book cover of The Orphan

The Orphan

(The first book in the Beast series)
A novel by

John W. Campbell Best Book (nominee)
John W. Campbell Best Book (nominee)
John W. Campbell Best Book (nominee)
Nebula Awards Best Novel (nominee)
The werewolf is a creature of the night, a solitary, fur-covered thing. A wild-eyed, five clawed beast with a taste for blood and the soft crunch of bone between the teeth. But as little Robert, the werewolf has been adopted by a kindly farmer and his wife. Neither Robert nor the monster could control the shifting of its form, and always, the emerged beast lurked within, ready to spring for the throat.

Genre: Horror

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Used availability for Robert Stallman's The Orphan

Paperback Editions

April 1989 : UK Paperback

Title: The Orphan, The
Author(s): Robert Stallman
ISBN: 1-870532-03-1 / 978-1-870532-03-7 (UK edition)
Publisher: Kinnell Publications Ltd
Availability: Amazon   Amazon UK   

March 1980 : USA Paperback

Title: The Orphan
Author(s): Robert Stallman
ISBN: 0-671-46758-1 / 978-0-671-46758-6 (USA edition)
Publisher: Pocket
Availability: Amazon   Amazon UK   Amazon CA   Amazon AU   

November 1981 : UK Paperback

Title: The Orphan - The First Book of the Beast
Author(s): Robert Stallman
ISBN: 0-583-13475-0 / 978-0-583-13475-0 (UK edition)
Publisher: Granada
Availability: Amazon   Amazon UK   

March 1980 : USA Paperback

Author(s): Robert Stallman
ISBN: 0-671-82958-0 / 978-0-671-82958-2 (USA edition)
Publisher: Pocket
Availability: Amazon   Amazon UK   Amazon CA