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Economy | Australian, regional and global economic News | The Sydney Morning Herald


The economy

Greenie good guys are wrong to oppose economic growth

Greenie good guys are wrong to oppose economic growth

I have a challenge for the anti-growth brigade: don’t you care about the big jump in unemployment?

  • by Ross Gittins


Federal budget

LIVE: PM addresses the Press Club

Prime Minister Scott Morrison speaks the National Press Club.

Tax cuts are no magic bullet but are worth doing anyway
Federal budget

Tax cuts are no magic bullet but are worth doing anyway

Tax cuts can work to stimulate the economy and those in the government's existing seven-year tax plan are fair enough. We can't afford not to get cracking with them.

  • by Jessica Irvine
As the rest of the world limps along, China’s economy is surging
Global economy

As the rest of the world limps along, China’s economy is surging

After grinding to a halt during the pandemic, China's factories are once again churning out goods for the world and its citizens are opening their wallets.

  • by Keith Bradsher
If you do health admin on the cheap, don’t be amazed if things go wrong
Coronavirus pandemic

If you do health admin on the cheap, don’t be amazed if things go wrong

Contracting out is a good idea to cut costs, but a bad idea if you care about maintaining quality.

  • by Ross Gittins
Federal budget

PM, Treasurer address the media

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg speak to the media.

Trump's tax returns are what you get for having a tycoon in the White House
Trump's White House

Trump's tax returns are what you get for having a tycoon in the White House

There are lots of reasons for hoping Trump doesn't get re-elected. But his tax returns are not one of them.

  • by Matthew Lynn
The trillion-dollar question: What is government debt and deficit and should we be worried about it?
Federal budget

The trillion-dollar question: What is government debt and deficit and should we be worried about it?

Will higher debt place an unfair burden on future generations? Where will the money come from? And how will we pay it back?

  • by Jessica Irvine
China's building binge gets its economy back on track
Global economy

China's building binge gets its economy back on track

The coronavirus pandemic forced China to bring industrial activity to a halt earlier this year, but the country is revving its engines again.

  • by Matt Phillips
Australia's 'textbook' stimulus has worked so far. Now for the big test
Coronavirus pandemic

Australia's 'textbook' stimulus has worked so far. Now for the big test

With coronavirus stimulus and support winding back from Monday, Australia's economic recovery will be tested.

  • by Matt Wade
Budget warning: more rent-seeking won't create 'jobs and growth'
Federal budget

Budget warning: more rent-seeking won't create 'jobs and growth'

Big business is campaigning for tax breaks, more power for employers and the removal of "burdensome regulations". Trouble is, years of bitter experience have taught us to recognise rent-seeking when we see it.

  • by Ross Gittins