Get to know us

Founded in 2005 and headquartered in London, and with a reach of over 35 million people, PinkNews is the world’s most read and watched LGBT+ publication. With a huge audience on our owned and operated platforms, along with a huge reach thorough our partnerships with the major social media platforms and the ability to target LGBT+ users on other gay, lesbian and trans apps and websites, PinkNews offers a 360o solution for any advertiser wanting to target the LGBT+ market.


More than four million unique users visit the PinkNews website every month


As the only LGBT+ Snapchat Discover partner, we reach 30 million people every month


We can reach virtually every engaged LGBT+ person on Twitter through content sponsorships


We reach millions of people through the events we put on and the PR that they generate


PinkNews’ in-house design team works alongside our partners to create amazing campaigns

Our Brands

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The LGBT+ Audience

Have an annual spending power of £100bn in the UK alone

Have 25% higher disposable income than their straight cousins

Spend 35% more time online than their straight counterparts

LGBT households make 10% more shopping trips than the average household

Are twice as likely to have a college degree

Spend 48% more on wine

43% more spending on tech

Spend 36% more on pet care

32% higher spend on grooming

Spend 48% more on music

14% more likely to have a gym membership

Spend 35% more on spirits

25% more likely to subscribe to a streaming service

More likely to be the first in their friendship circle to try new things

22% more likely to purchase an item of clothing worth $500 or more

… and finally, 50% of NON-LGBT+ people said they were more likely to consider buying from a brand after seeing LGBT+ inclusive adverting.

Information sourced from The Nielsen 2015 LGBT Consumer Report

The PinkNews Audience













We reach more people per month than any other LGBT+ media brand:


– 35M+ combined monthly unique reach

4.5M monthly unique website visitors (Google analytics)

– 30M unique users on our Snapchat discover channel

500,000 Facebook fans

– 188K Twitter followers

– 50K Instagram followers

All metrics as of June 2019

Our Clients

PinkNews helps the worlds largest brands connect with the LGBT+ market. Here are a few of the amazing companies we’ve worked with:

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