PhishEye — Login Required

Phishing campaigns often use deceptive domain names to accomplish their nefarious goals. These look-alike domains can either exist in the email in the From field, or in the body of the email as the link they want the victim to click on. Phishing is the most often-used vector in successful data breaches, and targets an organization's employees, its customers, or the world at large, with alarming effectiveness. Basic prevention can and should start with monitoring the Internet for "phishy" domain name registrations.

DomainTools discovers more newly-registered domain names every day than any other organization in the world. PhishEye enables you to surface existing and new domains that spoof legitimate brand, product, organization, or other names, so that you can carry out defensive or investigative actions against them.


What Can I Do With PhishEye?

  • Search the world's largest database of domains to find currently-registered domains that mimic keywords such as a brand or company name
  • Set up alerts to learn of new domains matching the same criteria
  • Download the domain information in order to block them in email or web filtering, IPS, or other security systems
  • Investigate the domains in DomainTools Iris to learn more about the actors who registered them and their larger networks of malicious infrastructure

Key Features:

  • 14 categories of typos, as well as prefixes, suffixes, and exact string inclusions, in order to find the widest variety of relevant domains
  • Alerts that notify you of new domain registrations--whether or not the registrant has provisioned the domains in DNS
  • Domain profile information on all discovered domains, including DomainTools Risk Score, registrant information, and other
  • Direct export to DomainTools Iris for investigation
  • Export to .csv for easy building of custom domain blacklists


If you are already a DomainTools customer with PhishEye access, please log in. If you do not have access but would like to, please call or email us:

P: +1 (206) 838-9020
E: [email protected]