Effective Date: February 12, 2020


Hi we are Meredith! Meredith Corporation and our brands focus on providing you with destinations you can trust and rely on for every stage of your life to connect you to great content, products and services and personalize your experience with us.

Our mission is to be clear and transparent about how and why we collect and use information and to empower you to control your personal information. You are not our product, you are our customer.

When Does this Policy Apply?

This Privacy Statement applies when you interact with National Media Group brands (“Brands”), a division of Meredith Corporation, through their websites, mobile apps, email communications and other platforms (our “Sites”)  To read our EU Privacy Statement click here.

What Does it Say?

Read this policy in full, here.  Here are the highlights:


What Personal Information Do Our Brands Collect about You?

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  • Contact Information (such as name, phone number, postal address or email address)
  • Account/Registration Information (such as user name and password, reminder questions and answers and communications preferences, e.g. signing up for a newsletter or sweepstake, registering for an offer or an experience, or making a purchase)
  • Payment Information (such as name, billing address, and credit card information, e.g. when making a purchase)
  • Demographic information (such as age, gender race, income, occupation, marital status, and information about your household/family status, including your household size and the length of time at your residence)
  • Online identifiers (such as IP address, internal and third party identifiers, advertising identifiers and device information like unique device ID)
  • Location Data (like your address, city, and zip code, collected in limited circumstances)
  • Internet Activity Information (such as browsing history, information on how you interact with our Sites (e.g. which articles or ads you click on, whether you click on links in our emails), and your interactions with social media platform features)
  • Inferences about Your Interests, Preferences and other Behavioral Data (such as hobbies, and interests (e.g. your favorite foods, purchases or recipes) and consuming tendencies)
  • Publicly Available Information (such as your posts and submissions to blogs, video-sharing services, and other interactive forums)


Where/How Do Our Brands Collect Information About You?


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§  From You

o   When you enter your information on the Sites

§  From Your Device

o   From Cookies & Other Technologies (information stored on your browser, which tell us your browser, device information, IP address, and how you interact with the Sites).

§  From Others

o   Advertisers

o   Data Partners

o   Service Providers



How Do Our Brands Use Your Information?


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Our Brands use your information:

  • To recognize you when you are on the Sites to deliver relevant and compelling content and services to you
  • To provide you with offers and other promotions from our Brands and Advertisers
  • To conduct market research and analysis to understand general trends (how many readers do we have? What content is popular? Do people prefer video over articles?), our Site visitors, how ads perform on our Sites (e.g., who clicked on the ad?) and how users engage on our Sites (e.g. who read that article)
  • To fulfill your subscriptions and other orders
  • To protect you and us from fraud and other security issues



Who Do Our Brands Share Your Information With?


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  • With Meredith’s other National Media Group Brands, which are covered by this Privacy Policy.
  • With other companies owned by the Meredith Corporation, with guidelines in place.
  • With our service providers, who help operate our Sites and provide our services to you.  
  • With the advertisers who advertise on our sites or partner with us to send you offers, promotions, or ads about products and services that may interest you.
  • With third party data partners who help us identify you and who give us additional information about you that helps us deliver relevant and compelling content and services and improve the performance of our Sites.
  • When required by law
  • With a buyer of all or part of our business.
  • With other third parties, when we have your consent.




How Can You Control Our Use of Your Information?

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You can tell us how we can use your information by clicking on the links below:

·       Marketing communications

o   To opt-out of postal mail from us, please use the opt-out form available here.

o   You can opt-out from any Meredith email newsletter or other email list by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each message or by visiting the Email preference center (offered by some of our Brands),

·       To request deletion or access to your information click here

·       Interest-based advertising

o   DAA

o   NAI

o   Nielsen opt-out  



Children’s Privacy


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We do not knowingly collect information from anyone under the age of 16.



Rights for Our California Residents


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You have all the rights listed above. In addition, if you’re a resident of California, you have the right to:

  • Request that we not sell your personal information.
    • If you would like to exercise this right, click here
  • Disclose to you whether we share your information with third parties for their direct marketing purposes.

o   If you would like to exercise this right, email us at [email protected]




How You Can Learn More

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Click here to read our full Privacy Statement


Still can’t find what you’re looking for about our data privacy practices? Don’t worry, just reach out to us at [email protected] and we will get back to you!







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What Personal Information Do Our Brands Collect?

When you visit our Sites, our Brands may collect the following information from or about you:


§  Online Identifiers: IP address, advertising ID, unique device ID, and other information about your device, and internal and third party IDs that have been assigned to you. 

§  Location Information: Information about your location that you provide us or that we collect from your device (including city, state, and zip code) (collected in limited circumstances). 

§  Internet Activity Information: Information about your use of our Sites and other websites you visit, including the web pages, content and advertisements you view and links you click on, and whether you open, forward or click the links in emails we send to you, your browsing history, and social media use including the "shares" and “likes” you make on a social media platform that is connected to the Sites.

§  Inferences about Your Interests, Preferences and other Behavioral Data: Hobbies, and interests (like your exercise and activity levels, your favorite foods, your weight loss objectives and dietary preferences, which videos you like, your purchases, favorite recipes, or consumption tendencies).


Some of our Brands offer you the opportunity to sign up for a newsletter, register on our Sites, or purchase products from us, when you do that, those Brands may also collect:


§  Contact Information:  Your name, phone number, postal address or email address.

§  Account/Registration Information: User name and password, reminder questions and answers, subscription and account numbers, and communications preferences (such as which newsletters you would like to receive).

§  Payment Information: Billing address, shipping address, credit card or bank account number, expiration date, and card verification number (when you provide that information to us). 

§  Demographic Information: Age, gender, race, education level, income information, occupation, marital status, and information about your household/family status such as the presence of children/child age ranges, household size, own/rent indicator, and the length of time at your residence.



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Where/How Do We Collect Information About You?

We collect information about you from a number of sources:

From you.  Some of our Brands collect your contact, registration/account information, and payment information and any other information when you provide it to us on the Sites.  When you make a purchase on the Sites, we also retain a record of your purchases and order history.


From your Device.

What are Cookies & Other Technologies?


§  Cookies. A “cookie” is a tiny file that’s stored on your computer. It contains a unique identifier, as well as the address and other information about the website you are visiting.  Cookies help us know whether you are a returning visitor to our Sites.  For example, although you may not log-in when you visit our Sites, we can use cookies to recognize that you have visited the Site in the past. By using cookies, we are able to understand what is of interest to our customers and ensure the content and services we offer are relevant and compelling when you visit our Sites.  In some cases, we may use the information we collect from cookies, to deliver relevant and compelling content to you when you visit the Sites.


§  Web Beacons, Pixel Tags and Other Tracking Technologies.  Web beacons, pixel techs and other “tracking technologies” are small strings of code placed on a web page or in an email or advertisement.  These technologies allow your browser to recognize and store certain types of information such as cookies previously set, the time and date that you viewed the page with the beacon and a description of that page.


Can You Opt Out?

In most cases, yes!  There are some cookies that we need in order to operate the Sites.  If you deleted those cookies, the Sites would no longer function (as an example, if we can’t remember the items you put in a shopping cart, then you won’t be able to place an order on the Sites).  You can always decide to opt-out of or delete the third party cookies (cookies set by Advertisers and Data Partners) on our Sites.  Keep in mind, if you block cookies, you may not be able to view or access some of the features of our Sites.  Visit our section on your privacy choices for more information on how to opt-out.

From Others.

§  Advertisers.  In some cases, the Advertisers who serve ads on our Sites will share your email or online identifiers with us so that we can make sure their advertisements or offers reach you.


§  Data Partners.  We work with third party data partners who share information with us about your demographic information, internet activity information, purchasing information, and your interests, preferences, and other behavioral data, which help us understand you better and ensure the content and services we offer are relevant and compelling.


§  Service Providers. We work with service providers who collect information on our behalf in order to provide services to us, such as hosting our websites, processing our credit card transactions, fulfilling your subscriptions and orders, verifying your identity, and other activities needed to help us provide our content and services to you.  We only allow our service providers to use your personal information in connection with the services they provide us.


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How Do We Use Your Information?

We and our other Meredith Companies and the Service Providers working on our behalf use information collected about you to:

To Contact You

§  To send you emails, including our Brand newsletters, surveys and other communications.

Fulfill Your Subscriptions, Orders and Other Requests

§  Fulfill your orders and requests for products, services, and information (including to send you email or other newsletters).

§  Some of our brands offer products and services you can purchase individually or on a subscription basis. We use the information you provide at check-out to process your orders on those sites.

Create and Manage your Account

§  Create and manage your Account, including providing you with access to your Account.

Marketing Meredith to You

§  We may use your information to market the Meredith’s Brands to you, as well as the products and services of the other companies owned by Meredith.

Personalize Your Experience on Our Sites, Including the Content and Ads Displayed to You

§  Customize the content and ads you see when you use our Sites, third party sites, and in our email communications.

§  Remember your browser settings and any preferences you set while using the Sites.

§  Recognize you across our Sites so that we may deliver relevant interest-based content and advertising to you.

Provide and Improve the Sites

§  Analyze, operate and improve our Sites (including repairing errors or debugging) or develop new ones.

§  Allow you to participate in features such as surveys, polls, sweepstakes, and message boards.

§  Measure and analyze visitor traffic and usage patterns and improve the quality and effectiveness of our Sites, features and related communications.

Advertising, Marketing and other Research for our Advertisers

§  Provide you with special offers, promotions and information from the Meredith companies, and select third parties (as permitted by law).

§  To understand trends in how the visitors to our Sites interact with the ads, content, and features on our Sites (e.g. your behavior on our Sites may be included in a general report about whether people prefer video content over written content on our Sites).

§  Help our Advertisers reach you by email.

§  Conduct market or audience analysis and related reporting (e.g. to give reports on who our visitors are and whether the ads displayed are effective).

Security and Fraud Prevention

§  Enforce our legal rights or comply with the law.

§  Prevent potentially prohibited or illegal activities, comply with applicable law and enforce our see the terms of service on the applicable website.


We may use your information for any other purposes disclosed to you at the time we collect your information, provided we have obtained the required consent.




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Who Do We Share Your Information With?

We may share your personal information with our other Meredith Companies, Service Providers, Social Media Platforms, Advertisers, and Third Party Data Partners.


§  Meredith Companies.  The Meredith Brands covered by this Privacy Statement share your personal information with each other, and will use that information as described in this Privacy Statement.  Our Brands also share your personal information with other companies in the Meredith family, which have their own privacy statements and are not subject to this Privacy Statement. 

§  Service Providers.  We engage Service Providers to provide services such as credit-card and billing processing, shipping, marketing, advertising optimization and interest-based targeting, email and text message distribution, data processing, mobile and website analytics, user authentication, security and promotions management.  We may share any information we collect about you with these Service Providers and authorize them to collect information from you directly to support the services they provide to us.  We do not authorize our Service Providers to share or use your information with any other third parties.

§  Social Media Platforms.  To make your experience with our Sites more enjoyable, we may offer features made available by social media platforms (such as likes or social sharing).  Some social media platforms may collect information directly from you pursuant to their own separate privacy policies which may differ from ours. Some social media platforms also act as our data partners, which means that we may share your personal information with them as described below under “Data Partners.”

§  Advertisers.  We are able to provide most of our Sites and other content to you for free with the help of the Advertisers who promote their products and services on our Sites.  Brands with ad-supported Sites share aggregate visitor information with Advertisers, which includes information about your demographics, Internet activity information, interests and preferences. In some cases, we share contact information (such as your name, age, and/or email address) or online identifiers with these Advertisers.  If you sign up for a special email offer from one of our Advertisers, our Brands will also share your email address and any other information you provided with your request with the advertisers you selected.

§  Data Partners. Some of our Brands provide select third party Data Partners with lists of our user email addresses in a hashed, encrypted or anonymized form that they use to recognize you.  These Data Partners will provide us with additional information about you (such as your interests, preferences or demographic information).  Other Data Partners use cookies and other tracking technologies to enable the delivery of interest-based advertising to users. We do not authorize our Data Partners to share your email address with their other clients.

§  Legal Compliance, Business Transfers, and Other Disclosures.  We disclose information about users of our Sites when we believe the law requires it. For example, to respond to compulsory process or law enforcement requests, to enforce our terms of service for relevant brands, or to protect the rights, property or safety of users, the public, Meredith Companies, Service Providers, Social Media Platforms, Advertisers, Data Partners, or third parties.  Over time, we may reorganize or transfer various assets and lines of business. We reserve the right to disclose or transfer any information we collect to third parties in connection with any proposed or actual purchase, sale, lease, merger, foreclosure, liquidation, amalgamation or any other type of acquisition, disposal, transfer, conveyance or financing of all or any portion of Meredith companies.



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How Can You Control Our Use of Your Information?

What Rights Do You Have?

§  Right to Know: You have the right to ask us to tell you what personal information we collect use, disclose and sell about you.

§  Right to Request Deletion: You have the right to ask us to delete the personal information we collect or maintain about you.

§  Right to be Free from Discrimination: You have the right not to be discriminated against for exercising these rights.

§  Right to Access or Correct Your Information: You have the right to request access to and to edit certain personal information that you have provided to us through our Sites.

We are only legally required to honor these rights in certain jurisdictions, but, we are working towards honoring these rights for all Meredith visitors.  If you are in the U.S. and wish to exercise your rights:

§  Information and Deletion Requests. To exercise your right to for information on our data collection practices on this Site or request deletion of the information on this Site, please use the request form available here We will need to verify that you are who you say you are before we delete or share personal information with you.  After you submit your request, you will be sent a confirmation email and need to click on the link provided. If you are a postal subscriber, we may need to request more information from you in order to verify your request.


What Other Choices Do You Have?

Marketing Communications

Postal Mail. To remove your name and postal address from lists that we sell or rent to third parties for their direct marketing purposes, or to opt-out of receiving marketing offers for other Meredith magazines and products by mail, please use the opt-out form available here or send your request to us in a letter addressed to Meredith Corporation, Opt-Out Postal, Attn: Circulation, 1716 Locust Street, Des Moines, Iowa 50309.

Note that if you choose to opt-out of Meredith’s promotional mailings, you may still receive renewal notices and related offers for any magazines to which you subscribe.

Email. You can opt-out from any Meredith email newsletter or other email list by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each message or by visiting Email Preferences (offered by some of our Brands) on our Sites and updating your preferences. If you no longer want to receive third party email offers that you requested through our Sites, simply follow the advertiser's unsubscribe link or opt-out instructions that should be included in every commercial message you receive.


Opt-Out of Cookies & Other Technologies.

There are a few ways to opt-out or delete cookies:


On your browser (Chrome, Safari, etc.).  The settings of the browser you use give you an option to accept or reject most cookies, or to notify you when a cookie is set. (Each browser is different, so check the "Help" menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.) Please be aware that certain browsers cannot block or delete so-called "Flash" cookies, which use a feature of the Adobe Flash video player to store information on your computer. For information about how to delete Flash cookies, please visit the Adobe website This will opt you out of cookies on the browser you are using. If you use multiple browsers, you will need to take this step for all relevant browsers.  Please note that denying all or certain cookies may result in a less personalized experience of some of the services offered on the website.


Opt-Out on a Mobile Device. Depending on your device and operating system, you may be able to reset your mobile device's advertising identifier to limit this data collection or prevent the collection of usage data across unaffiliated applications for interest-based advertising purposes by accessing the privacy settings on your mobile device. Each operating system, iOS for Apple devices, Android for Android devices and Windows for Microsoft devices, provides its own instructions. Visit the privacy settings for your mobile device or contact your platform operator for more information.


Opt-Out of Nielsen’s Tracking Technologies.  Some of our Advertisers and Brands may use Nielsen’s measurement services, which contribute to market research, like Nielsen’s TV and Online Campaign Ratings service.  Nielsen’s pixel may be in some of the ads on our Sites and will record whether or not you viewed the ad.  Nielsen uses the data it collects to create ratings reports for advertisers and publishers.  For more information about Nielsen's information collection practices and any related opt-out choices, please see the privacy policy.


Opt-Out of Interest-Based Advertising

We follow the Digital Advertising Alliance’s ("DAA") Self-Regulatory Principles for Online Behavioral advertising.

§  To opt-out of our use of your website viewing data to serve interest-based advertising on third party websites and email newsletters, visit the DAA’s Consumer Choice Page

§  You can also click on the Ad Choices located in the footer of our websites and navigate to the consumer opt-out form.

§  Most of the third party advertising and data companies we work with, including DoubleClick and Google also subscribe to the DAA Principles and/or are members of the Network Advertising Initiative ("NAI"). To learn more about the information collection practices of NAI members and your related opt-out choices, please visit the NAI's website.

§  You must opt-out separately from each computer or device and browser that you use to access our Sites and if you clear your cookies, you will need to repeat the opt-out process.

**Note that many of our websites allow you to adjust your cookie preferences. You can find these controls in the footer of our websites.


Mobile App Advertising and Tracking

Some of our brands may collect information about your mobile device, including unique advertising identifiers and the names and IDs of apps you have installed, as well as information about how you use our mobile applications and other unaffiliated applications. We and our partners use this information to enable interest-based advertising you receive through our Sites and within third party apps and other marketing channels.


For information about the mobile data collection practices of the service providers we use to support interest-based advertising in our AllRecipes mobile applications and your additional opt-out choices, click here and here.


Do Not Track

We do not currently respond to browser do-not-track signals. Instead, we adhere to the standards set out in this Privacy Statement and offer the opt-out choices described above.


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Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly allow anyone under the age of 16 to provide us with any personal information online. Children should always get permission from their parents before sharing any personal information about themselves over the Internet. If you're under 16, please do not register for the Sites or provide us with any personal information.

Additional Privacy Information

§  Contests and Other Co-Sponsored Promotions.  From time to time, we may offer contests, sweepstakes or other promotions. Participation in these promotions may require registration on our Sites.  We may share your registration information with co-sponsors or other third parties involved in the promotion that we identify in the rules or entry materials. We don't control these third parties' privacy practices, and our Privacy Statement does not apply to their collection and use of your information. We may also share some of your entry information with third parties or the public in connection with the administration of the promotion, such as winner selection and prize fulfillment, and as permitted by the promotion's official rules, such as on a winners' list.


§  Security, Retention and Storage of Information.  We use commercially reasonable procedures to protect the information that we collect. However, we cannot guarantee the security of our databases, nor can we guarantee that information you supply won't be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. Please see our terms of service for the relevant brand for more information related to posting materials on our Sites including our use of such materials.


§  Location of Your Data.  Meredith is a U.S. company and your personal information will be transferred to, processed, stored and accessed by us, the Meredith Companies and Service Providers in the United States and in other jurisdictions where we or they operate, which may not provide you with the same level of privacy protection as you are entitled to in your jurisdiction.


§  EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.  Meredith adheres to the principles of the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework (“Privacy Shield Principles”) as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information transferred from the European Union (“EU”) to the United States, and it is in the process of certifying its compliance with the U.S. Department of Commerce.  If there is any conflict between the terms in this Privacy Policy and the Privacy Shield Principles, the Privacy Shield Principles will govern.  To learn more about the Privacy Shield program, please visit the Privacy Shield website


Meredith is responsible for the processing of personal information it receives under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Framework, or subsequently transfers to a third party acting as an agent on its behalf. Meredith complies with the Privacy Shield Principles for all onward transfers from the EU and EEA, including onward transfer liability provisions. 


The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has jurisdiction over Meredith’s compliance with its obligations under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.  In certain situations, Meredith may be required to disclose personal information in response to a lawful request by public authorities, including to meet national security or law enforcement requirements. 


In compliance with the Privacy Shield Principles, Meredith commits to resolve complaints about our collection or use of your personal information.  EU individuals with inquiries or complaints regarding our Privacy Shield policy should first contact us at [email protected] If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint from us, or if we have not resolved your complaint, you may submit your complaint at no cost to you to JAMS, our independent recourse mechanism, at In the event there are residual complaints that have not been resolved by JAMS, or any other means, you may seek a non-monetary remedy through binding arbitration to be provided to you in accordance with the Privacy Shield Principles.

§  Changes to Our Privacy Policy.  Digital technology is rapidly evolving. If we decide to change our Privacy Statement in the future, we'll post the changes here and indicate at the top of the policy the last date on which it was updated. Unless otherwise noted, all changes will be effective when posted.




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Rights for Our California Residents

This section contains information on the personal information we collect about residents of California (our “California Consumers”), including the sources of that information, how that informed is used, who it is shared with, and the rights that California Consumers have under California law. Our collection of your information, our data sharing practices, and your privacy rights are discussed below.


    I.      Our Collection of Your Information


What Information Do We Collect About You?

Where Do We Collect this Information From?

Why Do We Collect this Information?

Who Do We Share this Information With?

Contact Information (Name, Email, Postal Address, Zip Code, Telephone Number)

§ From you when you register on our sites, subscribe to one of our publications, or otherwise submit this information to us.

§ From our Advertisers who place ads on Services.

§ From our Data Partners (these are companies who give us information about you to help us and our Advertisers understand who you are and what you may be interested in).

§  To contact you (to deliver our newsletters, surveys, and other communications to you).

§  To fulfill your subscriptions, orders and other requests.

§  To market our Services to you.

§  To create and manage your account when you register on our Services, and provide you with your membership benefits.

§  To combine with other information we receive from our Data Partners to help us learn more about you, your interests and preferences so that we can customize your experience on our Services (including the content and advertisements displayed to you).

§  To deliver targeted advertisements to you on social media platforms or other third party websites.

§  To help our Advertisers contact you.

§  To help us measure the effectiveness of the ads on our Services, including to understand whether you click on the ads on our Services and whether you buy the products/services advertised.

§  To prevent fraud, including verifying your identity

§ Service Providers (companies who use your personal information solely to provide services to us, including advertising, website support, analytics, payment processing, subscription/order fulfillment and customer service).

§ Data Partners (these are companies who we share personal information with to help us identify potential customers, and to understand who you are and what you may be interested in).

§ Our Advertisers (the brands that advertise on our Services and provide offers and other promotions to you).

§ Social Media Platforms.

§ Other Meredith Brands and Companies.

Account/Registration Information (Name, username, and password)

§ From You when you create an account or register on our Services.

§To create and manage your account when you register on our Services, and provide you with your membership benefits.


§ Service Providers (companies who use your personal information solely to provide services to us, including advertising, website support, analytics, subscription/order fulfillment and customer service).

Demographic Information (age, race, gender)

§ From You when you share that information with us on surveys, registration or other forms on our Services.

§ Data Partners (these are companies who give us information about you to help us and our Advertisers understand who you are and what you may be interested in).

§ To create consumer segments (groups of cookies and other IDs based on information we collect about, for example “Women age 35-44 who have purchased mascara.”, which we share with advertisers looking to sell mascara or products we think people who like mascara may also be interested in).

§ To serve targeted ads to you (to help us, our advertisers, and our advertising networks and platforms to identity the best ads to display to you on our Services, based on the Interests, Preferences and Other Behavioral Data associated with your online identifiers).

§ To help us identify you and understand your interests and preferences so that we can customize your experience on our Services (including the content and advertisements displayed to you).

§ Service Providers (companies who use your personal information solely to provide services to us, including advertising, website support, analytics, subscription/order fulfillment and customer service).

§ Our Advertisers (the brands that advertise on our Services and provide offers and other promotions to you).

§ Other Meredith Brands and Companies.

Online Identifiers (IP addresses, device IDs, and other internal and third party identifiers we use to recognize you online)

§ From Pixels, Cookies, and Other Tracking Technologies, which collect information about you when you visit our Services online.

§ Data Partners (these are companies who give us information about you to help us and our Advertisers understand who you are and what you may be interested in).

§ To create consumer segments (groups of cookies and other IDs based on information we collect about, for example “Women age 35-44 who have purchased mascara.”, which we share with advertisers looking to sell mascara or products we think people who like mascara may also be interested in).

§ To serve targeted ads to you (to help us, our advertisers, and our advertising networks and platforms to identity the best ads to display to you on our Services, based on the Interests, Preferences and Other Behavioral Data associated with your online identifiers).

§ To help us measure the effectiveness of the ads on our Services, including to understand whether you click on the ads on our Services and whether you buy the products/services advertised.

§ Service Providers (companies who use your personal information solely to provide services to us, including advertising, website support, analytics).

§ Data Partners (these are companies who we share personal information with to help us identify potential customers, and to understand who you are and what you may be interested in).

§ Our Advertisers (the brands that advertise on our Services and provide offers and other promotions to you).

§ Other Meredith Brands and Companies.

Online activity information (browsing history, search history, information about your interactions with our Services)

§ From Pixels, Cookies, and Other Tracking Technologies, which collect information about you when you visit our Services online.

§  Data Partners (these are companies who give us information about you to help us and our Advertisers understand who you are and what you may be interested in).

§ To create consumer segments (groups of cookies and other IDs based on information we collect about, for example “Women age 35-44 who have purchased mascara.”, which we share with advertisers looking to sell mascara or products we think people who like mascara may also be interested in).

§ To serve targeted ads to you (to help us, our advertisers, and our advertising networks and platforms to identity the best ads to display to you on our Services, based on the Interests, Preferences and Other Behavioral Data and Online Activity associated with your online identifiers).

§ To help us measure the effectiveness of the ads on our Services, including to understand whether you click on the ads on our Services and whether you buy the products/services advertised.

§ Service Providers (companies who use your personal information solely to provide services to us, including advertising, website support, analytics).

§ Data Partners (these are companies who we share personal information with to help us identify potential customers, and to understand who you are and what you may be interested in).

§ Our Advertisers (the brands that advertise on our Services and provide offers and other promotions to you).

Other Meredith Brands and Companies.

Payment Information

§ From you when your place an order on our Services. 

§  To fulfill your subscriptions and orders, and any refund requests.


§ Service Providers (companies who use your personal information solely to process your payments on our behalf).

Interests, Preferences and other Behavioral Data (including purchase behaviors)

§ Data Partners (these are companies who give us information about you to help us and our Advertisers understand who you are and what you may be interested in).

§ From Pixels, Cookies, and Other Tracking Technologies, which collect information about you when you visit our Services online.


§ To create consumer segments (groups of cookies and other IDs based on information we collect about, for example “Women age 35-44 who have purchased mascara.”, which we share with advertisers looking to sell mascara or products we think people who like mascara may also be interested in).

§ Service Providers (companies who use your personal information solely to provide services to us, including advertising, website support, analytics).

§ Data Partners (these are companies who we share personal information with to help us identify potential customers, and to understand who you are and what you may be interested in).

§ Our Advertisers (the brands that advertise on our Services and provide offers and other promotions to you).

Other Meredith Brands and Companies.


   II.      Our Data Sharing Practices

We share the personal information below with our Service Providers. Our Service Providers help us send our newsletters to you, fulfill your orders, provide advertising and marketing services, and analytics, and other activities that support our business Service Providers only use the personal information we share with them to provide these services to us. 

Below are the categories of personal information we disclose to our Service Providers:

Data We Sell to Third Parties

In some limited circumstances, some of our Brands share your personal information with third parties who we allow to use that information for their own commercial purposes. 

Below are the categories of personal information that some of our Brands sell to third parties:

§  Contact Information

§  Online Identifiers

§  Online Activity Information

§  Interests, Preferences and other Behavioral Data


           III.      Your Privacy Rights

What Rights Do You Have?

§  Shine the Light Rights – You have the right to request and obtain from us, once a year and free of charge, a list of the third parties to whom we have disclosed certain types of personal information (if any) for their direct marketing purposes in the prior calendar year. At our option, we may respond to such requests by providing instructions about how our users can exercise their options to prevent our disclosure of personal information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes.

§  Right to Opt-Out of a Sale of Personal Information You have the right to ask us not to sell your information to third parties.

IV.      How Do You Submit These Requests to Us?

In addition to the rights detailed in the How Can You Control Our Use of Your Information?” section above, California residents can:

§  Contact us to exercise your Shine the Light Rights at [email protected].

§  Opt-Out of Sales. To opt-out of the sale of your personal information on this website click here


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How Can You Learn More

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about the Meredith Corporation. Privacy Statement or its implementation please contact us via email by clicking here or by writing to:


Meredith Corporation

Attn: Privacy Officer

1716 Locust Street

Des Moines, Iowa 50309

[email protected]
