What’s On TV? – Sunday (12/22/2019) – Star Wars, ‘Mr. Robot’, and Plenty of Christmas Programming


The weekend before Christmas is traditionally not one that sees a ton of new content from cable or network shows. Still, we’ll see one popular TNT show’s reign come to a close, and plenty of holiday specials to get everyone in an appropriately festive mood.


“Mr. Robot” (TNT) at 10:00 PM EST

Tonight, TNT’s “Mr. Robot” has its series finale after four seasons of alternately confusing and delighting audiences. Rami Malek has seen the show through its peak acclaim early on in the show’s run (when he won an Emmy for his performance during its first season), through leaner years when it had found a small but dedicated fanbase. But while the show is ending, it looks as though it has one or two more surprises up its sleeve before it’s over.


“The Price Is Right at Night: A Holiday Extravaganza” (CBS) at 8:00 PM EST

Ever wish you could recapture that feeling of being a child home sick watching “The Price is Right?” Tonight, Drew Carey will be hosting a special episode of the iconic daytime game show, featuring David Boreanaz and other cast members of the military drama “SEAL Team.” They’ll be competing on the show to raise money for the Headstrong Project, a charity that provides mental health services for veterans and their families. This will be the first of a two-part event, concluded tomorrow when Seth Rogen will be guesting on the show.


“Star Wars” Marathon (TNT) – all-day

For those of you who are planning on running out to see “Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker” over the holiday break, you may want to get yourself in the appropriate headspace by watching some of the older Star Wars films at any point throughout the day. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like “Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi” will be airing, and they’ve chosen not to put them in any particular order. But still, any Star Wars is better than no Star Wars!

“It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas” (Hallmark) at 8:00 PM EST

What’s Christmas without a painfully cheesy holiday movie on the Hallmark channel? Tonight’s offering is “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas,” in which two hypercompetitive New Hampshire mayors have each entered their respective towns in a Christmas Spirit Competition. To the surprise of no one, romance blossoms just in time for the holidays!


Still looking for something to watch? Check out more of tonight’s lineup below!

  • “Kids Say the Darndest Things” (ABC) at 8:00 PM EST
  • “Ray Donovan” (Showtime) at 8:00 PM EST
  • “America in Color” (Smithsonian) at 8:00 PM EST
  • “Dublin Murders” (Starz) at 8:00 PM EST
  • “Russian Yeti: The Killer Lives” (Travel) at 8:00 PM EST
  • “Shameless” (Showtime) at 9:00 PM EST
  • “The Year: 2019” (ABC) at 9:00 PM EST
  • “Aerial America” (Smithsonian) at 9:00 PM EST
  • “Keeping Up With the Kardashians” (E!) at 9:00 PM EST
  • “Star Wars Resistance” (Disney) at 10:00 PM EST
  • “Holiday Gingerbread Showdown” (Food) at 10:00 PM EST
  • “The L Word: Generation Q” (Showtime) at 10:00 PM EST
  • “House Hunters International” (HGTV) at 10:30 PM EST
  • “Work in Progress” (Showtime) at 11:00 PM EST

What are you watching tonight? Let us know in the comments below!