Every year, the Primetime Emmy Awards honor what is supposed to be the best that television has to offer. But Emmy voters don't always know what the best television actually is. Sorry, but you know it's true. And while we don't know for sure that today's Emmy voters don't watch most of the TV shows that are currently out there, we wouldn't be surprised by it. After all, there is a lot of TV out there! We can hardly keep up with it all, and it's literally our job to keep up with it all. So, as voting continues through June 24 to determine who and what will be nominated for an Emmy come July, we thought we would help out those overwhelmed Emmy voters and provide a little guidance.

Here are the actors, actresses, and TV shows that deserve to be nominated for an Emmy in 2019.

Check back every day this week for more of TV Guide's dream Emmy nominees.

<p>Aisha Dee, Katie Stevens, and Meghann Fahy, <em>The Bold Type</em> </p>

Aisha Dee, Katie Stevens, and Meghann Fahy, The Bold Type

Nominate The Bold Type for an Emmy, You Absolute Cowards

The Bold Type doesn't necessarily need to stand alongside Game of Thrones and the other drama series earmarked for the Television Academy's top category. But there are a lot of Emmy categories! And The Bold Type is a show that should get some Academy recognition for how it so accurately depicts modern millennial work culture and the media landscape writ-large in such a heightened, delightfully entertaining fashion. Keep reading about why The Bold Type deserves an Emmy nomination...

<p>Chris Geere, <em>You're the Worst</em> </p>

Chris Geere, You're the Worst

You're the Worst's Chris Geere Deserves an Emmy, Goddamnit

There are many moments we could point to as reasons for why Chris Geere deserves an Emmy nomination; no one is better at blusteringly delivering sub-par heckles or hiding his true feelings under an unearned bravado. But it's a beautiful, silent, powerful moment in You're the Worst's series finale that we always come back to when we think not only of this show, but of everything we've watched over the past year. It's also a great reminder that Geere is always at his best when he breaks from his smug, on-screen persona. Keep reading about why You're the Worst's Chris Geere deserves an Emmy nomination...

<p>Olivia Williams, <em>Counterpart</em> </p>

Olivia Williams, Counterpart

Nominating Counterpart for an Emmy Would Make Its Cancellation Hurt a Bit Less

In its second season, Counterpart deepened its already complex narrative as it further explored the depths of human nature and our ability to change while also providing viewers with some much-needed answers. It blended genres, and its ability to effortlessly bounce between intellectual and thrilling is what made it wholly unique, a true original at a time in which originality feels like it's on its last legs. In a world where novelty is dying, Counterpart bravely created a new one that thrived on intrigue. Keep reading about Counterpart and why it deserves an Emmy nomination...

<p>Sarah Goldberg, <em>Barry</em> </p>

Sarah Goldberg, Barry

Hey, Emmy Voters, Sarah Goldberg Is Just as Vital to Barry as Everyone Else

With less fanfare than any of her co-stars, Sarah Goldberg gave one of the year's best performances in Barry's second season, which was about characters trying and failing to change. The self-destructive nature of Sally's narcissism became depressingly evident through the show's artful writing and Goldberg's complex performance, which does an amazing job of making you care about and understand Sally even if you don't like her. Keep reading about why Barry's Sarah Goldberg deserves an Emmy nomination...

<p>Penn Badgley, YOU </p>

Penn Badgley, YOU

It's 2019 and Penn Badgley Is an Emmy Contender, Deal With It

YOU is dark, repellent stuff — and while the satire of Joe's grotesque male entitlement is embedded in the writing, it's easy to imagine the performance getting away from a star unwilling to come off as so evil and pathetic. But that's not Penn Badgley, who dives into the material head first and comes out with a performance that recalls Anthony Perkins as Norman Bates and Robert De Niro as Travis Bickle. It's an incredible turn to watch, especially for fans of Gossip Girl, which was not necessarily known for its complex performances. Keep reading about YOU's Penn Badgley and why he deserves an Emmy nomination...

<p><em>Schitt's Creek</em> </p>

Schitt's Creek

Everyone on Schitt's Creek Deserves an Emmy, Like, Yesterday

Schitt's Creek is the best comedy on television, a rare gem that is both radically empathetic and riotously funny. The story of the formerly wealthy Rose family — parents Moira (Catherine O'Hara) and Johnny (Eugene Levy) and their adult children, David (Dan Levy) and Alexis (Annie Murphy) — who relocate to a small town after losing their fortune, Schitt's Creek is packed with characters who are easier to love in person than they might have been on paper. For everything the show owes to its whip-smart scripts, it sings because the cast is capable of embracing that tension. If we lived in a world as kind as the one depicted in the show, the whole ensemble would be rolling in Emmy nominations. Keep reading about the cast of Schitt's Creek and why everyone deserves an Emmy nomination...

<p>Maya Rudolph, <em>Forever</em> </p>

Maya Rudolph, Forever

Maya Rudolph Deserves an Emmy Nomination for Giving Us Life... After Death in Forever

Maya Rudolph has, time and time again, proven that she is capable of pulling in big belly laughs, but in Forever she's shows us that her performances can be more nuanced and stick with you far longer than a one-off joke or some slapstick comedy. Her performance shines through in little moments she's able to convey. She's able to take things that might read bland on the page and turn them into something that resonates deeply with viewers as they wonder about their own paths through life. Keep reading about why Forever's Maya Rudolph deserves an Emmy nomination...

<p>Hank Azaria, <em>Brockmire</em> </p>

Hank Azaria, Brockmire

Give Hank Azaria's Foul F---ing Mouth on Brockmire an Emmy Nomination

Hank Azaria is an artist and creative cussing and depraved descriptions are the paints that fill his palette. And when he gets to show off those master strokes in Brockmire, it is beautiful. But in Season 3, Azaria was tasked with becoming more of a listener as Brockmire achieved sobriety. He turned into a problem-solver for those around him rather than a troublemaker for everyone, peeling back a new layer as Brockmire transformed into the compassionate friend. Azaria rose to the occasion effortlessly, toning down the Brockmire shtick to show off a man in the midst of self-repair, one who found joy in life and baseball rather than wallowed in misery and what-could-have-been. Keep reading about why Brockmire's Hank Azaria deserves an Emmy nomination...

<p>Phoebe Waller-Bridge in <em>Fleabag</em> </p>

Phoebe Waller-Bridge in Fleabag

Fleabag Broke Our Hearts; Only an Emmy Nomination Can Heal Us

If there's one show that deserves to earn an Emmy nomination this year, it's Fleabag. Phoebe Waller-Bridge's flawless second season playing the titular character, three years after insisting she was done with the story, is hands-down the best television we've seen in 2019. As Fleabag, Waller-Bridge breaks open our hearts but fills them with hope, and keeps us laughing through it all. In the end, she's alone when she walks away from her audience, sparing us a small wave goodbye, carrying the coveted statue of her mother's form, which offers her (and us) a sliver of comfort. It's a testament to Waller-Bridge's skill as a writer and an actor that the show's ending is at once shattering and satisfying. Keep reading about why Fleabag deserves an Emmy nomination...

<p>Rachel Bloom, <em>Crazy Ex-Girlfriend</em> </p>

Rachel Bloom, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

It's Your Last Chance to Give Rachel Bloom Her Much-Deserved Emmy Nomination for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

There have been so many moments on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend that have made Rachel Bloom's writing and acting throughout the show Emmy-worthy, but it all boils down to the brilliance in making sure viewers still root for Rebecca after all the highs and lows of her journey of self-acceptance. We've seen Rebecca self-sabotage and even plot to ruin the lives of others, but even at her absolute worst, she manages to make fans see bits of themselves in her. Bloom has given Rebecca so much depth and heart that it's impossible to not want the best for her by the end. Keep reading about why Crazy Ex-Girlfriend's Rachel Bloom deserves an Emmy nomination...

<p>Alex Høgh Andersen, <em>Vikings</em> </p>

Alex Høgh Andersen, Vikings

Vikings' Alex Høgh Andersen Turned Ivar's Pain Into Art and for That He Needs an Emmy Nomination

Alex Høgh Andersen's performance as Vikings' Ivar the Boneless will sit on your skin like a film, uncomfortable to the point where you wish to wash it off, but also so unique that you curiously continue craving the texture. It's indelible. Unpredictability proves to be his greatest weapon as he draws us in with a voice that seems like it might belong to a friend. It's light and gentle, yet also unnerving. We're so used to Vikings being portrayed as chest-voiced brutes, so to see the fiercest of them all speak as though he was whispering to a child is deeply disturbing. It leads the character to possess a wicked grace, a treacherous elegance. Andersen chooses his moments. It'd be easy to yell and scream and throw axes in every scene, but that's not the way Ivar is portrayed. Keep reading about why Vikings' Alex Høgh Andersen deserves an Emmy nomination...

Emmy nominations will be announced Tuesday, July 16. The 71st Primetime Emmy Awards will be broadcast Sunday, Sept. 22 at 8 p.m. ET/5 p.m. PT on Fox.