How Facebook’s Messenger Kids App Turned Its Fate Around Amid Nationwide Quarantine

Critics once called on Mark Zuckerberg to scrap Messenger Kids. He didn't. Now it's one of the most popular apps of lockdown.

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Publisher Profile: How Three Rooms Press Operates

Three Rooms Press was founded by Peter Carlaftes and Kat Georges and publishes nonfiction, memoir, fiction, and young adult, and welcomes LGBTQ titles. In this interview, they discuss advice for authors submitting manuscripts, their bestselling titles, and book launches during the COVID-19 pandemic.
May 13, 2020

How Online Communities Are Saving The World

COVID-19 has forced many of us to take a step back and define the importance of communities. When the most vulnerable are feeling the crisis at its most brutal, it’s incumbent on us all to step up and find ways to build (and sometimes rebuild) communities so that we can get through this.