

  • Scourge of air pollution

    Air pollution is a silent killer. The noxious gases and sooty particles emitted by car, truck and motorcycle exhausts have been linked to a range of diseases. According to a new study, in Malta these pollutants are estimated to cut short the lives...

  • Holding the country hostage - Roberta Metsola

    Imagine this scene from a movie or a TV series. Police surround a building taken over by criminals and try to re-establish a lawful situation. The criminals have taken hostages and are holding guns to their heads. The police are armed, but the...

  • Question time: All the brigadier’s men

    Alex Saliba, Labour Party MEP candidate Members of the Armed Forces of Malta are not considered public officers under Maltese law, not regulated by the Public Administration Act or the Public Service Commission. Their engagement and promotions...

  • Life after Bouteflika - André DeBattista

    Life after Bouteflika - André DeBattista

    In the wake of peaceful protests, a frail-looking Abdelaziz Bouteflika, President of Algeria since 1999, announced that he would not stand as a candidate in the forthcoming elections. The ruling party – the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) –...

  • Clouded vision

    Prime Minister Joseph Muscat was quoted as telling a herd of sheep at Siġġiewi on March 24 that today, more than ever before, Malta is a symbol of peace, equality and a nation that welcomes everyone, except, of course, the boatload of refugees he...

  • Meagre pension

    I retired at the age of 61 with a Treasury pension and a social security pension. When my wife retired, my social security pension was drastically reduced. Now I am just under 70 – almost nine years later – with my social security pension having...

  • Hidden jewel

    Hidden jewel

    Anyone who would like to visit the magical Villa Frere Gardens (pictured) has to go through the gates of St Luke’s Hospital and arrive near the helipad and the Pietà primary school, behind Karin Grech Hospital. Here one finds a small path that...

  • Prayers

    I refer to the letter by John Azzopardi titled ‘Through Mary’s help’ (March 19). The writer refers to a prayer he found in a Żabbar playing field. It might interest readers to know that this prayer is the concluding paragraph of a daily Act of...

  • Libya is not safe: Putting the migrants' incident into perspective

    Libya is not safe: Putting the migrants' incident into perspective

    On March, 27, the commercial tanker Elhiblu 1 was allegedly taken over by five of the 108 migrants it had saved from potentially drowning in the Mediterranean, in their attempt to cross from Libya to Europe. Was this an act of piracy, as declared...

  • ‘Trading airspace’ proposal

    A meeting between the Malta Developers’ Association and the Prime Minister led to a new idea aimed at discouraging developers from building in the remaining unspoilt urban areas. MDA head Sandro Chetcuti said: “Our towns and villages are...

  • Innovative or a Trojan Horse? - Anthony Ellul

    The Malta Developers Association’s recent proposal for the introduction of a planning tool or mechanism used in several countries and known as ‘Transferable Development Rights’, or TDR, has been received with some scepticism and concern from...

  • Church attendance - Frank Salt

    We wonder why our Church services are not well attended, except by those who are rapidly approaching the time when their expectations of another life are around the corner.  Or those, who were brought up to believe, as I was, and continue to...

  • Respecting the human stories - Neil Falzon

    In his opinion piece of March 23 entitled ‘Self-respecting’, Steve Pace makes a number of incorrect assertions on the relationship between abortion and fundamental human rights. He frames his piece as two parallel narratives. One narrative talks...

  • Gozo tunnel debate - Arnold Cassola

    We Maltese and Gozitan citizens must be grateful to the Gozitan NGO Wirt Għawdex. In fact, it is thanks to this NGO that we finally managed to really start a debate on the pros and cons of the Gozo tunnel. Until March 18, we citizens were being...

  • Call for immediate action - Carmel Vella

    After writing about the problems of farmers last January following your editorial on the same subject, other readers have voiced their concerns in your paper. All have agreed on the risks arising from the present difficult situation and asked for...

  • First-class care

    Between October and December 2018 I was unlucky enough to be hospitalised several times with sepsis, leading to possible endocarditis. As I already have a replacement heart valve and a pacemaker this was very bad news. I was variously admitted to...

  • UK’s claim

    I am in full agreement with the sentiments expressed in Hadrian Cassar Torreggiani’s letter (‘Significant symbols’, March 26). However, I must point out that the fleur-de-lys once used on the arms of the United Kingdom, far from symbolising French...

  • No quality at all

    No quality at all

    According to the weather reports, rainfall fell practically equally throughout the island. Consequently, all the island’s inhabitants were subjected to the constant rainfall on Wednesday, March 27. Driving in Malta has, for some time now, become a...

  • Enforcement powers

    In 2005, all the doors in the road where I reside in Fgura were renumbered and we were warned in writing by the police that legal action may be taken against those who failed to comply within seven days. Yet, a travel agency further up the road...

  • We are what we eat - Godfrey Farrugia

    Over the past years, what people eat has changed drastically as a result of globalisation. Even the famed Mediterranean diet has made way for the increased availability of unhealthy and more processed foods.  A supermarket centric and...