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Make the most of your weekends in central Scotland with our guide to the best gigs, films, theatre, clubs, visual art and competitions. Delivered every Thursday. View an example.

Find out about the best children's events near you with our round-up of recommended days out, museums, family films and theatre shows, plus seasonal events including Easter egg hunts, wildlife sessions, Halloween, fireworks and pantomimes. Delivered fortnightly on a Friday. View an example.

Essential guide to the latest movie news, releases and interviews. Delivered every Tuesday. View an example.

Must-read music news, releases, interviews and gossip. Delivered fortnightly on a Friday. View an example.

Let our experts guide you through the festival with their top tips for shows, latest reviews and insider gossip. We've also got some great 2-for-1 ticket offers and competitions. Delivered 3 times each week during the festival. View an example.

Discover new restaurant openings, events and the latest food and drink news for anyone interested in Scottish food and drink. Delivered on the third Wednesday of the month. View an example.

News and information for festival organisers and event promoters. This quarterly email from publishers of The Guide to Scotland's Festivals will keep you up to date with news and developments related to festivals and events in Scotland – industry news, funding information, legislation, ticketing trends, market intelligence and opportunities to promote your festival. Delivered quarterly. View an example.