book cover of Rogue Dragon

Rogue Dragon

(The second book in the Kar-Chee series)
A novel by

Nebula Awards Best Novel (nominee)
Jon-Joras had come to Earth simply to oversee arrangements for a dragon hunt to amuse his king. These hunts were as much pageantry as sport -- the dragons, brought to Earth centuries before as pets of an alien race, were powerful but slow-witted. But suddenly the dragons had become dangerous -- quick, deceptive, a menace to the nobles who hunted them. And Jon-Joras found himself caught in the middle of an uprising that could shake the powers that ruled the star-worlds.

Genre: Science Fiction

Used availability for Avram Davidson's Rogue Dragon

Paperback Editions

October 2009 : USA Paperback

Title: Rogue Dragon (New Classics of the Fantastic)
Author(s): Avram Davidson
ISBN: 1-60010-491-6 / 978-1-60010-491-6 (USA edition)
Publisher: IDW Publishing
Availability: Amazon   Amazon UK   Amazon CA   

Kindle Editions

September 2012 : UK Kindle edition

Title: Rogue Dragon (Gateway Essentials Book 2)
Author(s): Avram Davidson
Publisher: Gateway
Availability: Amazon UK   

August 2012 : USA Kindle edition

Title: Rogue Dragon: The Sequel to The Kar-Chee Reign (Prologue Science Fiction)
Author(s): Avram Davidson
Publisher: Prologue Books
Availability: Amazon