wit...

This Week in Games - The Gigaleak

Hackers have cracked open Nintendo's vault to discover a plethora of development materials...including carpet-bombing Yoshi? ― Well! I know that some fans of Nintendo have been disappointed lately, since the company has been holding their first-party game announcements close to their chest for most of the summer. How quickly things change! Over the weekend, a whole bunch of awesome Nintendo stuff got...


Heidi has all the info on the most exciting reveals from Xbox Games Showcase 2020, from Shin Megami Tensei to Yakuza. ― News! We got it! No need for an intro, let's get right into things! XBOX GAMES SHOWCASE UNVEILS A TON OF NEW GAMES Once again, TWIG has been oh-so-slightly delayed to keep in step with the hottest, freshest gaming news. This time around, it's the Xbox Games Showcase 2020, the presen...

This Week in Games - I am the DANGAN (goo goo g'joob)

Get ready to drop all your money on those new Mario Lego sets as we continue to pass time at home. Also, there's a Dragon's Dogma anime coming out? ― Hi folks! As I write this, Twitter appears to be having a meltdown, with the Checkmark Army having been banished to the Shadow Realm for who knows how long. So, uh, hopefully you get notified that this has gone live! You can always follow me @zerochan f...

This Week in Games - Look, We NEED to Talk

EVO's cancelled this year and it's not the pandemic's fault. It's time to talk about the gaming community's systemic failings. ― Hey. So… things got very serious over the past week across several gaming communities. A lot of really ugly stuff came out, and the effects have been very far-reaching. So, we really, really need to address this, because I'm pissed. Be warned: we're going to talk about some...

This Week in Games - Takin' a Break

The gaming world seems to be on vacation right now, even with two next-gen consoles still somehow slated for this year. ― It's July! Boy those first six months of the year sure, uh… went… um… were… something. Yeah! It's a holiday weekend here in the USA, so maybe everyone just collectively decided to try and chillax a little. That's certainly not a bad thing! It's a little hard to go to neighborhood ...

This Week in Games - Summer Crush

Good news, Re:Zero fans: You're getting an official anime game, and it doesn't look half bad, either. ― Hi again! There's a lot of interesting announcements this week, so let's not beat around the bush – we've got games to discuss! STUFF THAT GOT ANNOUNCED VIA SUMMER GAMES FEST AND AFFILIATED EVENTS Crash Bandicoot 4 is happening! Yeah, I was like, “wasn't there already a Crash 4?” but it turns out I...

This Week in Games - Make it Snappy

Aspiring wildlife photogs, it's time to dust off your digital cameras because the Pokémon Snap sequel is FINALLY HAPPENING?! Plus: Kingdom Hearts and Lego Mario! ― What's it like not having E3? Well… it means getting interesting announcements spread across all of June rather than having them all dumped in front of you at once. It's refreshing, isn't it? You have a few days to analyze and appreciate w...

This Week in Games - Gimme (PlayStation) Five

Heidi has some BIG thoughts on the PlayStation 5 reveal plus more new game announcements than you shake a JoyCon at. ― Hello! Once again, TWIG has been oh-so-slightly delayed from its usual time so we can be up to date on the BIG FREAKIN’ NEWS that's happening – in this case, the first PS5 details, including a reveal of the system's casing. Enough talk – let's dig right in! SO HERE'S WHAT THE SONY PL...

This Week in Games - Micro Machines

Sega announces its tiniest mobile platform yet. Meanwhile, other big gaming announcements are on hold as companies rightfully give the podium over to protestors. ― Hey. So, uh, this is one of those exceedingly rare times when I really don't want to talk about videogames, given, y'know, everything going on here on Planet Earth at the moment. And I'm definitely not alone here, because a whole mess of a...

This Week in Games - Warmer Days Ahead

Heidi shares the latest game updates, including the long-awaited info on Samurai Shodown Neo Geo Collection, upcoming streaming events, and more ― I may be a writer by trade, but there are times when I just feel completely lost for words. Like most of us who write for ANN, the sudden passing of Zac Bertschy came as a complete surprise to me. I had a nagging feeling that day that something wasn't righ...

This Week in Games - Announcementception

Heidi jumps into the fray of the most controversial gaming topic yet: PAPER MARIO ― Hey, here's something cool for manga and gaming fans: There's going to be an official anthology of Mother/Earthbound related manga releasing soon in Japan titled Pollyanna! And by “official”, I mean “not only is it endorsed by Nintendo and series maestro Shigesato Itoi, but holy crap they got in some big-name talent t...

This Week in Games - Unreal Life

Summer Game Fest is just getting started and Epic is already wowing with the debut of the Unreal Engine 5. Also: Xbox Series X, Capcom and Nintendo's financials, and Tony Hawk! ― One thing I've learned from decades of writing in the anime and gaming space is that there is a significant fandom crossover between anime/gaming and professional wrestling. That's cool and all, and I can see the appeal even...

This Week in Games - The Secrets of Nintendo's Mirror House Cornflakes

Some fascinating Nintendo leaks, EVO goes completely online, E3 gets canceled but there may be a new solution - all this week! ― Hello again! How're you all doing? Still playing games? I'm just about done with my first playthrough of the Trials of Mana remake. Maybe I'll wind up talking about it here in the future! Also, I reviewed the excellent Streets of Rage 4 over at Gamespot, so please give that...

This Week in Games - The Leaks of Us

Sony's big apocalyptic sequel gets spoiled, plus unexpected news about Deadly Premonition 2! ― Hey folks! The end of April has been really good for releases, hasn't it? If you've been eyeing Sakura Wars with curiosity, I did a review of it over at GameSpot, so please check that out if you're interested! Between that, Streets of Rage 4 (out today!), Trials of Mana, and the lingering length of both Per...

This Week in Games - Worlds of Fun

Heidi covers the massive updates to two of the Switch's biggest games - Mario Maker 2 and, of course, Animal Crossing - plus Guilty Gear, Splatoon 2 and more! ― Hey folks! I had planned to talk a lot this week about the Guilty Gear Strive beta, which took place over the weekend, but… well, if you also got into the beta, you probably know that it was a bit of a mess. I'm a total noob-fraud at Guilty G...

This Week in Games - Mama Said Cook You Out

Heidi dives deep into the ongoing maelstrom of rumors and drama surrounding the recent Cooking Mama release - plus some Jump Force news and much more! ― We start today with some sad news: the passing of voice actor Keiji Fujiwara at the tragically young age of 55. Fujiwara's body of work is vast, including fan-favorite roles like Hughes in Fullmetal Alchemist and Holland in Eureka 7, but some of his ...

This Week in Games - DualSense... tingling!

The Playstation 5 controller is revealed, what you can do to help struggling arcades in Japan, E3 goes totally dark, and much more. ― Hi folks. Let me talk a bit upfront about something important to me. As you've probably heard, a state of emergency was declared for several Japanese prefectures earlier this week. While stopping short of the stay-at-home orders going in in several US states and Europe...

This Week in Games - Assorted Tomfoolery

Heidi digs in to the rumored return of a bunch of great Mario games - plus Neir news and much more! ― Hey folks! It's April, finally! Time for… well, more gaming seems to be the plan for a while, huh? As I write this, it's that most high-larious of days, April 1st, and the divide between pro-yuks and anti-yuks folks this year feels particularly pronounced. Even esteemed game director and lovable weir...

This Week in Games - Stay Home, Play Games

A surprise Nintendo Direct comes at just the right time, bursting with Xenoblade Chronicles and Animal Crossing news - plus much much more! ― Dammit! Here I was thinking those Nintendo Direct rumors this week weren't going to pan out because you were quiet on Monday and Tuesday. Then comes Thursday morning and you just throw it out like it's no big deal just as we're about to publish this. My article...

This Week in Games - Shiny New Hardware

It was a big week for staying inside, new game releases and - enormous news about the next generation of consoles! Heidi's got the details. ― Hi. Uh. It's sure been a week, huh? I guess one good thing about work getting called off and everyone being asked to stay home is that we have an opportunity to start (or finish) all of those really long games we never got around to! Like the game I'm playing t...

This Week in Games - TOTALLY CANCELLED

It's been a huge week for news... of cancellations! No E3, no GDC, no other stuff either! Heidi has the rundown - and a discussion of Granblue Fantasy Versus. ― Heya folks! We've got a lot of news to cover this week. Well, actually, it's more like a single very, very big story that'll eat up most of the column space and a couple small bits of interest. But before we talk about all that, there's some ...

This Week in Games - A Little Too Quiet

The games industry collides with a potential global pandemic - plus news from Capcom and more. ― Howdy, friends! I'm currently working on a Granblue Fantasy Versus review now that the North American version is out -- look for that this weekend! A lot of you folks on the opposite coast went to PAX East, which sounded like a good time from all of the reports I heard. Even without Sony around, it seems ...

This Week in Games - Speaking in Code

The father of the legendary Konami Code has passed away - plus fighting game news and much more. ― Friends, we have lost an unsung industry legend. Kazuhisa Hashimoto, the man who came up with the Konami Code, has passed at the age of 61. He apparently worked at Konami for many, many years after coming up with the iconic button sequence, but never got much of a spotlight – I bet most folks didn't kno...

This Week in Games - Don't Panic

Animal Crossing gets a low-key Direct, no I haven't seen Sonic yet, and P5 Royal gets tweaked in This Week in Games. ― Heya folks! So, did you go see the Sonic movie this weekend? Because I didn't! I'm not saying that to be a contrarian asshole, I just don't see a need to go out and watch it immediately, especially when a. the trailers didn't sell me on it and b. I'd have to sit in theatres alongside...

This Week in Games - Hard Reboot

Bioware hits the big red reset button on the disastrous Anthem - plus a bunch of fighting game news, and not all of it is quite so much fun. ― Heyas, TWIG pals! It's Thursday, it's a week, and there's games to talk about! Japan's big arcade show JAEPO was last weekend, and there was plenty of cool stuff on display… much of which you won't get to see unless you live in Japan, have a Round 1 near you, ...

This Week in Games - Optic Blast from the Past

Heidi's got the details on a new retro game collection, the return of the Wonderful 101, EVO's new lineup for 2020 and much more! ― Boy, am I ever glad that there's been big, interesting videogame news to distract from everything else that's been going on the world this week! Hey, did you see that a bunch of formerly unlocalized Famicom Kunio-kun games are going to be released in a big collection on ...

This Week in Games - Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore

Heidi gazes in bafflement at the recently-announced Atari Hotel and reviews the new Switch port of Tokyo Mirage Sessions! ― I get a lot of random games PR stuff in my email inbox. A decent chunk of it is welcome and relevant to what I write, but there are a fair few press releases and solicitations for… odd… products. By “odd,” I mean these things are downright shady at worst, but at best, they just ...

This Week in Games - The Dregs of Dragon Ball

Heidi plows through this week's Sonic news before delving in to the absolute worst Dragon Ball games of all time! ― Howdy! It's a new week, and we're gonna talk about games, dangit! Well, uh… honestly, there isn't too much news. I mean, yeah, there are a few noteworthy news bits, but I don't have much in the way of commentary to add to them. So, we're going to do a little something fun after the news...

This Week in Games - Super Smash Salt

It's a big week for news - More Fire Emblem in Smash, Final Fantasy VII gets delayed, Sony's still out of E3 - and much more! ― We've got a pretty news-heavy Week in Games, but before we get started, I'll link you all to my preview/interview for Granblue Fantasy Versus! A big gallery of pictures from Granblue Fest are following soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that. Now, are you ready for some HARD...

This Week in Games - Mappy New Year!

In the grim, distant future of the year 2020, Heidi's still got some fun video game news: Dragon Quest, Xenosaga, Gunslinger Straos and A Brief History of Mappy! ― Holy crap, it's 2020! That's two twenties duct-taped together! I'm starting off my new year at MAGfest, where I'm helping host two panels: A discussion of Japanese music-based video games on Friday at 5:30 PM and a panel all about obscure ...

This Week in Games - Holiday Makeover

Heidi checks in with the news, including Street Fighter V, Granblue Fantasy and much more! ― Hey folks. I want to talk about something that blew up over the past couple days. I think it's important. I've made no secret here that I'm a big fan of Gematsu. I use them a lot as a primary info source when writing this column, and have incredible respect for the fact that the whole site is basically a one-...

This Week in Games - Seeing S.T.A.R.S.

Heidi's back with a Mario Maker 2 update, plus news from Persona 5, Resident Evil 3 and, of course, the dreaded return of the Game Awards! ― Can you believe it's December already? Jeez, where did the year go? Hopefully you all successfully avoided brick and mortar retail hell last weekend. I stayed here at home over the Black Cyber weekend and finished painting a resin kit. (Though I may have splurge...

This Week in Games - Strive for Greatness

Heidi picks up some unusual Sonic the Hedgehog news - plus Street Fighter V and more! ― It's a good week to be a Sega fan. For decades, we have been eagerly waiting, wondering if this would ever happen. But just days ago, it became a reality. Finally, we have a release of a much beloved game that fans never dreamed would exist, a surprise-filled journey that resolves mysteries left lingering for year...

This Week in Games - Fairy Tail Hands-On

Heidi's got a sneak preview of the upcoming Fairy Tail game - plus the new Sonic the Hedgehog, absolutely no Pokemon discussion and more! ― Hello, gaming friends! It's a big release week, with Pokemon Sword and Shield on the horizon! Let's check Twitter and see what everyone's getting hyped about the most in the games-- Yeah, uh, I think I'm going to stay the hell away from that. We're at the point w...

This Week in Games - Games for Good Boys and Girls

Death Stranding finally arrives - plus, Pokemon news, Guilty Gear and more! ― Hey all! I just got back from a trip to Koei-Tecmo America's HQ to get some hands-on time with the upcoming Fairy Tail RPG for PS4 and Switch. My impressions will be up very soon, so I hope you'll give that a read if you're interested in the game! The general public will begin to get their hands on Death Stranding later tod...

This Week in Games - Wrestling with Problems

Halloween might be over, but Heidi's got the scoop on Blizzcon announcements, Death Stranding, hilarious glitches in wrestling games and much much more! ― Hello again, Boo-ys, Ghouls, and other spoopy folks! Wait, it's not Halloween anymore? Awww, poo. Well, uh... happy discount candy day! Head on over to Safeway and get yourself enough Tootsie Pops to last for the next twelve months! The last week i...

This Week in Games - Temper Your Expectations

Persona 5 is back, Broly joins Dragon Ball FighterZ, No More Heroes and the rest of this week's news! Heidi's got the scoop. ― I was doing my Twitter rounds today when I came across a very concerning tweet. This individual, who apparently worked on some of the Rance series translations, posted about why they are no longer working with publisher MangaGamer. Basically: they claim their contracted emplo...

This Week in Games - The End of the World As We Know It

Heidi chronicles this week's Fortnite saga - along with fighting game news and the return of Fat Pikachu! ― As mainstream as games are nowadays, I'm still weirded out when a game manages to make national headlines. But when you're as big a force in popular culture as Fortnite is right now, almost any degree of shakeup is going to make some big waves. Epic had dubbed what was going to happen in Fortni...

This Week in Games - Under the Gun

Blizzard's controversial and oppressive stance on the Chinese government overwhelms the news - plus One Punch Man, the Playstation 5 and much more! ― Hey all! Let's check the gaming news and… oh. It seems that Blizzard really stepped in it this time. And it's not pretty. [BREAKING] Hong Kong Hearthstone player @blitzchungHS calls for liberation of his country in post-game interview:

This Week in Games - Requiem for Alphadream

The developer behind Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga shutters for good, and Heidi runs an In Memoriam reel for them - plus big Pokemon news and much more! ― Hey everyone! Did you know you can finally, finally play with friends in Super Mario Maker 2 now? No more struggling to achieve any sort of victory against obnoxious randos, hooray! There are some new features for local play, too, so if you were so...

This Week in Games - Strange Romance

In the wake of the Kentucky Fried Chicken promotional visual novel, Heidi shakes it off and explores the wonderful world of VNs, along with the rest of this week's news! ― Hey folks! Well, TGS is over, and that means… we're into that slow news period where everyone's too busy getting all their hot holiday-season releases out to really make any big announcements. At least we've got a release date for ...

This Week in Games - Tokyo Game Show EXPLODES!

Tokyo Game Show came running out of the gate with news on Final Fantasy VII and Sakura Wars - Heidi has all the details! ― Hey everyone! It's time to catch up on the remainder of the craziness that was TGS week. This year's show was pretty good, I thought – I saw quite a few games that I was interested in playing, and there were some surprise announcements that put a big grin on my face. Let's not wa...

This Week in Games - Forever Dreaming

Guess who's back - both Cloud, Sephiroth, and everyone's favorite classic console, the Sega Dreamcast! Heidi's got the details from Tokyo Game Show - don't miss it. ― Hey folks! Sorry for the slight delay on this column, I had the kind of headache yesterday that made me want to hurl if I looked at a screen for more than a few minutes. Not very fun! It worked out for the best, though, because now I ca...

This Week in Games - Direct Impact

The latest Nintendo Direct sends Heidi into a tailspin - the shocking return of Deadly Premonition, the Super Nintendo library finally arrives - and much much more! ― We just came off of PAX West and CRX, and immediately Nintendo decides now's the time to drop a twenty-ton direct on all of us! Jeez, give us time to catch our bearings! Anyway, since this column's basically going to be all Nintendo Dir...

This Week in Games - Starting Over from Zero

The Yakuza franchise is back, and Heidi's got the goods - plus the return of Shovel Knight, and both Aladdin and Simba! Are you ready for it? ― Hey everyone! It's the holiday weekend, and there sure is a lot going on! PAX West is happening this weekend alongside Crunchyroll Expo, meaning there's a lot of news happening for people who care about anime and games. Obviously, most of the game announcemen...

This Week in Games - Takin' the Piss

Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding lights the internet on fire yet again - plus more Pokemon Sword & Shield news and much much more! ― Greetings from Germany! Okay, I'm not actually in Germany right now, but a lot of people are, and I can't resist a dumb meme. Gamescom, Europe's biggest gaming event, is currently underway, and with it has come a plethora of announcements – buyouts, guest appearances, and...

This Week in Games - Planet Pokemon

Heidi's gonna catch 'em all this week with a small mountain of Pokemon game news. ― I had a feeling there wasn't going to be too much news this week. Right now, Japan's smack-dab in the middle of the Obon holiday period, so there's really not much happening there… though we have a few interesting retro-flavored announcements from overseas publishers, which we'll get to in a sec. For now, let's talk a...

This Week in Games - Gearing Up Again

Heidi's back from EVO 2019 and has the inside story on what went down, from Tekken 7 to Soul Calibur VI to the return of Guilty Gear! ― Phew! I'm back from EVO 2019 and, despite having done nothing but sit and write for the past couple days, I'm still completely exhausted. Between work stuff and personal stuff and running a side tournament, EVO was one of the most tiring and satisfying experiences I'...

This Week in Games - The Leaky News Faucet

It's almost time for EVO, which means Heidi has a boatload of fighting game news - Street Fighter V, Dragon Ball FighterZ and more, plus Sakura Wars! ― Holy crap, EVO's in a few days and I'm still not done packing everything! Crap! I'm running a side tournament on Friday and I'm nervous as hell about my first time being an organizer! Aiieeeee! I still have to get all of my scheduling hammered out! Yi...

This Week in Games - Just Peachy

In a week this slow for game news, what else is Heidi to do but dive straight in to the fanservicey pinball antics of Senran Kagura: Peach Ball? ― Welcome back to another week in games. Hmmm… I was thinking we'd have some interesting game news out of San Diego Comic Con, but… there really wasn't much of anything announced, was there? We had big names from Kojima Productions, Capcom, Bandai-Namco, Nin...

This Week in Games - Trying to Look Ahead

Heidi updates us on the latest iteration of the Nintendo Switch - plus EVO news and more. ― I need to be real with you all for a sec. It's really, really hard to write a chipper, semi-snarky game news article considering what just went down at Kyoto Animation. I'm hearing that this could be considered the worst mass murder in postwar Japanese history. Most of us reading have watched and enjoyed at le...

This Week in Games - Honey, I Shrunk the Switch

Nintendo unveils a brand new Switch that doesn't really Switch anymore - plus new Pokemon, all the news from Anime Expo, One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 and a whole lot more! ― It's a brand-new Week in Games! And we've got news! Lots of news! AX gave us a lot of announcements, but the big, big thing everyone's a-Twitter about today comes to us from our friends at Nintendo. Let's just jump right into it! ...

This Week in Games - Mineral Megamix Girls

It's a big summer holiday weekend, but Heidi's still got time to round up this week's game news! The return of Harvest Moon, Langrisser, River City Girls, Hatsune Miku and much more! ― Happy 4th of July/start of Anime Expo, everyone! It's time for good ol’ American fun: barbecue, picnics, and fireworks! Unless you've outside of the USA, in which case, uh… Happy Thursday, woooo! So who here is playing...

This Week in Games - Too Much to Play

It's a sleepy week for game news, but Heidi's still got the goods on One Punch Man's arrival on consoles, Tifa Lockheart in Final Fantasy Dissidia, Sakura Wars news and much much more! ― Hey all, it's another TWIG kinda day. I'm not gonna lie: it's been another pretty damn slow news week, so I'm not exactly swimming in material to talk about. There are plenty of noteworthy new releases, however! Judg...

This Week in Games - Collection of Mana

Heidi picks up the pieces after E3 week with more Disaster Report, Puzzle & Dragons on the Switch, and an in-depth look at Collection of Mana, featuring the long-awaited Seiken Densetsu 3! ― It's the week after E3! You know what that means… it means there's like, no news! At all! Because everyone announced everything the week before! That's a problem, because I've got a column to write… and I haven't...

This Week in Games - E3 Extravanganza: Press Conference Panic!

It's time once again for E3, so Heidi runs down all the major news from this year's massive press conferences, stretching from Microsoft to Nintendo! If you missed it, it's in here! ― Hey folks! It's E3 time again, and that means bigger, badder, better This Week in Games columns! In this column, I'll be taking a look at the major console manufacturer and publisher press conferences, and the announcem...

This Week in Games - A Wooloo for You

The Pokepocalypse has begun and the Internet melts down over dogs and sheep. PLUS: Shenmue III delayed again, Grandia on Switch and much more in this pre-E3 TWIG! ― Oh god, E3 is next week, isn't it? The show hasn't even begun, but things are already happening: we've got the yearly Ubisoft leak (Watch Dogs Legions), teaser trailers announcing announcements (Square-Enix's Outriders), and alleged upcom...

This Week in Games - Death by Sleep

It's time for more Pokemon, Hideo Kojima art and Resident Evil, and Heidi's got the goods! ― Heyyyyyyy! It's another week! In games! Hot damn! So what did you all do over Memorial Day weekend? I know a bunch of folks went to cons like Fanime and Anime North. I opted to stay in town and spend quality time with my significant other. And by “quality time,” I mean “we watched people play games at Combo B...

This Week in Games - Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle

Heidi takes a deeper look at the latest Attack on Titan game - plus George RR Martin's Dark Souls, shooter news, and much more! ― Sometimes you have a week that's just bursting with big news about big games, and other weeks you have a lot of news that, while interesting, doesn't particularly lend itself well to extended discussion. This week, we've got a lot of the latter: there's cool news and rumor...

This Week in Games - (Re)Make it So

Cloud and Sephiroth are back - and so is Omega Labyrinth, and Super Mario Maker! Catch up on this week's news and next week's big releases. ― Usually I expect Nintendo to be the ones who immediately outdate my news column, as they're prone to dropping Directs at the worst possible times. But last week, it was actually Sony who made internet nerddom erupt in a flurry of excited squealing and hot takes...

This Week in Games - Pure Platinum

Detective Pikachu is nigh, but before Heidi gets to that, we've got the return of Platinum Games, Tekken news and much more! ― Man, so much of this week's gaming news is a downer. There's the Riot Games walkout to protest the company's awful policies on reporting harassment in the workplace, there's the allegations of human refuse pile Randy Pitchford stiffing money and getting physically abusive wit...

This Week in Games - Gotta Nope Fast

The internet loses its mind over the Sonic the Hedgehog movie again, plus all of this week's big news! ― Welcome back to This Week in Games, and – let's be real here, you're all reading this because you know we're going to talk a lot about that. Yes, it was looking like an unfathomably slow news week, and then Paramount decided to drop a huge steaming turd upon the internet for everyone to gape in ho...

This Week in Games - Revenge of the Phantom Thieves

Persona 5 comes back in a big way with a seriously improved rerelease AND a musou game for the Switch! PLUS: ― Hey there, game folks! I made it back safely from Sakura-con, and I had a lovely time! Thanks to everyone who came out to the panel, or just dropped by to say hi! As most folks who go to conventions know, there's an odd phenomena where you're so engaged with what's going on that weekend that...

This Week in Games - Home Arcade Hell

Persona 5's Joker gets Smashed, Capcom's alarming home arcade system, the future of home consoles and this week's big releases! ― Know what I love writing about? Bad ideas and trainwrecks! And boooooy howdy, do we have a spectacularly hot mess to talk about this week… along with other interesting news. But first, a few things! For starters, I'm going to be at Seattle's Sakura-Con this weekend helping...

This Week in Games - Royale Rumbles

Sega's Judgement gets recast, a few familiar faces bail on Square-Enix, and in the wake of Tetris 99, Heidi imagines other classic franchises reborn as battle royales! ― Hey everyone. How's it going? Playing anything good? Me, I'm prepping for Sakura-Con next week while putting up with miserable Portland weather and the headaches (figurative and literal) that accompany it. It's a slow news week, so t...

This Week in Games - No Foolin'

It's a smorgasbord of resurrections! Sakura Wars rises from the grave, along with the miraculous return of R-Type and the original Sega Genesis. PLUS: Samurai Showdown, a Dragon Quest movie and much more! ― Ah, it's that time of year again when we engage with copious yuks and tomfoolery upon the internet from our favorite Brands™! Increasingly, it seems like April Fools Day is when companies toss out...

This Week in Games - Persona Royal with Cheese

Persona 5 gets the royal treatment while Google announces an enormous and potentially scary new platform - plus fighting game news, Senran Kagura and much more! ― I thought I was going to have an easy week by foisting last week's column onto Todd while I was at GDC. My dastardly plot to mesmerize you all with alt tags on images and stories about forgotten Dream Factory games while also reporting the ...

This Week in Games - Totaled Recalls

Todd hosts this week and gets to talk about the latest Valkyrie Profile game! Plus a new Zelda, some old Konami classics, Sega memories, and the surprise return of Blaster Master! ― Hello, and welcome to another edition of Todd Guest Hosts His Old Column. This week's edition comes on the heels of Sega halting sales of Judgment, a spin-off of the popular Yakuza series, due to Japan's bizarrely draconi...

This Week in Games - Just Say No

A Japanese actor's drug arrest yanks a Yakuza spinoff off the market while NIS America announces a ton of new stuff, and hey, Vanillaware is back with more fantasy - plus much more! ― Life comes at you fast sometimes. You might be mentally preparing a fun featurette for your weekly column since it's looking like it'll be a slow news week, when suddenly, BAM! A celebrity involved with a highly anticip...

For all articles, see the archives