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The Goonies

Movie review by
Charles Cassady Jr., Common Sense Media
The Goonies Movie Poster Image
Classic '80s adventure has lots of swearing, some scares.
  • PG
  • 1985
  • 114 minutes
Parents recommendPopular with kids

Parents say

age 10+
Based on 74 reviews

Kids say

age 9+
Based on 88 reviews

We think this movie stands out for:

A lot or a little?

The parents' guide to what's in this movie.

Positive Messages

Although there's some stereotyping and conflict/other iffy behavior among characters, overall the movie promotes positive messages about teamwork, believing in yourself, and the triumph of the underdog. Additional themes include curiosity and perseverance.

Positive Role Models & Representations

The kids do their share of bickering, but they're also fiercely loyal to each other. Some stereotyping -- the fat kid, the jock older brother, the Asian who's a gadget fanatic, etc. A physically disabled grown man is considered a "monster" by his family and is chained up under the stairs. But he befriends one of the kids and gets his chance to shine.


Death and torture are constantly threatened and implied. Even though all that really happens is lots of falling down and getting wet, there are plenty of crushed/impaled skeletons along the way for maximum gruesomeness. Young kids also discover a frozen dead body.


Some kissy-kissy stuff, and off-color humor about a nude classical statue's genitalia; teen boy adjusts rearview mirror to see up cheerleader's skirt.


Several uses of "s--t" (by both kids and grown-up lowlifes), as well as "bulls--t," "damn," "goddamn," "ass," "hell," etc.


Brands seen/used/mentioned include Pepsi, Domino's Pizza, etc.

Drinking, Drugs & Smoking

What parents need to know

Parents need to know that The Goonies is a rambunctious, noisy, pirate-themed treasure-hunt action-fantasy -- all the ingredients that kids will love. Kids are in peril, find a dead body, are being hunted by thieves who are after their treasure map, and fall into all kinds of trouble. Beyond the (now-dated) special effects, cavernous (literally) sets, stunts, hideous skeletons, and outsized props, there's a message about being yourself and bonding with your friends and siblings -- even if they're outcasts. Some stereotyping -- the fat kid, the jock older brother, the Asian who's a gadget fanatic, etc. A physically disabled grown man is considered a "monster" by his family and is chained up under the stairs. Expect some vulgar humor and swearing (including "s--t"). There are jokes about a nude classical statue's genitalia, and a teen boy adjusts his rearview mirror to see up a cheerleader's skirt. The movie may be too scary for some kids, so know your kid before you watch.

User Reviews

  • Parents say
  • Kids say
Parent of a 4, 8, and 10 year old Written byshamashauna November 25, 2010

Not good....

We were excited to watch this with our kids but had to turn it off. Too many inappropriate situations and way too much swearing. Probably not a movie we will... Continue reading
Adult Written byunrob9 March 14, 2019

Sexual Torture Devices? Cocaine, Heroine and Speed References

Horrid. The s**t word occurs easily 20-30 times in this film. Corey Feldman's character references - Cocaine, heroine, speed, marijuana and yes "Sexua... Continue reading
Teen, 13 years old Written byjames brown April 9, 2008

good but, not good at the same time

what all the adults say about the s-word is true. In a PG-13 or R movie I would of expected it and not mineded it as much, but it's kind of disturbing on a... Continue reading
Kid, 10 years old January 22, 2011

What's the story?

THE GOONIES is set in a coastal town in the Pacific Northwest, where a homey, slightly ramshackle neighborhood called the Goondocks is threatened with foreclosure and redevelopment by nasty yuppies. Local kids, motley outcasts known as "goonies," are cleaning out when they find a treasure map and clues to the legendary loot of a 17th-century pirate chieftain, `One-Eyed Willie.' With that kind of windfall the goonies could save their homes. Clues lead the kids beneath a closed-down restaurant, lair of a crime family of counterfeiters, who keep a super-strong, monstrously-deformed son, known as Sloth (the late football star John Matuszak), chained in the basement. The bad guys chase after the children, who must negotiate a number of deadly Rube Goldberg booby-traps set centuries ago by One-Eyed Willie, as they explore through a maze of underground caverns and skeleton-strewn chambers (always nicely lit, somehow). Fortunately, a captured goonie, the fat, clumsy Chunk (Jeff Cohen) befriends Sloth, who lumbers to the whole gang's rescue.

Is it any good?

Imagine the Bad News Bears in the Temple of Doom of the Caribbean. That sums up this rambunctious, 1980s adventure romp from Steven Spielberg's production company and screenwriter Chris Columbus (himself later to direct the Harry Potter features). Director Richard Donner (whose Superman: The Movie is made the subject of one gag reference) got solid performances out of an ensemble of young talent -- Mikey (Sean Astin), Brand (Josh Brolin), Mouth (Corey Feldman), Chunk, Data (Jonathan Ke Quan). While Mikey's older sibling Brand tries to disassociate himself from the misfit goonies and hang out with the cooler guys at high school, by the end of the movie he's bonded with his kid brother. Of course, little emotional details like that are sometimes lost with the theme-park-scale waterfalls, waterslides, drawbridges, and a full-sized treasure ship around which the plot is erected.

Jonathan Ke Quan had just starred as the engaging little-boy sidekick opposite Harrison Ford in the blockbuster Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and it's easy to pigeonhole The Goonies as much the same material, with less onscreen gore and pitched more obviously at the elementary-school and junior-high audience. And while there's nothing too wrong with that, The Goonies does feel every bit as long as its 114 minutes and contains some pretty obnoxious commercial-product placements and "cute" swearing. And no Johnny Depp or Harrison Ford in the cast to outdo the special effects, though the makeup people did a pretty good job on the grotesque Sloth.

Talk to your kids about ...

  • Families can talk about the excitement within The Goonies. What about the film inspires adventure in your kid?

  • What kind of bond do these friends have? Are the characters relatable?

  • How do the characters in The Goonies demonstrate curiosity, perseverance, and teamwork? Why are those important character strengths?

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