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'Good character' doesn't mean the same for all schools

'Good character' doesn't mean the same for all schools

Illustration: Cathy Wilcox

Illustration: Cathy WilcoxCredit:

It was a pleasure to read Nick Colyer's thoughtful article ("Shore's Christian values a force for good", September 30). I've been associated with schools over many years both as a teacher and parent, and know all too well how difficult it can be to inculcate a caring, compassionate culture in the face of so much community selfishness and entitlement.

This problem isn't restricted to private schools. I taught in, and my children attended, state schools. I have been aware of very unpleasant episodes in these schools, as well as great examples of selfless compassion. The raising of children always begins in the home and those raised in homes where love and respect are modelled will cherish these values throughout their lives. Vivienne Parsons, Thornleigh

My son went to the local all boys state school and only had a 30-minute scripture class a week, yet he and his fellow students managed to turn out "gentle, humble and generous" young men.

The boys in his year have always looked after their mates and also showed respect to both the men and woman that are part of their lives. You don't need a Christian private school education to "form men of character". Helen Simpson, Curl Curl


I look forward to Colyer's explanation about how the Sydney Anglican concept of "male headship" of families honours women.

Illustration: John Shakespeare

Illustration: John ShakespeareCredit:

And while he's there, perhaps he could explain how Christian values underpin the power-plays exhibited by the elite schools whenever their government funding is threatened. The entitlement we see in their students just reflects the entitlement of the governing bodies.

They can teach the lads about community service and humility as much as they want, but their arrogant, forceful, multi-million dollar defence of their privileged Commonwealth funding sends a clear message that society's norms don't apply to them. Stein Boddington, St Clair

Colyer points out succinctly the dangers of a Christian education in an elitist school: that young minds have difficulty in relating to gospel values as taught in a school setting. It is natural for a growing adolescent to rebel.

Gospel values are mostly caught, less so taught. Students should be exposed to the corporal works of mercy and religion classes held in a missionary environment, for example the Wayside Chapel or Long Bay jail. The world is full of educational settings that help distinguish elitist and entitlement motivation. Michael Kennedy, West Pymble

I read that league players for Canterbury will not participate in Mad Monday activities. Instead they will volunteer at the Bill Crews Foundation. Well done ("Dog whistle politics", September 30). Your decision to give to others is a shining light in the disgusting end of year muck-up tasks made by Shore school and others. Bea Hodgson, Gerringong

While reading about Shore I was reminded of a visit I made to a Catholic boys' school in the Central West many years ago (Letters, September 30). I was the violence against women specialist and was told by the headmaster that he didn't know why I was there as "this is a boys' school". Helen Kay, Springside

Stokes' blunt threat to council misses the point

It needs to be pointed out to Rob Stokes and his cheerleader developer mates that in resisting state government-led destructive over-development of their area, Ku-ring-gai councillors are doing “what they are elected to do” — carry out the will of the overwhelming majority of people who elected them while working within the legal framework the government itself devised (''Planning Minister threatens to intervene in council approvals”, September 30). He’s not “encouraging them to hand over their powers”. He’s threatening to take them. It’s no wonder we distrust our politicians when they continually abuse our democratic system. Elisabeth Goodsall, Wahroonga

How dare Minister Stokes threaten Ku-ring-gai council for not towing the line on their plans to turn Sydney into a high-rise slum for investors on the back of developer donations and lobbying. Yes, Minister, communities are passionate about local planning — angry, in fact, that it is the NSW government that has been responsible for the loss of so much heritage and character, mature trees and defective residential towers. The NSW government has also left social and affordable housing to the poorly regulated market. How about your government take responsibility for that, Minister Stokes? Marie Healy, Hurlstone Park

It's little surprise that the Ku-ring-gai council refuses to share responsibility to accommodate a growing population. As a resident of the area, this is a council that successfully represents the wanton selfishness and self-interest that pervades this northern bubble. While many who live in the area have derived wealth from the economic benefits delivered by a booming population, there is little sign that anyone believes they need to take responsibility for the consequences of this same booming population. Ku-ring-gai council is simply reflecting their constituents. I'm afraid there will be no fair share of the commons for those of the leafy upper north shore. Chris Andrew, Turramurra

When Stokes declares that “the Ku-ring-gai community feels passionately about local planning” to effectively increase housing density and “meet the requirements of a growing city'', is he referring to the property development community or actual residents? Judging from frequent letters to the editor on the subject of Sydney’s ambitious population targets, Sydneysiders are not exactly dancing in the streets at the prospect, citing high-rise overdevelopment, traffic problems, inadequate infrastructure, shrinking green space, booming property prices and reduced quality of life. The Minister’s blunt threat to intervene unless council does “what they’re elected to do” somewhat misses the point that residents elect councils with the expectation that they will work to maintain an amenable living environment. Alison Stewart, Riverview

Voice hindrance appears racist

Pat Turner’s exposé of the train wreck the Uluru Statement has become is deeply disturbing ('''Flawed’ plan for Voice won’t stand the test of time'', September 30). The best chance we had to achieve true reconciliation with the First Australians is slipping through our fingers. Come on, Ken Wyatt, prove me wrong. Andrew Macintosh, Cromer

It is hard not to view the Morrison government’s obstructive attitude to First Nations recognition and equal rights as anything but racist. There is no valid reason for denying first Australians a constitutionally enshrined Voice to Parliament. Indigenous people in other liberal democratic nations enjoy constitutional or treaty recognition but not here.

Thanks to the patience, resilience and perseverance of our first Australians, considerable advances have been made in the understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal art, culture and history. True equality is coming, whether our government likes it or not. It is incumbent on us all to make it a reality sooner rather than later. There has been too much injustice and suffering for far too long. Graham Lum, North Rocks

Surely we can get it right after so many stuff-ups over the years in the fight for equality. The Voice for Indigenous Australians needs to succeed and be made up of Indigenous people with a true voice to government. We can’t afford to mess up this time. Judy Finch, Cedar Party

Farmers sold out

Despite 23,000 submissions mostly against, the Narrabri gas project is going ahead (''NSW planning commission approves Santos's Narrabri gas field project'',, September 30). One would assume that a lot of those against the project would be local farmers and graziers terrified that their underground water will be poisoned for decades if not forever. NSW Independent Planning says that the project is in the national interest. Whose interest? The Coalition? Face it, farmers and graziers, the Nationals don’t represent you at all. Big business is their concern. Stewart Copper, Maroubra

What is the point of the Independent Planning Commission if they ignore the thousands of objections they received in regard to the Narrabri gas project from people from all walks of Australian life? Farmers, scientists, local landowners, wildlife experts and water management people all put in objections; all were ignored. The gas fields will become a reality and Australia will be poorer for a decision that was made despite a multitude of concerns voiced by local, state and national interests. A sad day because of poor decision that will be have long-lasting negative effects. Martine Moran, Gunnedah

Quality at risk

Quality of service must be continually and diligently managed. Ross Gittins highlights a critical flaw in government outsourcing — the expectation of reliable, beneficial standards overseen by the selected provider. Oversight is itself a serious issue. There is, however, a trailing issue that increases the risk of outsourcing policies — costs are ultimately higher. Turning essential services over to the lowest bidder overlooks the bidder's motivation — profit. Short term, the appearances seem favourable. Long term, the focus on quality, relegated to an entity focused on maximum financial returns to shareholders, is at significant risk. The operative word is returns. Robert Caraian, Crows Nest

Long live the leech

What a wonderful story about one of the most ancient of therapeutic practices, the use of medicinal leeches, in combination with the most modern of surgical techniques, microsurgery (“Sydney’s last two bloodsuckers take a night-time cab across town”, September 30). It reminded me of my time spent in the laboratory at the Heart Research Institute in Camperdown in the early 90s, when we were researching biochemical qualities of hirudin, the anticoagulant in leeches, which involved me injecting hirudin into the veins of human volunteers. The leeches themselves are far better at doing this than we were and, as described by Professor Deva, “they are very clever”. We even had a laboratory mascot — a leech provided by my late father from his bush property. Those were certainly interesting times in clinical laboratory research and it made me so glad to hear that leeches continue to provide such excellent service. Alyson Kakakios, Croydon

Outrage abandoned

So here we have it: yet another colossal lie exposed ("National debt heads for $1 trillion, but it's not as bad as it sounds", September 30). After decades of being told of how irresponsible it is to borrow money to fund budget deficits for worthwhile government initiatives, suddenly it's the epitome of financial rectitude. It's amazing just how deftly this lot can swap sin for virtue and garment-rending outrage for pious reverence. In the words of Shakespeare's Hamlet: "God hath given you one face, and you make yourselves another." Adrian Connelly, Springwood

Illustration: Matt Golding

Illustration: Matt GoldingCredit:

No debate about it

As a former school debating coach, I declare Donald Trump to be the rudest public speaker I have ever seen (''It's hard to get a word in with this clown': Trump, Biden clash'',, September 30). He has no idea of what a debate is meant to be and should be reprimanded or disqualified for bad behaviour. Even at high school level, he would be marked down severely by most adjudicators, and thoroughly trounced by the average year 7 speaker in a singles debate. Carolyn Richard, Enmore

Pell deserved break

Richard Mason, you might consider that Cardinal Pell’s verdict was quashed by the High Court of Australia and that he had to leave Rome with immediate haste to return to Australia for this case (Letters, September 30). Now, like anyone else, the Cardinal may need to return to Rome to pack up his belongings, see his colleagues and if he wants to stay, then so be it. Mary Julian, Glebe

Perhaps, Richard Mason, the god of justice and overseas plane tickets thought Cardinal Pell, having wrongfully endured over a year in prison, deserved a break? Rosemary O'Brien, Ashfield

One Nation wayward

Pauline Hanson has an exceptional opportunity now to stop unhelpful new policies in respect of funding universities (Letters, September 30). Engaging in political horse-trading over confusing and impractical changes to free speech makes no sense politically at all. What would make sense for One Nation, and for Australia, is to campaign for free tertiary education, as in the Whitlam period. Klaas Woldring, Pearl Beach

Strong and invincible

Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Susan Ryan and now Helen Reddy. September has not been a good month. Thank you, ladies, you will not be forgotten ("Trailblazing Australian singer Helen Reddy dead at 78",, September 30). Judith Campbell, Drummoyne

Apples and oranges

A crucial difference between Ben Chifley's 1945 budget and the one that Josh Frydenberg will present is that the former came after the war had ended and grew out of three years' preparation, but the latter will take place while the worldwide pandemic is still raging, and will contradict the Morrison government's protracted campaign to balance the budget ("Morrison channels Chifley with a post-war budget", September 30). Norm Neill, Darlinghurst

Scott Morrison comparing himself to Ben Chifley is like comparing an ant to a giraffe. Mick Simpson, Sefton

Re-invent adventure

I am fully seized of Paul Fletcher's ambitious project of allowing television stations greater discretion over the type of children's shows they commission (''TV quotas altered in huge shake-up'', September 30). Could I suggest the ABC re-commission Adventure Island? Dominic Hearne, Maroubra

Sanguine sangers

A great sandwich combination I recommend is a devon and Smiths chips sandwich on white buttered bread — a delight enjoyed many times by my sister and me in the 1960s while sitting on Avalon beach (Letters, September 30). Ruth Dickman, Pymble

My mum enjoyed roast lamb dripping sandwiches until the end of high school. She enjoyed life for 94 years. Laurie Le Claire, Epping

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